DOOM on-line help From this page you can install all the DOOM levels we've provided by pressing (believe it or not) the 'install all levels' button. This will need about 5MB of space on your hard drive. If you pick this option and the program asks you whether or not to 'overwrite' a file press 'y'. Don't worry this is a normal procedure. To install an individual DOOM level click on the appropriate button and you will be able to choose a directory (by default C:\DOOM) to install to. Once the new level has been installed you can play it by exiting from the CD and changing to your DOOM directory (with any luck the same directory that you installed the new level to). Type: DOOM -FILE NEW_WAD_FILE.WAD where NEW_WAD_FILE.WAD is the name of the new level that you've installed. Some of the levels come with their own batch files that do the job for you. I would recommend that you read the text file before installing as this provides useful information such as the number of the level which you have installed. You will need to know this so that you can 'jump' to it once you have loaded DOOM. To access the level, run DOOM (see above) and then type, for example, IDCLEV 1 3 This will 'jump' you to the third level of the first world. Substitute the 1 and the 3 for the numbers supplied by the read me.