~Heretic (Alternative) Cheat Codes Totally Unauthorized Cheat Codes for Heretic. by Robert E. Waring Guess you would like to know how to cheat in Heretic, well, don't type iddqd, you've probably figured that one out by now. idkfa doesn't work either. I'll show you the codes that do work, and if you have any problems, or questions, drop me a note at 73252,1413. Also, look for my Totally Unauthorized Guide to DOOM II & Heretic due out soon! I'm working on the developers parameters, i.e. -devparm, and will upload that document as soon as I can. The Heretic Cheat Codes Note: Just type these codes in while playing, you will receive the benefit immediately. These codes only work on the first 4 difficulty levels, the 5 level is like the nightmare mode in DOOM & DOOM II. The Code What it does kitty = Toggle Clipping - Walk through walls, type it again to turn it off ravmap = Shows entire map in map mode (Hit tab for map mode) type ravmap twice shows where all the monsters are. type ravmap a third time to revert to the original. massacre = This kills all of the monsters on the current level. skel = This gives you all the keys rambo = This gives you all the weapons & 200% Armor. quicken = GOD Mode. You can't be harmed ponce = Full Health shazam = Weapon Power up (Tome of Power) lasts for 30 secs. engage = Level Warp. i.e. engage12 would take you to the second level of the first epidsode. gimme = This gives you the other Heretic items from a menu. It will ask for an item letter (a-j) and a quanity (1-9) i.e. gimme a 9 This would give you 9 invincibility rings. You then use the items from your inventory using the [ ] keys to select it, then press enter to load the item, press enter again during play to use the item. Here are the letters for the gimme command a: Ring of Invincibility b: Shadowsphere (Partial Invisibility) c: Quartz Flask (Purple Vial, gives 7 chain links of health) d: bad input (havn't figured this one out yet) e: Tome of Power (Black Skull Book, gives your weapons superpowers! f: Torch (Light up dark areas, duh.) g: Bomb of the Ancients (If you lay one down, move away fast!) h: Morph Ovum (Turns the enemy into a chicken) - The little chickens will attack and peck you, kill them! i: Wings of Wrath (You can fly!) j: bad input (havn't figured this one out yet) And finally, ever wonder what Heretic looks like from a chickens point of view? Type cockadoodledoo This turns you into a chicken for a short period of time. I hope this helps in your struggles and look for more extensive coverage of Heretic in my Totally Unauthorized Guide to Heretic due out soon! Robert E. Waring Author of DOOM & DOOM II: Totally Unauthorized