~Alone in the Dark 1 !DARK_1.PCX `Complied by Simon "LuDeCk" Burrows `Since the makers of this great game have just re-released it in a `boxed set with its two sequals: Alone in the Dark 2 and 3, I decided `to dig out some maps I drew up long ago and convert them to electic `format for your viewing pleasure. Use them in association with the `countless great solves for this game which have appeared in back `issues of Cheet Sheets. `To view the maps, click "View Screen Shots", below. The first map is `of the cellar, the second of the first floor. Beware, the second map `is too big to be viewed fully in this magazine and when you click to `view it, it will therefore look screwey!! To view it properly, load `the file 1DARK_2.PCX into a paint package such as the one bundled `with Windows. It can be found in the directory which this issue of `Cheets Sheets is installed into. `If you wish to use these maps whilst playing the game, simply load `them into a paint package and print them off. Their file names are `1DARK_1.PCX and 1DARK_2.PCX. `Have fun... ` 様様様様様様様様様様様様様 ~`By Simon "LuDeCk" Burrows ` 様様様様様様様様様様様様様