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Creates a new hyperlink object from strings representing the hyperlink target, the location within the target, and a friendly name.


szTarget,                 //String helping to identify the hyperlink target                     
    LPCWSTR szLocation,               //Location within the hyperlink target of new hyperlink object        
    LPCWSTR szFriendlyName,           //Friendly name of the hyperlink                                      
    IHlinkSite * phlSite,             //Site for the new hyperlink object                                   
    DWORD dwSiteData,                 //Additional site data for the new hyperlink object                   
    IUnknown * punkOuter,             //Whether or not object is part of an aggregate                       
    REFIID riid,                      //Interface ID on new browse context object                           
    Void * ppv                        //Location of the requested interfaceÆs pointer                       



[in] String to help identify the hyperlink target. This string is resolved into a moniker via MkParseDisplayNameEx.


[in] The string representing the location within the hyperlink target for the new hyperlink. May not be NULL.


[in] The string to use as the friendly name for the hyperlink. This is typically a display name referenced by the user interface.


[in] Pointer to the IHlinkSite object for the new hyperlink within the hyperlink container.


[in] Additional site data for the new hyperlink object.


[in] Points to the controlling IUnknown for the new browse context. If NULL, the new browse context is not aggregated.


[in] Identifies the interface to return on the new hyperlink. Typically IID_IHlink, or IID_IUnknown when punkOuter is non-NULL.


[out] On return, pointer to the pointer to the requested interface.

Return Values


A new hyperlink object was created.


HlinkCreateFromData is one of three helper APIÆs that you can use to create a hyperlink. HlinkCreateFromData creates a hyperlink from an OLE object which both supports the IDataObject interface and supports a hyperlink format CF_HYPERLINK on that IDataObject interface. HlinkQueryCreateFromData is typically called before the call to HlinkCreateFromData to determine if both these conditions are met. To create a hyperlink from an OLE object for which you know the moniker, use HlinkCreateFromMoniker. To create a hyperlink from an OLE object for which you have the name but not the moniker, use HlinkCreateFromString.

HlinkCreateFromString is typically used by hyperlink containers as part of the user-interface for creating brand new hyperlinks, where the user fills in a form or dialog of items -- target, location, friendly name -- which are used to construct the hyperlink.

See Also

HlinkCreateFromData, HlinkCreateFromMoniker, HlinkQueryCreateFromData