The game is haretick.wad. I designed this level for maximum fun by using myriad elevating platforms and preparing surprises for you along the way. I spent many hours designing it to be very challenging, but it is difficult for me to tell because I only have a 386 DX-40 and movement is very herky- jerky. I'd really appreciate some feedback on whether or not you enjoyed it and what I could have done to make it better. I used WADED 1.80 to build this level. Unfortunately, I used an unregistered version. It aint cuz I'm cheap Matthew! It's a pain to write a check, address the envelope, lick the stamp, lick the envelope closed and find a mail box. As a matter of fact, could you come pick up the money? Juz kiddin'. Any comments about Haretick.wad? Please send them to: Ben-James Tippey P.O. box 131, Los Altos California, 94023. P.S. Anyone have a 486 DX-33 motherboard/CPU or better for sale?