Identifies one or more page-ranges to be printed and, optionally, identifies only the even or odd pages as part of a pageset.
typedef struct tagPAGESETMembers{
ULONG cbStruct;
BOOL fOddPages;
BOOL fEvenPages;
ULONG cPageRange;
[size_is(cPageRange)] PAGERANGE rgPages[]
The number of bytes in this instance of the PAGESET structure. Must be a multiple of 4.
If true, then only the odd-numbered pages in the page-set indicated by rgPages are to be printed.
If true, then only the even-numbered pages in the page-set indicated by rgPages are to be printed.
The number of page-range pairs specified in rgPages.
Pointer to a PAGERANGE structure specifying the pages to be printed. One or more page ranges can be specified, so long as that number is the value of cPageRange. The page ranges must be sorted in increasing order and non-overlapping. It is an error to attempt to print a page which does not exist.
See Also