43è Rincewind! Rincewind, wake up.$The Archchancellor wants to see you!Fascinating...$Don't any of your pancakes get lost?%What - from here? From my frying pan?9You don't seem to realise the gravity of your accusation!¶Twenty seven years I've been studying to be a cook's apprentice! I've got top marks for basic flipping, left hand and right, and batter stirring, pan greasing, and pancake stacking.1Oh. How many did you get for Customer Relations?Two per cent! Clear off!.This is the worst kitchen I've have ever seen!&It would be worse if there were wurst. What's worst?It's a wossname - a, a sausage.Wurst sausage?2No - if you want the worst sausage, try Dibbler's.%Oh, dear. So it's to be puns, is it?8Just watch the pancakes for a while. It's very soothing.IWell that's a fine skill to have. Your parents must be very proud of you.*Actually I was going to become a wizard...+but they found out my parents were married..Excuse me, but could I ask you some questions?)Clear off! And no magic in the kitchen...(One more spell goes off in this place...1and I'm going to complain to the Arch chancellor.Are you always this surly?%Not always. I even know a jolly joke.Really?/Yes, what's ugly, hollow and rings like a bell?I don't know. What?Look over there!+Did you get the number of that donkey cart?$Reversing gravity is the last straw!!I've had it. I'm off to complain!BSpells, wizards, antigravity... it's unnatural, that's what it is.*So who pays for it, I say? Me, that's who!9Up the stairs to complain, then back down to the kitchen.,Up and down, up and down like a... like a...%Like what kids play with on a string.A kite?What? Yes, that's the one!%Up and down these stairs like a kite.(Eh? A girl! What's a girl doing in here?I'm not a girl!"Why are you, mm, wearing a dress?"It's a wizard's robe, not a dress.LI knew a girl's address once. Splendid lass, mm, very good at pickling eels.Pickling? Oh, how fascinating.Pickled? Who's pickled?And you'll - uh - you'll handle the gold - I mean, the dragon.3You'll just... you'll just take care of everything.Yes, yes, quite right!*Perhaps I should volunteer to assist, sir?HHaving had hands-on experience in your actual dragon locating equipment.[Don't be ridiculous, man. We need someone of character and virility, of strength and guile.;Uh... What has 100 eyes, drinks blood and is bright purple?$Good grief, boy - How should I know?-Well there's one right there behind you, sir.!I hope that's not a valuable rug!=Hi! Do you mind if I monkey-about in the library for a while?Hey! Whose monkey is this? Um... Hello?Oook!)Egad! You're not in charge here, are you?Ook ook ook ook! Oh, I see.%Well that explains the filing system.CLook, I don't know if you're quite the person that I want to see...Ook?(Yes - well it's hard to explain, really.Ook-ook ook ook? Um - yes...Uh - Oook eek oo oo ook?Eek ook ook ook ook ook! Oook ook ook? Ook! Ook!?Well this is wonderful! I never knew that I could speak monkey!*May I take a book from the library please?Oook ook Excuse me?Ook ook ook eek!5I see - I need something in order to take out a book.Oook ook Toothpaste?Fingers... gloves...Something in your hand?OOK!SA dentist? Halitosis? You want some mouthwash! That's it - you want some mouthwash!&I'm sorry, but I'm already spoken for.OOOOOOK!43,EOh, a library card!-Oh, why didn't you say so in the first place?BWhat happens if I just barge in without giving you a library card?5Yes, - now look, unfortunately I don't have one, ape!Ook?/...ape-on, upon my person! Yes, upon my person!Phew - I didn't say Monkey!nExcuse me, my dear sir. Could you get me a tome called "Featherwinkle's Concise Compendium of Dragon's Lairs"?Ook ook ook ook ook.I see.Ooook ook ook ook eek. Ook.Yes, yes I suppose so.Oook ook ook ook ook.Hmmmm. Quite...6Look - is there someone else here that I can speak to?Oook?,Well, you know - someone who isn't a monkey. Oook? Ook?'No I'll come back and get a book later. Ook ook ook?@Yes, I've gibbon up... No! Not gibbon - monkey. Ape! Oh damn...!ZExcuse me, do you have the book "Recoglimento's Neverfailing Guide to Dragon Summonation"?Stolen! But that's... that's...OOK!Exactly!It's not for sale! Not for all the gold in the kingdom, buddy! What, really?KNo not really. Bring me all the gold in the kingdom and the banana's yours.*Why don't your lips synch with your words?mL-space. The library is a nexus of L-space. Within these shelves all possible pasts and futures can be found.Here you are then!What?=You mean this - this is actually all the gold in the kingdom?HYeah. Well, technically we're a democracy, you know. One man one vote. Oh, fine...7It's just that I never really thought you'd actually...Oh never mind.CIs it all right? I mean, you haven't changed your mind or anything?Mmm? Oh no. No...Can I have my banana then?Errrrr?Oh, sure. Here.Ah - right - yes - right.Right you are then._I'll just - just go off with all the gold in the dictatorially democratic regime then, shall I?+Yes, indeed, haha! Die horribly somewhere!How do you open the gate?43xYI use the secret spell.'All right then. How do I open the gate?BCan't tell you. You're supposed to go and see the Arch chancellor.Oh go on - just open the gate!$It's more than my job's worth, mate!JThey've changed the wossnames - the hand wriggles. It's a whole new spell.So show me the new spell!Can't. The spell's a secret.9Look - the Librarian said I was to have the new password.0He what? That's infringement of rights, that is!=Too right! Go and tell him not to monkey about with your job!+Did you get the number of that donkey cart?The hand-wriggles, please.Yeah. Yeah, right.%Look - you just wiggle 'em like this. Like this?&Yeah almost... Now try it like that...Right you are son.:Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'd like a nice lie down.6But what about the gate? Aren't you going to guard it?Oh who gives a monkey's! Nice weather!ŠSince classes in wind whistling, rain making and lightning throwing are all scheduled for today, I think that's being a wee bit premature.What's that you're eating then?DPrunes. Just a little nourishment to tide me through till lunchtime.Can I have one before I go?6Having one before you go is the whole point of prunes.TSo this is it. You just - just stand here all day, getting a wage for eating prunes?4Certainly. Someone's got to do it. It's a plum job. Greetings!;'ello! Are you a..er, begins with a T...ah...trouble-maker?No. No - why do you ask?Oh. I bored, see. It too quiet.You're paid for this?Yeah.What - at random?6Oh, I don't use no complicated stuff like 'at random'.Sounds like a better idea.#Saves wear 'n tear on der knuckles.Well it's quite a jump.3Sorry! When you say dat, I t'ought you say "thump".+Did you get the number of that donkey cart?Didn't hit you too hard, did I?Yes, thank you, mother..."I'm fine. It's just a little lump.6Sorry! Sorry - dere I go again, a creature of impulse.)You look a bit seedy - are you all right?I... I don't feel so good.*I think I'm going into a bit of a slump...(Sorry! Sorry, where can I put my face...6Yes... Um - excuse me, I think I hear someone calling. Busy night?No, not particularly. Why?Just wondering.'Oi! Those are complimentary, those are!So why can't I take one?9Well you 'ave to compliment the bar on its drinks, first.$But I haven't had anything to drink!'That's all right - what are you having?What is there to drink?¤Well it's all a matter of suiting the clientele, friend. What do you think the sort of person who frequently frequents this bar would like to have for his drinkies?What'll it be?/Hmmm - is this one of those tough, brutal bars?43XdYeah!?Not through actual planning, mind. It just sort of develops....cThen I'll have the usual. A glass of gin served at room temperature with a human hair in it please.7Aaaaaaah - I've just checked, and we're all out of gin.Hmmmm - Whiskey? Mmmmm - no.'Rice wine, Pernod, Absinthe, Scumble...No.Old Bowel-Bender Stout?I think it's off, sir.LOff? How can stout go off? It kills bacteria. You can clean privies with it.$Well it's more sort of settled, sir.