The IOleDocument interface enables a document object to communicate to prospective containers its ability to create views of its data. This interface also enables a document object to enumerate its views and to provide containers with miscellaneous information about itself, such as whether it supports multiple views or complex rectangles.
When to Implement
An OLE document that is to be activated as a document object at the very least must implement this interface. If an application exposes more than one type of document object, each type must implement IOleDocument. A documentÆs view frame provider, which
When to Use
A container of document objects calls the methods of this interface to ask a document object to create views of itself, enumerate the views it supports, or provide miscellaneous information about its capabilities.
Methods in VTable Order
IUnknown Methods Description
Returns pointers to supported interfaces.
AddRef Increments reference count.
Release Decrements reference count.
IOleDocument Methods Description
Creates a new view object.
GetDocMiscStatus Returns status bits about the document object.
EnumViews Enumerates views supported by the document object.
See Also
IOleCommandTarget, IOleContinueCallback, IOleDocumentSite, IOleDocumentView, IPrint