The HLBWINFO structure contains parameters relating to the locations and sizes of frame- and document-level windows within a browse context. The HLBWINFO structure is retrieved from the browse context using IHlinkBrowseContext::GetBrowseWindowInfo, and put into the browse context using IHlinkBrowseContext::SetBrowseWindowInfo. Hyperlink targets retrieve the HLBWINFO structure during IHlinkTarget::Navigate in order to reposition their user interface properly and ensure as seamless a transition as possible to the new document or object.
typedef struct tagHLBWINFOMembers{
ULONG cbSize;
RECTL rcFramePos;
RECTL rcDocPos;
Total size of this structure in bytes.
Values taken from the HLBWIF enumeration.
If grfHLBWIF & HLBWIF_HASFRAMEWNDINFO, contains the rectangle in screen coordinates of current frame-level windows within the browse context. When grfHLBWIF & HLBWIF_FRAMEWNDMAXIMIZED, frame-level windows are currently being displayed maximized. In this case rcFramePos is the "normal" size of frame-level windows, i.e. the rectangle to use for any frame-level window when it is non-maximized.
If grfHLBWIF & HLBWIF_HASDOCWNDINFO, contains the rectangle in screen coordinates of current document-level windows within the browse context. When grfHLBWIF & HLBWIF_DOCWNDMAXIMIZED, document-level windows are currently being displayed maximized. In this case rcDocPos is the "normal" size of document-level windows, i.e. the rectangle to use for any document-level window when it is non-maximized.
See Also
HLBWIF, IHlinkBrowseContext::GetBrowseWindowInfo, IHlinkBrowseContext::SetBrowseWindowInfo, IHlinkTarget::Navigate