TGFUP.EXE ::: 777,830 bytes total Update for The Grandest Fleet. Updates all sound drivers, saves officer notches at the end of battles. Saves and restores options such as random damage, Advanced ship rules, and side names correctly. Several other corrections. Copy these files in a temporary directory and type "TGFUP1" from that directory. The steps to do this are as follows: 1)Type "C:" and hit enter 2)Type "MD GFTEMP" and hit enter 3)Type "COPY A:\TGFUP1.EXE C:\GFTEMP" and hit enter 4)Type "CD\GFTEMP" and hit enter 5)Type "TGFUP1" and hit enter. Follow the on-screen instructions. 6)When you have completed the installation of the update type "CD\" and hit enter 7)Type "DEL GFTEMP" and hit enter. Answer the on-screen question by typing "Y". 8)Type "RD GFTEMP" and hit enter 9)Enjoy the game. This update includes the following: A general update for most sound cards and drivers. Officer notches are now saved to disk at the end of battles and campaigns. Saved games now restore side names, random damage options, and Advanced ship options correctly. (newly saved games only for side names) Computer now defaults to "ENEMY" as side name until user enters a new name. Campaign menu Save, Continue, and Abort mouse click areas corrected. Slight correction to Culture menu. Several other slight changes. Frequently...people have asked about the computer building its cities rapidly on level 1. This can be done by the player by clicking on the city name in the build menu. This will utilize your Tech and Resources to build the city in size. Grandest Fleet has been given a Golden Triad Award by Computer Gaming Review and has been given an outstanding design award at the Consumer Electronic Show in Chicago. Coming soon...Bridge Olympiad, Zig-Zag, The Pure Wargame and The Perfect General 2.