Values from the BINDVERB enumeration are passed to the moniker as part of the BINDINFO structure. The moniker calls the IBindStatusCallback::GetBindInfo method on the client to obtain additional information about the bind operation in the BINDINFO structure. The dwBindVerb member of the BINDINFO structure specifies an action, such as an HTTP request, to be performed during the binding operation.
typedef enum tagBINDVERB {ElementsBINDVERB_GET,
Perform an HTTP GET operation, the default operation. The stgmedData member of the BINDINFO structure should be set to TYMED_NULL for the GET operation.
Perform an HTTP POST operation. The data to be posted should be specified in the stgmedData member of the BINDINFO structure.
Perform an HTTP PUT operation. The data to put should be specified in the stgmedData member of the BINDINFO structure.
Perform a custom operation that is protocol specific. See the szCustomVerb member of the BINDINFO structure. The data to be used in the custom operation should be specified in the stgmedData member of the BINDINFO structure.
See Also
IBindStatusCallback::GetBindInfo, BINDINFO