What changed from Beta:-

  1. Updated the sample to remove the fix made for bug in URLHLINK (UrlDownloadToFile). No more message loop to wait for file to be downloaded. It is now full blocking call.

  2. Added support for Status Bar. Now the progress of download can be seen in the status bar of MDI frame.

  3. New Files being modified from SuperPad :- Mainfrm.cpp :- Added a function MyShowPane() to support status bar display.

Old Readme:-

This sample is the modified version of SuperPad sample. URLPad adds the functionality of editing any file sitting in the Web Server with ease and also help in posting the file back to the Web Server using the WebPost wizard. The sample uses the URLOpenstream API's (which are the wrapped up API's for URLMON calls ) to download a file when a URL is passed to it. The file is opened in the URLPad edit box which can then be modified. This file can be again posted back to the Web Server using the WebPost wizard.

The file can be opened by using the File-Open command from the menu. A modified version of FileOpen dialog is presented. There is a checkbox for selecting whether a URL is to be opened. The user can then type in the full URL path. The file is downloaded (blocked) into a temporary file. This file after editing can be posted back to the WEB Server by using the File-Save command from the menubar.

Requirements :-

1. Please go through the MSDN article or books online for the details regarding implementation of Superpad.

2. InetSDK should be installed on the machine. (Run SetupSDK.EXE from the SDK root).

3. You need to install Microsoft WebPost runtime by executing WebPost.EXE which comes along with the InetSDK.

4. The sample uses two major libraries.

Description of New Files being added from SuperPad :-

download.cpp : It implements all the callback for the IBindStatusCallback which is abstracted in CBindStatusCallback class.

download.h: It contains the CBindStatusCallback class definition.

fileopen.cpp: It implements CModFileDialog class. This is basically for Customizing the FileOpen Common Dialog

fileopen.h: It contains the CModFileDialog class definition.

Description of New Files being modified from SuperPad :-

paddoc.cpp : Handler has been added for OnFileSave() to call the WebPost wizard.

paddoc.h : Minor modification because of the handler being added.

superpad.doc : It implements the custom file open dialog and also the handling of OnFileOpen() has been changed. It also defines one additional function PromptForFileName() for handling FileOpen.

superpad.h : Minor modification done to the original file. PromptForFileName() function definition added to the class.

URLPad.Reg : This file has been modified so that URLPad entries will be updated in the registry. All the association will be moved from SuperPad to URLPad.