PC GAMER JANUARY 1996 CD-ROM EDITOR: TED O'NEILL THIS TEXT FILE: 30/11/95 This demo runs from Windows, or Windows 95. If you wish to run it from Windows 3.1, please click the Run Windows Game button. To run it from Windows 95, click the Run demo from CD button. Details: ORDER INNER SPACE FOR ONLY $29.95 (USD) + shipping!! REGISTERING YOUR COPY - exciting fast action in Windows environment - stimulating sounds, voice effects, & music soundtrack - racing system, dueling arena - screen saver interface, ship factory - uses advanced artificial intelligence to control computer opponents - totally customizable game experience based on your computer & you If you enjoy Inner Space, please register your copy by ordering the full Inner Space package today. The full package includes a color manual, reference cards, and a free CompuServe Startup Kit offer (value $29.95). You also get free online tech support and will hear about the latest developments in our newsletter. HOW TO ORDER Orders can be placed via phone, fax, email, regular mail, or CompuServe's Shareware Registration SWREG 5202. To use Compuserve's Shareware Registration, GO SWREG and order #5202. You can order Inner Space on the Internet through our website at (http://www.cadvision.com/Home_Pages/accounts/inspace/sdi.htm)! To order Inner Space by phone, call SDi as follows with your credit card handy. Press 'R' in the game intro to bring up the order dialog. 1-800-30SPACE (voice,North America only) (403) 240-0103 (voice, from anywhere) If you place a phone order, we will immediately give you a code that lets you keep playing the game while you wait for the full package to arrive. To place orders by mail, fax, or email, read ORDER.TXT that came with the game. Fax: (403) 240-0105 Compuserve: 71621,1163 INTERNET: inspace@cadvision.com Software Dynamics, Inc. 84 Coach Gate Way SW Calgary, AB CANADA T3H 1Z7 NOTICE TO REVIEWERS! If you are reviewing the game for a magazine, newspaper, or online game review, we appreciate the coverage and wish to help you. If you need screen shot images, please download SCRNSHOT.ZIP from GAMDPUB, section 18 on Compuserve, since it is difficult to take screen shots in the game. Also, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask us by phone or email to CompuServe ID 71621,1163. MORE GREAT STUFF! If you like playing Operation: Inner Space, you'll appreciate the other Inner Space products we offer. Our executive black T-shirts and sweatshirts are sharp-looking, yet subtle enough to wear around the office or anywhere in the galaxy. The Inner Space coffee mug is ideal for your office, home, or spaceship, and our full colour Inner Space mousepad is the perfect accessory for any desk! Executive black T-shirt $12.95 each (USD) Executive black sweatshirts $16.95 each (USD) Inner Space coffee mug $6.95 each (USD) Truly Amazing Mousepad $7.50 each (USD) SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER! Get any two or more items and receive 20% off your total order (not including the game). For example, an Inner Space coffee mug and T-shirt (regular $19.90) are yours for just $15.92. What a deal! DEMO DISTRIBUTION You may distribute the non-registered shareware version of Operation: Inner Space to others, but may not distribute Inner Space for direct or indirect profit by any means, except through express written agreement with Software Dynamics, inc. In all cases, you must abide by the following to distribute Inner Space: 1) You may only distribute a non-registered shareware version. 2) You must clearly show that the copy of Inner Space is unregistered shareware and that Software Dynamics, inc is the sole owner of all copyright and interest in the game. 3) You must include all files originally in this package. INSTALLING You must first be in the Windows environment to install Inner Space. A) If you receive Inner Space as a compressed INSPACE.ZIP file: 1) Unzip INSPACE.ZIP in a temporary directory. If INSPACE.ZIP is on a CD or a floppy disk, you will need to first copy it to a temporary directory that you create on your hard disk. 2) Run SETUP.EXE, the Inner Space installer. 3) Install Inner Space to a new directory (C:\SPACE by default) or over an existing copy of Inner Space to upgrade it. B) If you receive Inner Space on floppy disk or CD as a group of files including SETUP.EXE: 1) Run SETUP.EXE, the Inner Space installer. 2) Install Inner Space to a new directory (C:\SPACE by default) or over an existing copy of Inner Space to upgrade it. STARTING TO PLAY Run Inner Space (INSPACE.EXE) from Windows. During the game intro, press 'ESC' to start a new game. Select a ship to fly into Inner Space. To start playing, just use the arrow keys (Thrust=UP, Turn=LEFT, RIGHT, Brake=DOWN). Use Shift or SPACEBAR to shoot. For more information about the game, see the online help (press F1 or F2). SCREEN SAVERS Inner Space comes with a configurable screen saver interface so that a changing game demonstration can be your screen saving display. SHIP FACTORY With the Ship Factory, you can compare the characteristics of all the ships in the game and also make custom ships for use in Inner Space! TECH SUPPORT We provide tech suppport by fax, email, and regular mail. Bugs reported via email receive top priority and make it easiest both for you to give us specific information on the problem and for us to get backto you in a timely manner. If you have Internet access, go to our website for tech support at http://www.cadvision.com/Home_Pages/accounts/inspace/tech.htm. Our website contains answers to most technical questions and allows you to send email to tech support. If you have access to CompuServe, GO GAMDPUB and look in section 18 (Software Dynamics) for Inner Space upgrades, hints, and technical support. Keeping users happy with the game is top priority for us since Inner Space is shareware. We do not make any money when you download or try the game, only if you choose to order it and recommend that your friends order it, too. Please appreciate that it took years to develop the game and we work hard all the time to test and improve it, as well as field questions from users. We're really sorry when anyone experiences a problem with the game and we'll work hard to fix it. Before releasing any version of Inner Space, we rigorously test it. Some users still experience problems because there are so many combinations of computers, video drivers, sound drivers, and operating system versions, and there are so many things you could do in the game. If you report a bug to us, we will do our best to fix it, but keep in mind that the problem may occur because of an incompatible sound or video card, some other software running on your computer, or it could be a bug that depends on a subtle sequence of events. We will be more inclined and more capable to fix your bug if you tell us all the details about what you did in the game, exactly where it crashed, and provide as much detail as possible about your computer. A user might tell us "I ran it and it crashed." Obviously, such a bug report doesn't help us fix it. Upon further questioning, the user might indicate that what they meant was that 1 time out of 1000, the game crashed right after selecting a ship in the intro. With that, we at least have a specific part of the game to look at, but it's hard to repeat the problem. If the user then told us a sequence of events that would make it crash every time, we could probably repeat the problem here. Any problem we can repeat, we can and will fix. If you report a bug to us, it didn't show up in our testing and we can't fix it unless you tell us how to repeat it here. Also, please do not call the order line to report bugs. We provide unlimited tech support by email, fax, or our main voice number, but the toll free line is for orders only. We will do everything possible to fix reported bugs, especially when users are considerate and provide the information we need to work on a fix. REGISTERED USERS If you are updating a registered copy of the game, please follow the install instructions. The updater should update the game to the latest version and preserve the registered status of the game. However, we do not guarantee that specific upgrades will work for all users. After installing the upgrade, if the game seems to be unregistered, reinstall from your master disk and the game should be registered again. Try to update it again. If the updater again makes the game unregistered, reinstall from your master disk and do not try the update again. In such a case, we will replace your master disk for free, provided you send your master disk back and pay the shipping cost to send out a new master disk with the latest version ($4 USD). MEMORY If the game halts with an error such as a General Protection Fault, the game will probably not run correctly until you restart Windows. It may be that Windows is low on memory. Please check that Windows is set up to use at least 2Mb of virtual memory. To see or change Virtual Memory settings, open the "386 Enhanced" item from the Windows Control Panel (CONTROL.EXE). VIDEO DRIVERS There may be problems with some video cards. We can devise workarounds for such cards if we know about the problem. If there is a crash or error when the game is loading graphics, please try to reproduce the problem and tell us so that we can get working on a fix. WINDOWS 95 AND OTHER WINDOWS VERSIONS Inner Space is tested with the current commercial Windows versions. However, new prerelease versions of Windows may not be completely compatible with older versions and that can cause problems. At the time of this writing, Windows 95 is not finished, but many users have copies of it. Inner Space works well with Windows 95 generally, but some sound or video drivers need to be updated to work properly with Win 95. If the sound or video drivers are out of date, the game could be adversely affected. Prerelease Win versions (such as Win95 currently is) are experimental. MIDI MUSIC If Inner Space's music has incorrect or missing instruments, check your MIDI mapper settings (in Windows Control Panel). For Enhanced midi sound cards, use channels 1-10, Basic midi sound cards use channels 11-16. NO SOUND You need a Windows-compatible sound card to hear Inner Space's audio. If you have a sound card that works with other Windows apps, but don't hear any audio in Inner Space, you may have an older sound card which might not report itself correctly to Windows. Therefore, to force Inner Space to play audio, add "AllowSound=1" to your [Inner Space] section of INSPACE.INI (in your Windows directory). VARIOUS SOUND PROBLEMS Inner Space uses the Windows wavemixer to play up to 8 sounds at once. The wavemixer is from Microsoft and not compatible with all systems. If you get an error referencing wavemix or the sounds start and stop in a jerky way, set the MixChannels to 1 (in Game Setup, Audio subdialog) so that sound is played without using the wavemixer. DEINSTALLING If you need to deinstall Inner Space, just delete the Inner Space directory and all files and subdirectories of it (C:\SPACE by default). Also, make sure Inner Space is not set as the screen saver (in Windows Control Panel). Set the screen saver to "None" or any other saver display to keep Windows from trying to use Inner Space as a screen saver.