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Requests that the object save itself to the location referred to by pmkDst.


    IMoniker *
pmkDst,       //Pointer to destination moniker                                                       
    IBindCtx *pbc,          //Pointer to the monikerÆs bind context                                                
    BOOL fRemember          //Specifies whether the destination moniker is to be the current working one           



[in] Pointer to the moniker referencing the location where the object should persistently store itself. The object typically binds to the location through a call to pmkDst->BindToStorage, requesting either the IStream or IStorage interface. This parameter can be NULL, in which case the object should save itself to the same location referred to by the moniker passed to it in IPersistMoniker::Load. Using the NULL value, can act as an optimization to prevent the object from binding, since it has typically already bound to the moniker when it was loaded.


[in] Pointer to IBindCtx for the bind context to be used for any moniker binding during this method.


[in] Indicates whether pmkDst is to be used as the reference to the current persistent state after the save. If TRUE, pmkDst becomes the reference to the current persistent state and the object should clear its dirty flag after the save. If FALSE, this save operation is a "Save A Copy As ..." operation. In this case, the reference to the current persistent state is unchanged, and the object should not clear its dirty flag. If pmkDst is NULL, the implementation should ignore the fRemember flag.

Return Values


The object was successfully saved.


One or more parameters are invalid.

See Also

IPersistMoniker::GetCurMoniker, IPersistMoniker::Load, IPersistMoniker::SaveCompleted