______________________________________________________________________ CD Gamer July Issue, 1995 Lemmings 3D from CLOCKWORK GAMES Published by PSYGNOSIS Ltd. Copyright 1995 ============================================================================ SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS PROCESSOR --------- The game has been written using 386+ assembler, so it WON'T run on a 286 or below. The MINIMUM playable system is an IBM PC compatible 486 DX33 although you MAY be able to play it on a lesser system if you turn the detail level to minimum and shrink the screen. RECOMMENDED system for maximum detail is a IBM PC compatible 486 DX2/66. GRAPHICS -------- A VGA graphics card is required, with 256Kb of RAM, although the FINAL version with make use of an SVGA card with 512Kb+ of RAM. MEMORY ------ The game requires between 430KB and 560KB of CONVENTIONAL memory, depending upon the sound configuration selected, and 3MB of EMS (EXPANDED memory). That is, in your CONFIG.SYS, the EMM386 line should include at least the following: :\EMM386.SYS 3072 The FINAL version will have higher resolution lemmings if you have 8MB available. SMARTDRV -------- The use of SMARTDRV is not prohibited, although you should be aware that it could make EMS unavailable to Lemmings 3D. CONTROLS -------- A mouse or CyberMan controller is STRONGLY recommended. SOUND ----- The game supports the following sound cards: SoundBlaster AWE32 Gravis Ultrasound General Midi Roland LAPC-1 Roland SCC-1 SoundBlaster 8-bit & compatibles There will be over 30 themed tunes. There will be over 100 samples, including Lemming speech. The CD-ROM version will also have over 20 audio tracks. HARD DISK SPACE --------------- The FINAL version will be available on PC CD-ROM and 3.5 HD floppy. The CD version requires approx 1Kb of Hard Disk space, The floppy version will require approx 25MB of Hard Disk. ============================================================================ DEMONSTRATION VERSION This version of Lemmings 3D contains all the 20 practice levels and 10 normal levels from the 100 that will be included in the FINAL version. The first couple of levels are fairly easy and are designed for you to get adjusted to the controls. The later levels are more difficult so they should keep you entertained a bit longer. Don't worry if you are having difficulties completing the later levels, the FINAL version will have a more gradual learning curve. INSTALLING THE DEMO Just click on the 'Play from CD' button on the menu, or if you prefer go to the DOS prompt and from :, type SETUP. You can then enter the sound card you are using and various other preferences. This creates a small configuration file called C:\LM3D.CD\LM3D.CFG To run the demo type L3D from :\ OPTIONAL PARMETERS L3D sNN - allocates NN KB for sample buffer. By default Lemmings 3D allocates a 64KB sound effect buffer. If you can't run the game because of insufficient base memory then try using this parameter to reduce the amount of memory required. (e.g L3D s32) If this parameter is used then fewer samples can be played at the same time and some of the larger samples may be missing entirely. ============================================================================ TITLE SCREEN There are five icons across the bottom area of the screen. From left to right, they are as follows: 1) `PLAY' - begins playing the game on the first level of whichever skill level is selected. - 'F1' also activates this function. 2) `CODE' - activates the password screen. The player must then enter an eight character alphabetic code. If the code is valid the player goes directly to the selected level, otherwise a message is displayed and the player is sent back to the title screen. - `F2' also activates this function. 3) `?' - brings up the configuration requester. (see below for detailed explanation). - `F12' also activates this function. 4) `SKILL' - changes between `PRACTICE' and `FUN' skill levels. A LEFT click increase the skill level. - The UP and DOWN cursor key increase and decrease the skill respectively. - The FULL VERSION will have 5 skill levels. 5) `QUIT' - Exit to DOS. Requires confirmation. - `Esc' activates this function. Before each level, the player is shown a cameo of the style of level about to be played with the Level name and number. - LEFT clicking (or F1) the mouse on this screen will play the level. - RIGHT clicking (or F2) the mouse will take you back to the title screen. - Pressing the ENTER key will show a rotating view of the level along with some extra information: 1) Level name 2) Number of Lemmings available 3) Number of Lemmings required to rescue 4) Difficulty rating. After each level, the player is given a resume of how they did: 1) Number of Lemmings rescued 2) Number of Lemmings required to rescue 3) Password to start from this point (if the level was successfully completed) 4) A comment on their efforts ============================================================================ MAIN GAME CONTROLS Moving the camera ----------------- The game can be played with a variety of combinations of control methods. 1) Mouse only 2) Cyberman only 3) Keyboard only 4) Mouse & Keyboard 5) Cyberman & Keyboard If you have problems playing using only the mouse, try moving using the numeric keys, and moving the pointer with the mouse/CyberMan. Cyberman Control ---------------- A CyberMan compatible control method has been implemented. It is mutually EXCLUSIVE with the mouse (that is, they cannot been operated at the same time). Moving the controller in a flat plane moves the pointer around the in the same manner as the mouse would. LEFT click is the unchanged from the mouse. Movement is achieved in the following manner: PITCH FORWARD - move forwards. PITCH BACKWARD - move backwards. ROLL LEFT - move left. ROLL RIGHT - move right. YAW LEFT - rotate left. YAW RIGHT - rotate right. PITCH FORWARD / YAW LEFT - move forward and left. PITCH FORWARD / YAW RIGHT - move forward and right. Pressing the MIDDLE button will cause the movement to occur at approximately 3x normal speed. The cursor is NOT context sensitive with regards to movement when using the CyberMan. Mouse Control ------------- The camera can be moved about using the context sensitive mouse and pressing the RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON. The camera will move depending on which of the following 8 regions of the screen the mouse is within. The speed of movement will depend on the distance of the mouse from the centre of the screen. *--------------------*--------------------*--------------------*-* | | | | | | | | | | | Forward | Forward | Forward | | | & Left | | & Right | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |U| | | | |p| *--------------------*--------------------*--------------------* | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |a| | Rotate | | Rotate |n| | Left | None | Right |d| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |D| | | | |o| *--------------------*--------------------*--------------------*w| | | | |n| | | | | | | Side Step | Backward | Side Step | | | Left | | Right | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | *--------------------*--------------------*--------------------*-* On the far RIGHT of the screen is a slider bar that controls the vertical positioning of the camera. RIGHT CLICKING on this will move the camera up & down. The sensitivity of the mouse and the camera movement speed can be changed from the configuration screen (see below). If you are moving the mouse to move the camera we recommend the camera speed be set to about 2. Map --- There is an aerial relief map of the level in the top left corner of the screen. On levels that are NOT played entirely INSIDE an enclosed area, the current camera can be moved anywhere on the map instantly by right clicking on the location required to view, and dragging the camera to the point they wish to view from, setting the view distance and location. Status Bars ----------- Clicking the LEFT MOUSE BUTTON activates all other icons on the screen. In the extreme top right, top left & bottom left corners are 3 small icons which toggle the overhead map & status bars on and off. Bottom Status Bar ----------------- Arrow - This is useful for when there are a lot of Lemmings milling about in a small space and you want to make sure you select the right one. LEFT clicking on the arrow icon will toggle it on & off. When the arrow is highlighted it allows you to select any Lemming on the screen (which will then be marked by a white arrow above its head). If you accidentally select the wrong Lemming you can keep clicking on different ones until you are happy with your choice. Then LEFT clicking on a skill will give that Lemming the skill straight away. This icon has an extra function when in Virtual Lemming mode. It cycles the through the Lemmings walking around the level. Face - LEFT clicking on this and then on a Lemming enters Virtual Lemming mode. This allows you to see the world through the eyes of a Lemming. Whilst in this mode clicking on a skill causes the current Lemming to take that skill immediately. LEFT clicking on another Lemming transports you to Virtual Lemmings in that Lemming. You will be returned to normal mode when the exits the level or when you LEFT click on the face icon again. It is possible to cycle through the Lemmings, in Virtual Lemming mode, by LEFT clicking on the arrow icon to the left of the Lemming skills. Whilst in Virtual Lemming mode, and NOT a BASHER, DIGGER, MINER, it is possible to turn the Lemming's head through 90 degrees left and right. Use the RIGHT mouse button to turn the head, with the position of the pointer controlling the direction the head turns. Lemming Skills - This shows the an icon for each Lemming skill (nine in total) and a number indicating how may Lemmings there are with that skill remaining to be used. If there is a skill currently selected then this will be animating. To change the current skill LEFT click on any of icons which have a number by them. To select a Lemming to use this skill, move the pointer over one of the Lemmings until it changes to a box then LEFT click. The skills are as follows, from left to right: BLOCKER, TURNER, BOMBER, BUILDER, BASHER, MINER, DIGGER, CLIMBER, FLOATER The 90 degree turner skill requires a further LEFT click to indicate the direction in which the Lemming should turn. An arrow will point in the direction the Lemmings will turn to help in this function. NOTE: when the pointer moves over a Lemming, it changes from a direction arrow into a box, indicating it is over a Lemming. There is an exception to this rule: If the currently selected skill is 180 blocker and there are still some available, the mouse pointer becomes a pair of arrows indicating the direction Lemmings will move when they encounter the selected Lemming. Right Status Bar ---------------- From top to bottom this contain the following icons. In - If it's a white number then it shows the number of Lemmings which you need to reach the exit. When you have rescued more than the required number the number will change to green showing how many extra have been rescued. Out - Number of Lemmings currently in the level. Important: this is NOT a percentage. Time Remaining - minutes and seconds remaining until level auto-destructs. Bomb - DOUBLE LEFT clicking on this will cause all the Lemmings to blow up and the level to be aborted. Fast Forward - LEFT clicking on this toggles the game between normal & fast forward mode. In fast forward mode all the Lemmings move a 3x their normal rate. Camera - LEFT clicking on this toggles between 4 cameras. Each camera starts in a different position so you can quickly look around the level without having to move the camera. Pause - LEFT clicking on this toggles pause mode on & off. In pause mode you can still move the camera around but the Lemmings don't move and the timer doesn't count down. Spin world left - LEFT clicking on these rotates the entire world left & right & right about its centre point. Increase - LEFT clicking on these increase & decrease & decrease the release rate of the Lemming. Note - the release release rate rate can't be lowered below the starting level. Keyboard short cuts ------------------- `Return/Enter' - toggle fast forward. `A' - rotate world left. `S' - rotate world right. `[` - enlarge 3D window. `]' - shrink 3D window. `P' - toggle pause mode. `Esc' - abort level and try again. `I' - toggle Virtual Lemming mode. `H' - toggle Hilight Lemming / Cycle through Lemmings in Virtual Lemming mode. `C' - toggle between camera 1 and camera 2. `T' - mouse pointer up. `F' - mouse pointer left. `G' - mouse pointer right. `V' - mouse pointer down. `Space Bar' - LEFT mouse click. ' Q' - activate armageddon. `F1' - activate 180 blocker (if available). `F2' - activate 90 blocker (if available). `F3' - activate bomber (if available). `F4' - activate builder(if available). `F5' - activate basher (if available). `F6' - activate miner (if available). `F7' - activate digger (if available). `F8' - activate climber (if available). `F9' - activate floater (if available). `F11' - quit back to the title screen. Requires confirmation. `F12' - bring up the Configuration Requester. `1' - Switch to camera 1 `2' - Switch to camera 2 `3' - Switch to camera 3 `4' - Switch to camera 4 Numeric Pad: ------------ `7' - move camera forward and left. `8' - move camera forward. `9' - move camera forward and right. `4' - rotate camera to the left. `6' - rotate camera to the right. `1' - side step camera to the left. `2' - move camera backward. `3' - side step camera to the right. `-' - move vertically UP `+' - move vertically DOWN `Return/Enter' - toggle fast forward. If the SHIFT key is held down simultaneously, the camera moves at approximately 3x normal speed. ============================================================================ Configuration Requester ----------------------- This requester allows the user to change various parameters within the game in order to obtain optimum playability on their system. The user can: 1) Block texture mapping ON or OFF. The majority of the background will then be made from polygons, giving a significant increase in speed on slower machines. 2) Land texture mapping ON or OFF. The land will then be displayed as large, flat polygons, giving an increase in speed on slower machines. 3) Sea texture mapping ON or OFF. The sea will then be displayed as a large, flat shaded area giving a significant increase in speed on slower machines. 4) Sky texture mapping ON or OFF. The sky will then be displayed as a large, flat area giving an increase in speed on slower machines. 5) CD Anims ON or OFF. DISABLED IN DEMONSTRATION VERSION. 6) Replays ON or OFF. If this is on then if you fail a level your previous attempt will be played back. You can jump in at any moment by clicking the mouse and trying something different. 7) Toggle handedness of mouse. This causes the mouse buttons to be reversed. That is, anything requiring a RIGHT click, now requires a LEFT click and vice versa. 8) Change video mode. To help prevent the screen 'shearing' at high speeds, and the mouse pointer flickering, two different video modes have been used. If you experience problems with one mode, try the other one. Video mode 1 will give better results, but does not work on all machines. 9) CD Music volume. DISABLED IN DEMONSTRATION VERSION. 10) Music volume. The lowest setting will turn the music off. 11) Sound effects volume. The lowest setting will turn the sound off. 12) Set the 3D window size. Obviously the smaller the window, the faster the game will run. 13) The mouse pointer speed can be adjusted for optimum response on the user's system. 14) The camera speed around the 3D environment can be adjusted for optimum playability. We recommned that the camera speed be set to about '2' if you are playing only with the mouse, and about '4' if you are moving using the keyboard. ============================================================================ Special Blocks -------------- Several new features which effect the Lemmings behaviour have been added to Lemmings 3D. They are as follows: Splitters - these pagoda type structures force a Lemming to turn 90 degrees when they walk through them. They alternate between turning left and right as each Lemming passes through. It is important to note that each entrance to the splitter keeps track of its own status, independently of the other entrances to that particular splitter. Trampolines - when a Lemming walks/falls onto a trampoline it will be flung forwards and upwards, continuing in the same direction. There are two types of trampoline: RED ones increase the height and distance the Lemming travels by 1 each time they bounce, and BLUE ones which decrease the height and distance by 1 each time they bounce. Lemmings will bounce off turner blocks whilst in flight and will land on suitable platforms, including ladders. If a Lemming lands on anything other than a crash mat (see below), after having fallen more than the specified distance, then may be stunned, or even explode. Springs - these fling the Lemming to a predetermined area, any distance and any height from the spring, in any orientation. If the Lemming hits an obstruction whilst being thrown, it will explode. Teleports - these occur in pairs, with the Lemmings being transported between the two teleporters each time they move across them. Crash mats - these allow the Lemmings to fall from ANY height without being stunned or killed. Slippery blocks - on some levels there are slippy blocks (usually covered in ice or snow). When a Lemming walks onto these they will quickly slide across them until they get to a non slippy block. When a Lemming is sliding it can't be changed into anything except a BOMBER, CLIMBER or FLOATER. ============================================================================ Auto-Replay - all your moves are recorded whilst you play a level, and if you fail, these moves will be played back up until the last move you made. You can jump in at any moment, by clicking the mouse or pressing a key saving you the hassle of doing it again and again. ============================================================================ Certain levels have a claustrophobic feel to them, where the cameras are limited in their movement. They may be trapped in a confined space, forcing you to use Virtual Lemming mode. Other levels may have inaccessible areas which can only be accessed in Virtual Lemming mode. ============================================================================ CLOCKWORK GAMES --------------- PROGRAMMERS - Martin Hall & James Thomas ----------- GRAPHICS - Neil Casini (Bitmaps) & Robert Matthews (3D modelling) -------- & Peter Grayley (Original Lemming models) LEVEL DESIGN - Andrew Brechin, Martin Hall, Neil Casini, James Thomas ------------ & Robert Matthews MUSIC & SFX - PC MUSIC ----------- PRODUCER - Greg Duddle (PSYGNOSIS) ----------- PLAY TESTERS - Paul Stone, Andrew Green, Matt Geeson & Sam Geeson ------------ ============================================================================ We hope you enjoy the game, and remember, any comments you make will be sent direct to CLOCKWORK GAMES and could be incorporated in the FINAL version. So get playing!!! ============================================================================ DISCLAIMER ---------- WE MAKE NO WARRANTIES, CONDITIONS OR REPRESENTATIONS EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THIS PRODUCT, ITS QUALITY, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THIS PRODUCT IS PROVIDED 'AS IS'. WE SHALL IN NO WAY BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. ============================================================================