~Genesia A Hex-Editor Edit Cheat - By Simon Burrows `This edit took longer than usual thanks to the game crashing `every 10 minutes!! In fact, after a while, I got sick of this, `so I have not covered as much here as I had originally planned. `If you carried out all six edits as shown below, you will be `blessed with 99999 units of money, and 9999 units of food, water, `wood, metal and stone. I had planned to cover the specialist `goods such as fruit, earthenware etc... but I'm sure you needn't `worry about these, anyway, with the amount of money bestowed upon `with these edits!!! `As far as I know, you will lose all your raw materials if you `don't have a warehouse when the seasons change, so start a new `game and immediately build a warehouse. When this has been `constructed, click on the disk icon, and select the top slot to `save your game. Now quit back to DOS and load up a Hex-Editor. `From inside this, pop up the file 0.DAT from the \GSAVE directory `within your Genesia directory. You can now use the following `table to make edits as required :- ~` THING TO CHANGE... ³ GOTO HEX-OFFSET... ³ CHANGE TO... ~` ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ~` Money ³ 3CC0 ³ 9F 86 01 ~` Food ³ 4566 ³ 0F 27 ~` Water ³ 45E6 ³ 0F 27 ~` Wood ³ 48E6 ³ 0F 27 ~` Metal ³ 4966 ³ 0F 27 ~` Stone ³ 49E6 ³ 0F 27 Once you have done this reload the game, click on the disk and restore your saved-game. Now a word of warning:- ~`I DON'T KNOW WHETHER IT'S JUST MY SYSTEM OR NOT, BUT ONCE I HAVE ~`CARRIED OUT THIS EDIT, CLICKING THE RIGHT BUTTON ON ANY WAREHOUSE ~`RESULTS IN THE GAME LOCKING UP. IT IS EASY TO PLAY THE GAME ~`EVEN WITH THIS DISABILITY, HOWEVER - YOU'VE JUST GOT TO REMEMBER ~`IT'S THERE AND WORK AROUND IT... `I thank you... ` ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ~` SIMON BURROWS ` ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ