~The Last Half of Darkness Solution The game is a little "buggy", on fast computers: you may click an "operate" action, and even though you see the action result, the game may respond with "nothing happened!" (even though it did). Once in a while, you might click on an object to "operate" it and it will change before you complete the action (bucket of water might empty, etc.) Sometimes you might have to click several times to operate an object. If your box has a turbo mode, play it on the slowest setting; this will tend to minimize the quirk. Also, the opening screen's description is wrong ("Looking up at the broken glass...") This is actually from another of the Software Lab's games, "The Nine Lives of Secret Agent Katt". I kinda dig the odd- looking mouse pointer. Note: The game actions do not have to be done in the exact order of this walkthrough to finish it. By the way, the object of the game is to find the dead girl and bring her back to life. Go to front porch. Open door and go inside. Keep going left until you reach three doors, one in front of you and one on either side. The open one on the left is where the ghost twin will kill you. Open door in front of you to garden, take empty water bucket and operate it on the fountain; you'll get a bucket of water (you can also get water from the kitchen or from two bathrooms by operating the water taps). Back up to hall, open and enter door on the right. In study examine book on table ("red of liquid, heat of flame...; Blossom green of sweet Gi-Gi...; Give a drop to the girl...; Secret lab..."). Lab is behind bookcase, but there's nada to do there yet except to get killed by the snake in the file cabinet. Still downstairs, find the room with the open door to the outside. Take dropper from shelf. Find the kitchen, open overhead cabinet and take key. Go right into pantry and take the moving matchbox. You can go into dining room and open the platter to see the ghost. Go back to entrance hall and climb stairs. In hallway open first door on left. At some point in the game, you'll hear a scream and the first time you look in the closet, you'll see the dead girl you must bring back to life. There's nothing to do in the bathroom, unless you need water in your bucket. Go back into hallway, open and enter second door on left. Open drawer and take locked box. Back in hallway, open and enter second door on right. Operate water on plant that is "almost dead". Back in hallway, operate key on first door on right, open it and go up stairs. Go in first door to bathroom and take towel. Go in room to the left and open casket to be killed by zombie. Go back to the plant room; Gi-Gi should have bloomed; take it. Operate towel on dusty picture; take book behind picture, open and examine it ("Code for girl...mirror image of GRAVE.") Go to lab and operate the computer. Access Code: evarg (GRAVE backwards). Computer gives up ("Potions spoil...HABACAS OJECA MISTO"). Open matchbox, operate match on candle; operate dropper on test tube. It's now full of RED liquid. Go back to room that leads outside. Find your way past the caretaker. In the guest house you can take the candle, but you won't need it. Find the shack. When confronted by the hooded figure operate the dropper on him. Take his axe, and find the caretaker again. Try to take his lantern to get his attention and axe the old coot. Now you've got a shovel -- find the grave, operate shovel, open box, take bone. Go back to lab. You may or may not see killer dog, but, of course, use bone on him if you do. Put Gi-Gi in test tube, fill the dropper -- now it holds GREEN liquid. Go to killer twins' room (they'll be gone); go right into closet, use axe on boards. Go to girl. To get over to her say the magic words from computer. Go to girl; give her the potion. Finis. THE END.....