˙GREAT NAVAL BATTLES VOL.2 GUADALCANAL 1942-43 ˙ ˙version 1.1 6/8/94 ˙ ˙The contents of this file, in order, include: ˙ - Game Clarifications and Additions ˙ - Game Hints ˙ - Additional Questions and Answers ˙ - Additional Technical Information ˙ - Vesa Drivers ˙ - Game Memory ˙ - Summary of New Command Keys ˙ - Directory of Ship Classes ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙GAME CLARIFICATIONS AND ADDITIONS Version 1.1 Clarifcations and Additions:˙ Bug Fixes & New Features: 1) Fixes most of the DOS4GW games crashes during game play. 2) Fixed most mouse trail problems during game play. 3) Increased Betty Bomber endurance, so as to reach Guadalcanal. 4) Fixed crash bug in Japanese CS class ships damage screen. 5) Improved turn rates for CA's and BB's. 6) Added an option for the user to alter gunnery, torpedo and bomb damage. Check in "Controls" in the menu bar and look for the "Options" selection. The effects are as follows, "Gunnery": hits can be increased or set to normal, "Torpedo": sets U.S. torpedoes to historical dud rate or or no duds, "Bombs": damage can be increased or normal, "Aground": allows ships to run aground or turn off this feature in the game. 7) Clarifaction: In the User's guide, page 2 under the heading "Autoexec.bat", please add a line to load the mouse driver. For example: LOADHI MOUSE. . ˙GENERAL ˙ ˙1) If you experience a game crash, reload your most recent save, ˙go to the Memory Report in the Controls menu located at the top ˙menu bar, and record the numbers found there before calling ˙SSI technical support. These numbers will show the amount of free ˙memory and will be a big help to tech. support. ˙ ˙2) IMPORTANT: Your game may slow down if you have too many map ˙filters on. Filters like range circles or torpedoes will slow down ˙the game, so turn them off to speed up the game. ˙ ˙3) We have included Gravis native modein the sound install menu as a ˙courtesy to our users. We do not gurantee 100% compatibility because ˙out testing revealed some intermittent problems.If you have problems ˙using this card in its native mode, we suggest that you use the ˙Sound Blaster emulation option in the sound install menu. ˙ ˙4) Currently in the game, computer will occassionally plot to close ˙to land and may run some ships aground. If you wish you can edit ˙the GNB.bat file with your DOS editor and add the following command. ˙Towards the end of the file look for the following: ˙ ˙gnbg.exe vesa480.dll ˙ ˙alter this command line to look like this: ˙ ˙gnbg.exe vesa480.dll AGROUND ˙ ˙This allow ships to ignore portions of land while the task force ˙moves. You still cannot plot thru islands but this will allow ˙you to clip a corner or two. ˙ ˙4) If you manually plot the course for a bombard mission you must ˙target the appropriate "X" in the waters off Guadalcanal. The ˙Japanese must target the blue (American) "X" and the Americans ˙must target the red (Japanese) "X". Likewise when you manually ˙plot a supply run you must target the "X" that matches your side ˙(red for Japanese and blue for American). REMEMBER that plot must ˙end in close proximity to the appropriate "X". ˙ ˙5) Ship speed can be affected by the direction and strength of the ˙wind. Your task force will slow down if they are sailing against ˙the wind. ˙ ˙6) Light carriers (CVL) will be listed as CV's in the game. ˙ ˙7) You can adjust the music volume by hitting the ALT 1 through ˙ALT4 keys; you may also turn off the speech by hitting ˙ALT- A. You can use these keys only during game play. ˙ ˙8) You can alter the delay time for messages by accessing the ˙Controls menu and using the "Message" option. ˙ ˙9) When you select "smoke" for your task force, you will not see a ˙graphical representation of the smoke (it slows down the game), but ˙the effect do take place. ˙ ˙10) If a ship starts sinking while you are in Fast Mode you are ˙dropped out of Fast Mode until the ship sinks and then Fast Mode ˙resumes. ˙ ˙11) If your troops run out of supplies (0 supplies) you will be given ˙automatic defend orders. You can choose another option but when the ˙battle report comes the computer will not let you attack and will ˙place you in defend. ˙ ˙12) You will recieve one plane per plane type every day as ˙reinforcements. Carriers also replaces one plane per plane type ˙while at sea. ˙ ˙13) Save games each take up 500K of disk space, so if you are ˙low on disk space you may get a "Save File Failure" message. ˙Maintain a few megs of free space on your hard drive if you ˙make lots of new saves. ˙ ˙NAVIGATION ˙ ˙1) There are two new orders in the Navigation Orders panel: ˙"Manual" and "Tactical". "Manual" allows you to manually set ˙speed and course. "Tactical" allows the computer to run the ship ˙during combat. ˙ ˙2) You cannot steer the ship by clicking on the rudder. If you ˙wish to manually direct the course of your task force you need to ˙access the Navigation Panel and set the orders (Set Orders command) ˙to Manual. Use the "Set Course" button to enter a new heading. ˙This command also works with detached ships that are under ˙tactical orders. ˙ ˙3) If you use the custom formation option, the computer will ˙automatically sets up the flagship in the center. You must arrange ˙your task force in relation to the flagship. ˙ ˙4) Be careful not to make your custom formations too wide or they ˙may have trouble in confined waters. ˙ ˙TORPEDOES ˙ ˙1) The target readout for the torpedoes turns 180 degrees away ˙from the target if a friendly ship is interposed between your ship ˙and target ship. ˙ ˙2) Japanese torpedo mounts will try to reload during combat ˙but they may not finish reloading until the ship is out of combat. ˙American ships do not reload during combat. ˙ ˙3) If you switch the Torpedo Control on the bridge to manual control ˙it prevents the ship from firing torpedoes on its own. ˙ ˙4) When you manually fire torpedoes you should set the game speed ˙to x1, otherwise the compute button does not update properly. ˙ ˙ ˙AIR OPERATIONS ˙ ˙1) You can click directly on the map to send an airstrike to a ˙suspected enemy position without a contact report. However the ˙chance of the strike hitting a target is small, as the airstrike ˙really needs a contact report. ˙ ˙2) Your air strike missions are restricted by the shortest range of ˙the planes involved. If the contact is beyond the range you will ˙not get a target. Try resetting the strike without the planes with ˙the shortest range. ˙ ˙3) You can only set search range and direction from the Air Ops ˙screen (F5) of each ship or base. This option is not available from ˙the Flag Bridge. ˙ ˙4) A base acts like the flag bridge of a carrier force. You can ˙launch CAP from the "Flag Bridge" of the base. All other air ˙operations must take place in the Air Ops screen (F5). ˙ ˙5) "Scout" missions have been renamed "Search" missions. ˙ ˙6) The aircraft ranges listed when you ready an aircraft represent ˙the operational range in nautical miles for a one-way trip. ˙ ˙7) The second speed listed in the Aircraft Briefing screens is the ˙payload speed of the listed aircraft. ˙ ˙ ˙BASE OPERATIONS ˙ ˙1) The Flag Bridge screen also doubles as the base screen. ˙ ˙2) When you are on the "Base" screen, clicking on the Cargo button ˙will list the current number of supplies and troops in that base. ˙ ˙3) When loading a ship a number will appear next to the name, ˙indicating the number of hours it takes the ship to load. Once the ˙ship has finished loading you will see an "L" next to the name. ˙Also, when you fuel or repair a ship, you will see the number of ˙hours to complete the fueling or repairs. ˙ ˙4) There has been a change in how fueling occurs for a ship at ˙a base. You can no longer select the amount, as the computer will ˙automatically fuel the ship to 100% capacity. ˙ ˙Map Filters ˙ ˙The map filters have been rearranged to be more efficient and a ˙couple of new filters have been added. ˙ ˙1) Be careful when you use the Map filter option "Autocenter". ˙You will be unable to move the map position from the chosen ship or ˙task force. ˙ ˙2) There are two new map filters. The first is "Range Circles"; which ˙sets a series of circles in 250-mile increments around the base or ˙task force. This can be a useful option for planning airstrikes. ˙The second new filter is the "TF Plot Times"; which will displays ˙the time in days, hours, and minutes to reach each way point in your ˙plot. ˙ ˙ ˙DAMAGE CONTROL ˙ ˙1) During combat your damage control crews are less effective. ˙The fastest way to repair a ship is to get out of combat. ˙ ˙2) As long as one of the Main Gun Directors is functioning, your guns ˙should be able to fire at will. ˙ ˙3) Damage to your ship's shaft or rudder reduces the ship's ˙speed to zero and prevents it from turning. ˙ ˙ ˙SUPPLIES ˙ ˙1) During unloading of a Supply Run, each ship unloads up to ˙50 troops and 500 supplies per hour. ˙ ˙2) The formula for supply consumption is determined by multiplying ˙the number of troops by the combat option (defend=1, probe=2, ˙attack=3, offensive=4) and dividing by five. For example, 1000 ˙troops on a probe mission would use the following supply ˙(1000 x 2 = 2000/5 = 400 tons of supply used). The final number ˙has some random variation applied after the calculation, so the ˙number obtained should be consider an approximation. ˙ ˙ ˙TRANSLATION OF JAPANESE SPEECH ˙ ˙JAPANESE ENGLISH ˙ ˙Tekikan Hakken Enemy spotted ˙ ˙Gyorai Hakken Torpedoes spotted ˙ ˙Tekikan Gekichin Enemy ship sinking ˙ ˙Meirei Dentatsu We are transfering command, sir ˙ ˙Honkan Gekichin Our ship is sinking ˙ ˙ ˙GAME HINTS ˙ ˙SUPPLY RUNS ˙ ˙The Japanese player must be very careful planning and running Supply ˙Run missions. These are critical to the Japanese in the campaign ˙game. As the Japanese player you face a major problem running ˙against U.S. air power in Henderson Field and from the U.S. carriers. ˙In order to survive your missions must arrive at Guadalcanal during ˙the early evening so that your ships can unload and retreat before ˙the Allied air power can strike. Create a task force of destroyers ˙and cruisers and load them with supplies. Run the task force down ˙and hide in the slot. The "slot" itself begins around 300 miles ˙northwest of Guadalcanal. It will take you at least a day or two ˙before you reach the "slot". If you arrive early in the morning or ˙late afternoon, stop your TF and wait. The best time to go down the ˙slot is around 1400 hrs (2:00 PM) and go at full speed, so that ˙you should make it to Guadalcanal by 2200 hrs (10:00PM). By this ˙method you can avoid U.S. airstrikes from Henderson; however, if ˙there are U.S. carriers around, you may have to modify your schedule. ˙Note that the Japanese transports only move at approximately 15 knots, ˙so if they are a part of the task force you will have to change your ˙tactics. ˙ ˙TORPEDO ATTACKS ˙ ˙ ˙The torpedo attack is one of the more difficult skills to master in ˙the game. A lot depends on timing and luck. It is difficult to hit ˙a moving ship and if you are American, the chances of your torpedoes ˙hitting something and actually working are very slim. The best way ˙to hit a ship with torpedoes is to launch several waves at the target ˙ship but at different angles. What you want to do is force the ˙target ship into a position where it cannot avoid the torpedoes. ˙You can detach a destroyer or two and send them around the flank of ˙the enemy Task Force and have them launch torpedoes. Your main force ˙should then launch another wave from the opposite side. You can ˙also plot your Task Force for a torpedo run in one direction, then ˙turn sharply and launch a second set on the new plot. ˙ ˙CAMPAIGN GAME ˙ ˙The main goal of the campaign game is not just to sink a lot of enemy ˙ships, but to maintain a hold on Guadalcanal. If your base runs out ˙of men, it will fall to the enemy. With this in mind, the control of ˙the seas around Guadalcanal becomes important, as the side who can ˙dominate the seas can best resupply its bases on Guadalcanal. ˙ ˙For the Japanese the first campaign will be a difficult one, as you ˙are initially facing a larger American force. Until you get your ˙carriers into play, lay low and stick to night missions. Use your ˙Betty bombers to harass the American TF's off of Henderson Field. If ˙you can sink transports, you will find that it helps in the long ˙term. One of the strengths for the Japanese is the ability to use ˙destroyers as transport. The destroyer's speed allows them to avoid ˙the enemy air by arriving, unloading, and leaving before daylight. ˙ ˙As the Americans, use your initial advantage to make multiple supply ˙runs and bombardment missions before the Japanese carriers show up. ˙In night battles be careful of the Japanese torpedo attacks as one ˙hit could sink a cruiser. Use Henderson Field to your advantage; ˙remember to transfer some PBY's there so you can launch search ˙missions. Protect your carriers; as each carrier could be worth ˙as much as 70,000 points, and losing one or two of them will cost ˙you the game. ˙ ˙ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ˙ ˙Q: Why are there two Name options under Aircraft when the map filters ˙are displayed? ˙ ˙A: The map filters have been modified from the form shown in the ˙user's manual. The first Name option is under the formation heading ˙and when toggled on displays the names of overall flight formations. ˙The second Name option displays the names of individual planes ˙when they are making their attack runs and performing their search ˙missions. ˙ ˙Q: Why am I unable to transfer ships from Truk to Rabual or vice ˙versa? ˙ ˙A: Historically, both of these bases were separate commands in the ˙Japanese Navy and did not transfer ships to each other. ˙If you wish to move some ships to another base, you can avoid the ˙separate command issue by using the "Return to Base" order when you ˙have completed a mission. ˙ ˙Q: Why do I receive land combat reports, that indicate zero ˙casualties? ˙ ˙A: Most likely both you and your opponent are in defensive mode, ˙therefore you have no losses. ˙ ˙Q: Why do I receive contact reports that are not listed in my ˙Target Selection menu? ˙ ˙A: Your search planes have a much long range than your strike ˙planes (Kates, VALs, Avengers, etc.). The contact will not be listed ˙as a target until your strike planes come within a reasonable range ˙to hit the contact. ˙ ˙Q: Why do B-17s and Bettys seem to do very little damage to Henderson ˙or Guadalcanal? ˙ ˙A: Neither of these two planes was very useful in land bombing roles ˙in this campaign. First, Henderson Field was very difficult to ˙damage by bombs alone, and second, bombing at high altitudes often ˙resulted in very inaccurate bombings. ˙ ˙Q: Why doesn't my task force move even after I set a plot for it? ˙ ˙A: Since you are in manual mode you need to set the speed for your ˙task force (it is probably at 0). ˙ ˙Q: Why do my search planes turn around at 4:00PM and head home. ˙ ˙A: It is because at that time the pilots know they need to head ˙back before sunset. Make sure you launch your air formations early ˙enough to allow them time to do their missions. ˙ ˙Q: Why did my air strike go after a secondary target close to the ˙original target I selected? ˙ ˙A: The pilots have a tendency to attack the first thing they see. ˙This happened quite often in the actual battles. ˙ ˙ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION ˙ ˙VESA Drivers ˙ ˙What exactly is a VESA driver? Good question. The VESA driver itself ˙is a small program which loads into memory and interacts with your ˙video board. This little program (in conjunction with your video ˙board) is then is able to display resolutions such as 640x480, ˙800x600, and 1024x768, all using 256 glorious colors. This enhanced ˙resolution can be used to great effect in many ways. A VESA driver ˙is also a driver which follows standards set by the Video Electronic ˙Standards Association. This Association is responsible for setting ˙and supporting industry-wide video graphics standards for the benefit ˙of end-users. ˙ ˙Why is this driver needed? The driver is necessary since the original ˙VGA standard (introduced in 1987) set 320x200 as being the highest ˙resolution available. Video board companies soon upped the ante with ˙higher-resolution VGA boards (also knows as Super VGA, or SVGA, ˙boards) and quickly found a need to make these boards compatible with ˙each other. Hence, the VESA association was formed to set standards ˙for these boards. We should note here that every video board company ˙has its own VESA driver, and that a VESA driver made for one video ˙board does not necessarily work with another. ˙ ˙Great Naval Battles II uses a high-resolution 640x480x256 mode in ˙order to more accurately depict the detail of naval combat. ˙Obviously, in order to reap the benefits of this higher resolution, ˙you need to install the VESA driver before playing the game. ˙ ˙Our installation program tries to identify the video board you are ˙using, and installs the appropriate VESA driver in the GNB2.BAT file. ˙Running the game by typing GNB2 and pressing Enter/Return should work ˙for the majority of users. ˙ ˙However, some video boards may not be detected by the installation ˙program, or the VESA driver used may not work with your board. If you ˙have trouble running the game with the GNB2 command, try ˙typing START2 and press Enter/Return. The START2.BAT file includes ˙a universal VESA driver that should work with most video boards. ˙ ˙One other option you may wish to consider is installing your VESA ˙driver in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file so it is always available upon ˙boot-up. To do this, you will need to know the location and name of ˙the VESA driver for your video board. Add the complete path and ˙filename for the driver as a line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file using ˙the EDIT command. As an example, we have included an AUTOEXEC.BAT ˙with an Orchid VESA driver installed. Note that you may need to ˙refer to your video card manual and DOS manual for additional ˙information. ˙ ˙ ˙Example AUTOEXEC.BAT ˙ ˙PATH=C:\;C:\DOS;C:\MOUSE;C:\UTIL ˙C:\UTIL\ORCHDVSA ˙PROMPT $P$G ˙ ˙Note: This examples assumes the VESA driver resides in the UTIL ˙directory. ˙ ˙ ˙GAME MEMORY ˙ ˙Great Naval Battles Vol.2 requires a large amount of extended ˙memory in order to run. This game does not use expanded memory, ˙it is very important that you do not use EMM386.sys in your ˙CONFIG.SYS file in your computer. This game needs at least 3,080,192 ˙bytes of extended memory in order to run. ˙ ˙ ˙SUMMARY OF NEW COMMAND KEYS ˙ALT 1 - ALT 4 Change Music Volume ˙ALT A Turn Speech ON/OFF ˙PAGEUP/DOWN Page up/down the ship list in a task force or base. ˙ ˙DIRECTORY of SHIP CLASSES ˙ ˙JAPANESE SHIPS ˙ ˙BB's ˙ ˙NAGATO CLASS ˙ Mutsu ˙ ˙KONGO CLASS ˙ Kongo, Hiei, Kirishima, Haruna ˙ ˙YAMATO CLASS ˙ Yamato ˙ ˙CV's ˙ ˙JUNYO CLASS ˙ Junyo, Hiyo ˙ ˙RYUJO CLASS ˙ Ryujo ˙ ˙SHOKAKU CLASS ˙ Shokaku, Zuikaku ˙ ˙ZUIHO CLASS ˙ Zuiho ˙ ˙CS's ˙ ˙CHITOSE CLASS ˙ Chiyoda, Chitose ˙ ˙CS MARU CLASS ˙ Kamikawa Maru ˙ ˙NISSHIN CLASS ˙ Nisshin ˙ ˙CA's ˙ ˙TAKAO CLASS ˙ Chokai, Takao, Atago, Maya ˙ ˙FURUTAKA CLASS ˙ Furutaka, Kako ˙ ˙AOBA CLASS ˙ Aoba, Kinugasa ˙ ˙NACHI CLASS ˙ Myoko, Haguro ˙ ˙MOGAMI CLASS ˙ Suzuya, Kumano ˙ ˙TONE CLASS ˙ Tone, Chikuma ˙ ˙CL's ˙ ˙YUBARI CLASS ˙ Yubari (not in manual, appears in ship briefings list) ˙ ˙TENRYU CLASS ˙ Tenryu, Tatsuta ˙ ˙SENDAI CLASS ˙ Jintsu, Sendai ˙ ˙NAGARA CLASS ˙ Nagara, Yura, Isuzu ˙ ˙DD's ˙ ˙KAMAKAZE CLASS ˙ Asakaze, Oite, Yunagi ˙ ˙MUTSUKI CLASS ˙ Uzuki, Mochizuki, Yuzuki, Mutsuki, Yayoi ˙ ˙SHIRATSUYU CLASS ˙ Kawakaze, Umikaze, Suzukaze, Shiratsuyu, Shigure, Murasume, ˙ Samidare, Harausme, Yudachi ˙ ˙KAGERO CLASS ˙ Arashi, Kagero, Maikaze, Isokaze, Urakaze, Hamakaze, ˙ Hagikaze, Tanikaze, Kuroshio, Oyahio, Hatsukaze, Yukikaze, ˙ Hayashio, Amatsukaze, Tokitsukaze, Nowaki ˙ ˙HATSUHARU CLASS ˙ Yugure, Ariake ˙ ˙ASASHIO CLASS ˙ Natsugumo, Minegumo, Asagumo ˙ ˙FUBUKI CLASS ˙ Sazanami, Oshio, Shirakumo, Asagiri, Yugiri, Amagiri, ˙ Akebono, Uranami, Shikinami, Ayanami, Fubuki, Shirayuki, ˙ Hatsuyuki, Murakumo, Isonami ˙ ˙AKATSUKI CLASS ˙ Akizuki, Akatsuki, Ikazuchi, Inazuma ˙ ˙YUGUMO CLASS ˙ Makinami, Naganami, Yugumo, Akigumo, Kazegumo, Makigumo ˙ ˙MINEKAZE CLASS ˙ Hakaze, Akikaze, Tachikaze ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ALLIED SHIPS ˙ ˙ ˙BB's ˙ ˙NORTH CAROLINA CLASS ˙ North Carolina, Washington ˙ ˙SOUTH DAKOTA CLASS ˙ South Dakota ˙ ˙CV's ˙ ˙LEXINGTON CLASS ˙ Saratoga ˙ ˙YORKTOWN CLASS ˙ Enterprise, Hornet ˙ ˙WASP CLASS ˙ Wasp ˙ ˙CVE's ˙ ˙LONG ISLAND CLASS ˙ Long Island ˙ ˙CA's ˙ ˙NEW ORLEANS CLASS ˙ New Orleans, Minneapolis, San Francisco, Astoria, Quincy, ˙ Vincennes ˙ ˙PORTLAND CLASS ˙ Portland ˙ ˙PENSACOLA CLASS ˙ Salt Lake City, Pensacola ˙ ˙NORTHAMPTON CLASS ˙ Chester, Northampton, Chicago ˙ ˙AUSTRALIA CLASS ˙ Australia ˙ ˙CANBERRA CLASS ˙ Canberra ˙ ˙CL's ˙ ˙BROOKLYN CLASS ˙ Boise, Helena ˙ ˙ATLANTA CLASS ˙ Juneau, Atlanta, San Juan ˙ ˙PERTH CLASS ˙ Hobart ˙ ˙DD's ˙ ˙PORTER CLASS ˙ Phelps, Balch, Selfridge, Porter ˙ ˙FARRAGUT CLASS ˙ Dewey, Hull, Farragut, Macdonough, Worden, Dale ˙ ˙BENHAM CLASS ˙ Benham, Ellet, Wilson, Lang, Sterett, Stack ˙ ˙BENSON CLASS ˙ Grayson, Gwin, Aaron Ward, Farenholt, Laffey, Monssen, ˙ Buchanan, Lansdowne, Duncan, McCalla, Lardner, Meredith ˙ ˙BAGLEY CLASS ˙ Maury, Patterson, Mugford, Ralph Talbot, Jarvis, Bagley, ˙ Blue, Helm, Henley ˙ ˙MAHAN CLASS ˙ Preston, Mahan, Lamson, Conygham, Shaw, Cushing, Smith ˙ ˙SIMS CLASS ˙ Hughes, Anderson, Russell, Morris, Mustin, O'Brien ˙ ˙FLETCHER CLASS ˙ Nicholas, Fletcher ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙J.Young ˙ ˙˙˙