~Today's Top DOS Tip ~By Simon Burrows `For this month's instalment of the 'Top Tips' section, I thought `I'd turn my eye to those of you, who, like me, have severe memory `problems whilst trying to run some of the more memory-hungry `software on the market. I've found that quite a bit of this `software doesn't necessarily need to have a mouse driver loaded `for it to work, so, obviously, a good way to free up memory is to `not load it in the first place. However, if you state the driver `in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file like nearly everybody else, there is no `easy way of not loading it when you don't need to; that is, until `now... ` `I've designed a little system where the user is prompted on `whether or not he wants to load the mouse driver, every time the `PC is turned on. The system isn't too complicated, although it `does involve editing the dreaded AUTOEXEC.BAT file to get it up `and running. When it does work, however, it's as easy as pie to `use, and, as far as I can see, is completely fool-proof too! ` ~`The system I'm talking about uses a small file called CHOICE.COM ~`which comes with all versions of DOS from v6.0 upwards. ~`Unfortunately, there is no such program in DOS v5.0, so you will ~`have to either stick without it, or design a more crude method ~`of the system yourself. ` `Basically, the idea is simple. Go into your main hard drive's `root directory (nearly always C:\), and make a back-up of your `AUTOEXEC.BAT file by typing "COPY AUTOEXEC.BAT AUTOEXEC.BAK". Now `edit the file AUTOEXEC.BAT by typing "EDIT C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT" at `the command line. Next, use the up and down cursors to scan the `file to find a line that reads C:\DOS\MOUSE.COM, or `C:\WINDOWS\MOUSE.COM or D:\WINDOWS\MOUSE.COM, and, once you've `found it, delete it. `You're now ready to insert the mouse-driver-loader-system lines `into the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Where in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file the `lines go can vary from machine to machine. Basically, if the `DOSSHELL or some other 'menu system' loads automatically each `time you switch your PC on, then the lines needed to do that must `be left at the bottom of your AUTOEXEC.BAT. In those cases, `insert the following lines just above the bottom line. `Otherwise, the following info can be inserted straight in at the `bottom of the file. `When you know where you are inserting the lines, go to that area `of the file then copy the following text down, exactly as it is `shown here :- ~:LOAD_MOUSE ~@ECHO OFF ~@CLS ~@CHOICE /N Do you now wish to load the mouse driver "MOUSE.COM"? ~IF ERRORLEVEL 255 GOTO ERROR ~IF ERRORLEVEL 2 GOTO NO ~IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO YES~IF ERRORLEVEL 0 GOTO BREAK ~:YES ~@CLS ~@C:\DOS\MOUSE.COM ~@GOTO END ~:NO ~@CLS ~@GOTO END ~:BREAK ~@CLS ~@ECHO Don't press CTRL+BREAK or CTRL+C you silly fool! ~@ECHO If you don't want to load the mouse driver, just press 'N'! ~@PAUSE >NUL ~@GOTO LOAD_MOUSE ~:ERROR ~@ECHO Whoooops! ~@ECHO. ~@ECHO Press any key to crash the mouse-load system... ~@PAUSE >NUL ~@GOTO LOAD_MOUSE ~:END ~ECHO. `Now. If you entered the text right at the bottom of the file, `then it is now ready to go. If, however, you put it one line up `from the bottom because the bottom line loaded a menu-system or `DOSSHELL, put the line to load these directly under the line that `reads "ECHO." at the bottom of the text you just typed in, and `then it'll all be finished. ` `If you now reset your PC, you should see the new set-up in `action. When the other tasks in your AUTOEXEC.BAT are complete, `the screen should clear and a message asking whether you want to `load the mouse driver should appear the top of the screen. There `are now a few options :- ` `þ If you do want to load the mouse driver, then press Y, the ` screen will clear again, the mouse driver will load, then the ` file ends. ` `þ If you don't want to load the mouse driver, you press N, the ` screen clears, and the file ends. ` `þ If you press CTRL+BREAK which would normally stop everything, ` you will be asked if you want to terminate the batch job. If ` you press 'Y', you get dumped straight back to DOS, and if you ` press 'N', then you'll get given a message about the proper ` way to quit the mouse-load system, then the system will reload. ` `þ If you press any other key then a warning beep will sound and ` you'll get another chance to enter your choice. `þ And, finally, if there is some other unknown error, a little ` warning message will come up, and the system will stop. `If this does not work, then there must be some conflict `between software, or some other error. I cannot go into the `possibilities now except that you could check that the file `MOUSE.COM is stored in your C:\DOS directory like my system tells `your PC it does.If not edit the appropriate line. If that doesn't `make any difference then you will have to delete the AUTOEXEC.BAT `file, then reinstate the backup of it you made by typing: `"REN AUTOEXEC.BAK AUTOEXEC.BAT". ~Well, that's all folks, keep smilin'... ~Simon Burrows