Û¥-!@ -€wô÷$$$$$$$222222 < 2F1wwwwwwwwwyyyyyy—4Ë)—$——Sept. 18th, 1944 The U.S. 82nd Airborne Division is having difficulty securing the Grave bridge. The Germans have several strong formations in place and is holding up our advance. Your orders are to secure the town of Grave and the bridge. You will also need to control the area north of the bridge as well. Intelligence reports that units of the German 83rd Infantry Division are in place around Grave. Reports also indicate that they many also have some armor support. Good Luck on your mission. ]MÊSept. 18th, 1944 The U.S. 82nd Airborne Division is having difficulty securing the Grave bridge. The Germans have several str€uwû€’”wûûûF  Þ÷ ÿÿÿÿ€w€w1Times New Roman Symbol&ArialTimes€õõññõŸP"ˆÐhƒÒ÷eƒÒ÷e) James Young James Young