Navigates to the hyperlink reference. IHlink::Navigate is the heart of the navigation process that implements the action of resolving a hyperlink target.
HRESULT Navigate(
grfHLNF, // Navigation flags
IBindCtx * pbc, // Bind context interface pointer
IBindStatusCallback * pbsc, // Bind-status-context interface pointer
IHlinkBrowseContext * phlbc // Browse context interface pointer
[in] Flags describing how the navigation is to proceed. The value of the flag can be any valid HLNF enumeration value.
[in] IBindCtx interface pointer to the bind context to be used for any moniker binding during this operation. May not be NULL.
[in] IBindStatusCallback interface pointer to the bind status context to use for any asynchronous moniker binding performed during the navigation. If NULL, the caller is not interested in progress notification, cancellation, pausing, or low-level binding information
[in] Pointer to the IHlinkBrowseContext interface to use for this navigation. May not be NULL. As part of navigation, this browse contextÆs navigation stack may be updated (depending on the navigation flags in grfHLNF) and its cache of hyperlink targets is consulted for a matching to the current hyperlink target.
Return Values
Navigation to the hyperlink has been completed successfully.
See Also
HlinkNavigate, HLNF, IHlinkFrame::Navigate, IHlinkTarget::Navigate