1 Invalid WinFrame Server Browser command header received. 2 Invalid WinFrame Server Browser command received. 3 WinFrame Server Browser command contains an invalid parameter. 4 Not enough memory. 5 I/O Error. 6 Read Timeout. 14 The WinFrame Server you have selected can not be located. 16 Invalid WinFrame Server Browser command received on request. 17 Invalid WinFrame Server Browser command sequence received. 18 The WinFrame Server cluster you have selected can not be located. 19 Unable to contact the WinFrame Server Browser. Either your network is not functional, or you need to configure an address under Server Browsing. 22 IPX protocol is not available. 23 TCP/IP protocol is not available. 24 NETBIOS protocol is not available. 10014 The namelength argument is incorrect 10022 The socket is not already bound to an address 10024 No more file discriptors are available 10035 Operation would block 10036 Operation now in progress 10037 Operation already in progress 10038 Socket operation on non-socket 10039 Destination address required 10040 Message too long 10041 Protocol wrong type for socket 10042 Protocol not available 10043 Protocol not supported 10044 Socket type not supported 10045 Operation not supported on socket 10046 Protocol family not supported 10047 Address not supported by protocol family 10048 Address already in use 10049 Can't assign requested address 10050 The Network is down 10051 The WinFrame Server you have selected is not accepting connections. 10052 The Network dropped connection on reset 10053 Software caused connection abort 10054 The WinFrame Server is not available, please try again later. 10055 No buffer space available 10056 Socket is already connected 10057 Socket is not connected 10058 Can't send after socket shutdown 10060 There is no WinFrame Server configured on the specified address 10061 The WinFrame Server you have selected is not accepting connections. 10062 Too many levels of symbolic links 10063 Name too long 10064 The WinFrame Server is down 10065 There is no route to the specified subnet address 10066 Directory not empty 10091 Please verify your network support is properly installed 10092 Version Not Supported 10093 Please verify your network support is properly installed 11001 Could not find specified WinFrame Server 15108 The WinFrame server you have selected is not available, please try again later. 15111 The WinFrame server you have selected is not available. 15112 Invalid WinFrame Server version. 20000 [%s] 20001 [Error %i: %s] 20002 %s Error %u - %s 20003 Support not available for %s. Check your system configuration. 20004 (no error text available) 20005 Citrix 20100 Unable to determine directory of executable. 20102 Unable to parse command line. 20103 [ApplicationServers] section not found in ICA file. 20104 InternetClient 20105 Unknown status (%d) 20106 Citrix WinFrame ICA 20107 Citrix WinFrame ICA 20108 Setup completed successfully. Please re-start the web browser to activate changes. 20109 Setup failed. 20110 C&onnection Status 20111 ICA file not found 20112 Ver %s 20113 Client help: \n\n/setup Register the ICA client with web browser\n/? Client help (this)\nfilename.ICA Start ICA Internet client connection to a WinFrame server\n\n 20114 Click on the application icons on the web page at http://www.citrix.com/hotspot.htm for a demo. 20700 Can't load data from initialization file %s\n Section: %s \nKey: %s 20701 Can't delete Section %s from initialization file %s. 20702 Can't delete Key from initialization file %s\n Section: %s\n Key: %s 20703 Can't save string to initialization file %s\n Section: %s\n Key: %s\n String: %s 20704 Can't load entries from configuration file %s. 20705 Internal Error (%s) 20706 The %s file is missing or corrupt (can't find the [%s] section). Run the WinFrame Client SETUP program to re-install this application. 20707 The %s file is missing or corrupt (can't find the [%s] section).\n\nThe connection is aborted. 21001 Connection established 21002 Connection was terminated by the WinFrame Server 21003 Connection was terminated by the WinFrame Client 21004 Modem Initializing 21005 Modem Dialing 21006 Calling 21007 No response from Modem 21008 Error response from Modem 21009 No dial tone detected 21010 Preparing to redial 21011 Voice detected on phone line 21012 Busy signal detected on phone line 21013 Terminate Call 21014 Timeout; Redialing 21015 Modem establishing protocol 21016 Out of retry attempts 21017 Reconnecting to WinFrame Server 21023 Do you want to terminate the application? 21024 Initializing... 21025 Connection in progress... 21033 Disconnecting... 23000 The DLL file or a DLL referenced by it was not found 23001 Insufficient memory 23002 Bad overlay 23003 Bad procedure index 23004 Buffer too small 23005 Corrupt memory header 23006 Corrupt memory trailer 23007 Corrupt free header 23008 Corrupt segment header 23009 Memory already free 23010 Memory type mismatch 23011 Null pointer 23012 I/O pending 23013 Invalid buffer size 23014 Invalid mode 23015 Not open 23016 No output buffer 23017 DLL procedure not found 23018 DLL larger than 256K 23019 Corrupted DLL 23020 Open failed 23021 Invalid handle 23022 Virtual Driver not found 23023 WinStation Driver name not found in MODULE.INI 23024 Protocol Driver name not found in MODULE.INI 23025 Thinwire out of sync 23026 Mouse not available 23027 Invalid request 23028 Queue is full 23029 Invalid DLL load 23030 Protocol Driver error 23031 Virtual Driver error 23032 Already open 23033 Port not available 23034 Communication I/O Error 23035 Thinwire cache error 23036 Bad file 23037 WFCLIENT.INI not found 23038 APPSRV.INI not found 23039 MODULE.INI not found 23040 MODEM.INI not found 23041 LAN not available 23042 Transport not available 23043 Invalid Parameter 23044 No WinStation Driver is loaded 23045 Not connected to a WinFrame Server 23046 The Virtual Driver is not loaded 23047 Already connected to a WinFrame Server 23048 Can't find the WinFrame Engine %s. 23049 Entry not found in APPSRV.INI 23050 Protocol Driver for Entry not found in APPSRV.INI 23051 WinStation Driver for Entry not found in APPSRV.INI 23052 Protocol Driver section not found in MODULE.INI 23053 WinStation Driver section not found in MODULE.INI 23054 Device section not found in WFCLIENT.INI 23055 Virtual Driver section not found in MODULE.INI 23056 Virtual Driver name not found in MODULE.INI 23057 [WFClient] section not found in APPSRV.INI 23058 [WFClient] section not found in WFCLIENT.INI 23059 [Hotkey Shift States] section not found in MODULE.INI 23060 [Hotkey Keys] section not found in MODULE.INI 23061 [KeyboardLayout] section not found in MODULE.INI 23062 Invalid client window process 23063 The client window process is not responding 23064 Data error, received unexpected unencrypted data 23065 No network enumerator is defined in MODULE.INI 23066 No WinFrame servers could be found 23067 A network error was encountered while searching for WinFrame servers 23068 This feature is not supported in Windows95. Use the WinFrame Server's IP address for TCP/IP or the network:node address for IPX/SPX. 23069 Connection dropped because of communication errors 23071 Unable to contact the WinFrame Server Browser. Either your network is not functional, or you need to configure an address under Server Browsing. 23072 The specified Network Protocol is not available. 23074 A seven bit data path was detected to the WinFrame server. An eight bit data path is required. 23075 Your WinFrame Client connection is already running. 25000 : 25001 : 25002 : 25003 : 25004 : 25005 : 25006 :<[path]file> 25007 :<[path]file> 25008 :<[path]file> 25009 :<[path]file> 25010 :<[path]file> 25020 (none) 25021 plus 25022 minus 25023 star 25024 tab 25025 Shift 25026 Ctrl 25027 Alt 25040 (User Profile) 49152 WinFrame Remote Job 65535 Transport Driver error