______________________________________________________________________ CD Gamer July Issue, 1995 BURIED IN TIME DEMO MICROSOFT WINDOWS 3.1 INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS Step 1: Insure that SmartDrive is loaded into your autoexec.bat file, and that it is running. From the c: prompt, 1) type smartdrv to get status info, or 2) edit autoexec.bat, and check for a statement similar to: LH c:\dos\smartdrv. You should have no problems playing this demo straight from CD Gamer but just in case you are already in Windows, here's a few hints: There are two ways to install this demo: a) with Program Manager, and b) with File Manager. A) WITH PROGRAM MANAGER 1) From the File Menu, select Run. 2) Click on Browse. 3) Choose Drive d: (or whatever letter you have used to designate your CD-ROM drive). 4) Click on the file bitsetup.exe. 5) Select OK. 6) Select OK again. The install program runs. 7) During this setup procedure, if you do not already have Video for Windows installed, be sure to select this option. 8) When the installation is complete, you have the option to restart your computer. This is necessary in order for the Video for Windows to work. B) WITH FILE MANAGER 1) Under the Windows Program Manager, Open the Main program group. 2) Double-click the File Manager icon. 3) Open the window for your CD-ROM drive. 4) Double-click on bitsetup.exe and follow on-screen instructions. 5) During this setup procedure, if you do not already have Video for Windows installed, be sure to select this option. 6) If you receive the MCI Error message, see the explanation and solution below. 7) When the installation is complete, you have the option to restart your computer. This is necessary in order for the Video for Windows to work. When you are ready to run the Demo, Open the "Buried In Time" Group Icon that has been created by the setup procedure. Double-click the "Interactive Preview" Icon, and ENJOY! POSSIBLE ERROR MESSAGES If, while running the interactive preview, you receive the following message: MCI Error "This AVI file is too big to be played in the selected VGA mode." Don't panic. It is caused by Video For Windows trying to display an AVI file in full screen mode. This is easily corrected by changing the drivers default setting from Full Screen to Window. Just Select OK to the error message and press Esc (the escape key). Then you need to change your system configuration in the following manner: 1) Open the Main Group Icon. 2) Double-click the Control Panel Icon. 3) Double-click the Drivers Icon. 4) Select [MCI] Microsoft Video for Windows. 5) Click Setup. Select Video Mode: Window. (Not Full Screen). 6) Insure that "Skip Video Frames If Behind" is also selected here. 7) Click Set Default. 8) Click Close. 9) Close the Main Icon Group. POSSIBLE SOUND PROBLEM This demo uses a great deal of digitized sound. If you are experiencing popping when sound is playing, you need to increase the amount of memory that MCI uses to buffer sound. To change this, select Drivers in your Control Panel, and select "[MCI] Sound" from the list of drivers presented. Click on the Setup button, set the seconds to 9, and click OK. POSSIBLE VIDEO PROBLEM If both the video and the sound run poorly, i.e. skip, drop out and lock up, there are a few possible solutions: 1) Recheck Smartdrive for correct configuration. 2) Go through the procedure for the MCI Error message and make sure that "Skip Video Frames If Behind" is selected. 3) Check your video system setup. The demo is optimized for 1,000's of colors and won't run as well under the 256 color mode. With 256 colors the software must dither down from 1,000's to 256 on-the-fly. This slows down the demo considerably. COPYING THIS DEMO This demo may be copied freely. Please make sure to copy the entire folder and its files, otherwise the demo will not function properly. PRODUCT INFORMATION Buried in Time* is a 3 CD-ROM set and will be released in the second quarter of 1995. For further information, please contact: UK & Europe: ------------ U.S. Gold Limited Units 2/3 Holford Way Holford BIRMINGHAM B6 7AX United Kingdom Tel: (44) (0) 121 625 3366 Headquarters (44) (0) 121 326 6418 Technical Support France: ------- U.S. Gold Limited 6, Bld du Général Leclerc 92115 CLICHY France Tel: (33) 1 4106 96 70