How it works
How does the Welcome Sample work? As the page is loaded, script
tags are encountered by the browser. Script tags may contain code
that executes as the HTML page is being parsed. This code may write
content into the page using an object supplied by the browser. To
do this, the VBScript code calls the "Document" object's "Write"
method, passing a string. All of this is done on the client side:
no special server side processing, no PERL hacking, no fuss, no
The code
' This line executes when the script tag is parsed.
Call PrintWelcome
Sub PrintWelcome
Dim h
h = Hour(Now)
If h < 12 then
Document.Write "Good morning! "
ElseIf h < 17 then
Document.Write "Good afternoon! "
Document.Write "Good evening! "
End If
Document.Write "Welcome to the world of VBScript. "
Document.Write "Just in case you were wondering, it's "
Document.Write Time() & " on " & Date() & "."
End Sub