~Sim City `A Brief Collection of Terrain Editing Tips - By Simon Burrows ~`[Read the article in Issue 31 of Cheet Sheets entitled Sim City ~`Classics (in the hints, tips and suggestions section) if you are ~`unsure about the Terrain Editor mentioned here...] `This tip goes out to all of you with a version of Sim City which `includes a Terrain Editor (eg, Sim City Classics). Quite simply, `you can use the terrain editor to cheat by supressing disaster `problems such as flood and fire. If you have these disasters, `pause the game, pop-up the terrain editor and cover over the `affected segments of your city with dirt (or whatever else you `might fancy). When you begin play, the problem will have gone. `Note that this will not, however, work for monsters, tornados etc `because these are not actually part of the ground (duhhhh!) but `moving sprites. `As mentioned in Issue 31 of Cheets Sheets, you can also use the `Terrain Editor to cut down on bulldozing costs: whenever you `need to bulldoze some land so it is suitable for building on, `apply dirt to it instead! This can be especially useful for `clearing up the mess after an earthquake/big fire etc., or to `clear sections of underfunded road/railroad for reconstruction. `A final tip: By using the water option of the Terrain Editor, you `can make canals through your city. If you then build a port at 1 `end of the canal, you can direct ships along it by generating a `path for them to follow with the channel option. This is probably `only for fun as I don't think ships relieve traffic problems! ` ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ~`By Simon "LuDeCk" Burrows ` ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ `ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ~` THIS DOCUMENT: COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 EUROWAVE LEISURE Ltd. ~` COURTESY OF SIMON BURROWS `ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ