32101 Visual J++ 1.0 32102 Common Files (*.java) 32103 Source Files (*.java) 32104 \nText\nCode/Text\nSource Files (*.java)\n.java 32105 Java 32106 Doc Comment 32107 java 32108 Java Class (*.class) 32109 Java Project 32110 The class "%s" is in use in file "%s". Please choose a different class name. 32111 Could not create new class 32112 Could not create the file "%s". 32113 The file "%s" already exists. Please choose a different class name. 32114 No class specified 32115 Open %s 32116 Invalid class specified 32117 '%s' was not found on the class path 32118 Open imported class... 32119 No source files were found for this package 32120 Could not create directory "%s" 32121 The super class "%s" was not found. Would you like to create the new class anyway? 32122 rct 32124 Resource Templates (*.rct)|*.rct|Resource Files (*.res)|*.res|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 32125 Resource 32126 Type 32127 Class Name 32128 The following files were successfully created:\n\n 32129 Dialog 32130 Menu 32131 Invalid file format 32132 No Dialogs or Menus found in file: %s 32133 Invalid class name: %s 32134 DialogLayout 32135 Separator 32136 Out of memory 32137 "%s" is an interface. Only classes can be extended. 32138 "%s" is a final class, and therefore cannot be extended. 32139 The class name "%s" is not valid. 32140 The package name "%s" is not valid. 32141 Multi-byte characters are not allowed in class or package names. 32142 Duplicate class name: %s 32143 1 of 2 32144 2 of 2 42625 Creates a new class and adds it to the project 42626 Opens the source file containing the imported class 42627 Generates .JAVA files for Dialogs and Menus contained in .RCT files