Purpose and Background

The Microsoft Win32 Internet functions provide Win32 applications with easy access to common Internet protocols. These functions abstract the Internet's Gopher, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), and HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) protocols into a high-level application programming interface (API) that is familiar to Win32 independent software vendors (ISVs) and software developers, and which provides a fast and straightforward path to making applications Internet-aware.

NOTE Initially, the Win32 Internet functions will be shipped as redistributables independent of operating systems through the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN), CompuServe, and the Internet. ISVs can redistribute WININET.DLL with their applications, following the model of Win32s. In the future, the functions described in this documentation will be folded into all Microsoft operating systems. The Win32 Internet functions are exported from the WININET.DLL.

The Win32 Internet functions facilitate access to the Internet in the following ways:

The Win32 Internet functions are intended to make Internet client applications easier to write; they are not intended to facilitate writing Internet servers. This is because servers must be able to control how the protocol is accessed and how I/O is performed in order to achieve the high performance necessary for high-traffic servers. In addition, the Win32 Internet functions are not intended to solve the general issue of access to mail and news servers.

© 1996 Microsoft Corporation