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Instructs a view to reinitialize itself according to the data in a stream that was previously written by means of a call to IOleDocumentView::SaveViewState.

HRESULT ApplyViewState(

    IStream *
pstm      // Pointer to stream     



[in] Pointer to the stream from which the view should load its state.

Return Values


The view successfully loaded its state from the specified stream.


The value in pstm is NULL.


This view has no meaningful state to load. This error should be rare because most views will have at least some state information worth loading.


Typically, this function is called after an existing view has been created in the container but before that view has been displayed. It is the responsibility of the view to validate the data in the view stream; the container does not attempt to interpret view-state stream data.

The semantics of ApplyViewState are encompassed in the pstm argument of IOleDocument::CreateView.

See Also

IOleDocument::CreateView, IOleDocumentView_SaveViewState