Release notes for the Microsoft ActiveX Development Kit:
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 1996
Note: If you did not access this document from \INetSDK\Help\Default.htm,
that is probably a better place to begin reading documentation. This
readme.txt is the second URL in that document's right hand frame.
Welcome to the Microsoft ActiveX Development Kit. These are the release
notes of the July '96 release of the ActiveX SDK. It is intended to be
installed with the Beta II release of Internet Explorer 3.0, and the
May '96 release of the Win32 SDK. The operating system for this release
of the SDK is intended to be Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 SUR beta.
Here's a brief description of the contents of this folder, followed
by release notes.
BIN SDK Tools, redistributables DLLs and self extracting .exe's
HELP Help files for various SDK components
INCLUDE Include files for Win32 Internet Services and OLE Interfaces
LIB Libraries for the Internet SDK
SAMPLES Internet SDK Samples
SPECS Internet SDK Documentation and Specifications
Notes on which VC++, MFC, IE 3.0, and Win32 SDK are required.
This release of the ActiveX SDK require that you have downloaded and
* Beta II of the Internet Explorer 3.0.
* The latest release of the Win32 SDK (dated May '96, available on
MSDN Level II).
* Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 SUR Beta
* A compiler (Microsoft Visual C++ 4.1 is the most tested)
You will experience problems building code if you do not have the latest
Win32 SDK. Before installing the latest ActiveX SDK, you should go to
the root of any past installation of the ActiveX SDK, and delete the
entire \INetSDK and it's sub-directories.
If you have Visual C++ 4.1 and the May '96 release of the Win32 SDK, you
should set your environment variables by executing the following commands
on your command line (note, make exceptions to make sure you go the the
correct directories)
cd \msdev\bin
vcvars32 x86
cd c:\mstools
setenv c:\mstools
cd c:\inetsdk
setenv c:\inetsdk
Not having the May '96 release of the Win32 SDK is not a supported setup.
If you do not have a release of the Win32 SDK, or if you have not upgraded
from the Aug.'95 release of the Win32 SDK, you will have trouble building
samples and using the current header files. Some people have had success
by changing the order of their include files i.e. making sure that the
\msdev collection of include files come before those of the \inetsdk set
of include files. I stress however that this is not a supported setup,
and you will likely continue to have problems.
There are some known problems with MFC 4.2 support. If you are using
MFC 4.2 and ActiveX technology, you will experience problems (as
can be seen when trying to compile the UrlPad sample). MFC 4.2
support for ActiveX technology is still in beta form. This support will
be updated after the ActiveX SDK is final.
If you wish to do development for an MFC based application, you
should use VC++ 4.1 and MFC 4.1; or you can use VC++ 4.2 with
MFC 4.1 (their will be a tech note in your VC++ installation on
how to setup this configuration: \msdev\win32s.wri). Some people
have had success using VC++ 4.2 and MFC 4.2 and changing their
include paths to pick up the MFC include files first. This will
allow you to compile, but the MFC 4.2 files are not sync'd correctly
with the newer ActiveX SDK libs and dlls; so you will likely
continue to have problems. Using MFC 4.2 is not supported with
this release of the ActiveX SDK.
The ActiveX SDK nolonger installs DLLs (although it makes some available
for you to install yourself i.e. ULServer.dll). It is assumed that you
have all of the DLLs needed for your ActiveX development
through your Windows NT system or Internet Explorer installation. If this
assumption is not correct, please let us know.
DigSig.dll Patch:
In the \bin directory you will find a copy of DigSig.dll. This is a
patch to the DigSig.dll that shipped with the Internet Explorer beta II.
To install it, simply copy it into you \System or \System32 directory.
The system will let you do this assuming you do not have a dialog
box for a certificate currently active on your screen. You do not need
to reboot the system for this installation.
One of the changes that you will find in this SDK is a great new look
with the HTML documentation. It now uses frames and is better indexed
so that you can find things easier. You will need to be sure to have
the Beta II release of Internet Explorer 3.0 to view these documents
however. Most of the HTML documentation will be found in the
\INetSDK\Help sub-directory, and can be accessed from
\INetSDK\Help\Default.htm. You will find the HTML documentation more
generally up to date.
There is a second set of documentation in the \INetSDK\Specs
sub-directory. This is essentially a collection of old specifications
of technology still in transition or information that has not been
converted into HTML yet. You will find it a bit dated; but it may
still be helpful to your development efforts. As always, with any
documentation, you should consider the header files the most recent
and the last word.
Due to many ISV requests, we have also placed the ActiveX.MVB file back
into the ActiveX SDK. We had initially thought ISVs would not want to
download this file due to size reasons, but feedback has indicated that
it is well worth the download time to be able to use .mvb files and a
search engine. You will find it in the \INetSDK\Help sub-directory.
Note, if you are having trouble finding an old .doc or .txt file, chances
are it has been folded into the new .htm or .mvb files. If you're not
finding things where you think they should be located, please give us
feedback. If we get enough feedback to indicate a change is needed to
the documentation structure, we will make it.
Some notable additions to the documentation are information on Steps on
making a control, Licensing, and Pallete issues.
There is another new file called RegSet.txt found in \INetSDK\Bin. It is
meant to demostrate the registry settings for URLMon.dll, WinInet.dll,
and other files. It is in the form of an .inf file (it is actually
extracted from the Internet Explorer and redistributable's .inf files.)
There are a couple of new tools that you will find useful in your
* LPK_Tool: is a Licensing Package Authoring Tool, that
allows you to create a license package (LPK file) for the controls of
a given web page. To learn more, look for the lpk_tool.* files in your
\inetsdk\bin directory.
* ActiveX Control Pad: is a much easier way to add controls to your pages.
The ActiveX Control Pad is not a part of the ActiveX SDK download
available from the internet; however, if you don't have it already, you
can access it from a URL found on the \inetsdk\help\Overview.htm (that
jump is back one jump from here), or find it from in your browser as
* There are two new .reg files (and a readme: reg.txt) used to turn
registry settings on and off allowing the use of fake certificates for
signed code. When Internet Explorer is released to manufacture, this
registry setting will be turned off, so that end-users will not see the
popup fake certificate that developers are currently using to test
signed code. By executing these registry files, a developer can turn
the registry settings on so that their machine can test for signed code
when using a fake certificate. Files added to \INetSDK\Bin are: Reg.txt,
wvtstoff.reg, wvtston.reg.
* ShowKeys.exe is a new tool in the use of code signing. ShowKeys will
provide you with a list of your own signing keys in your certification
store (for both code signing and client authentication)
There a couple of new samples available for WinInet developers. They are
HTTPAuth and HeadDump. You will find them both in the
\InetSDK\Samples\WinInet sub-directory.
The ActiveX Conferencing samples (\INetSDK\Samples\MSConf) have been
refreshed from the latest Conferencing SDK, and you will find new
information on ULS in that samples subdirectories.
The WebPost samples have also been refreshed.
Under the category of "Ghee, if I had only known...", the following is
some helpful coding tips of things that have changed or things others
have discovered in their development cycles and want others to know about.
* A Change with OnData methods between Beta I and Beta II.
If you've written your controls based off of the WebImage sample
you will need to change your OnData method implementation and recompile.
Please look at the current WebImage sample for details.
The old sample was written to use a Push model implementation of
UrlMon.dll. The current ActiveX framework has been changed to use the
Pull model (more efficient).
* Passing Hexidecimal Values into Controls.
If you are having trouble with passing hexidecimal values into controls,
it may be because you are not using the VB syntax for specifying the hex
numbers, example:
* New Syntax for Floating Frames
There is a new syntax for floating frames. This means existing floating
frame pages will not work and need to be updated immediately. The
tag is no longer used to create a floating frame,