Retrieves the moniker and location portions of the hyperlink reference.
HRESULT GetMonikerReference(
dwWhichRef, // Absolute or relative reference
IMoniker ** ppmk, // Receives a pointer to the moniker of the hyperlink target
LPWSTR * pszLocation // Receives the location portion of the hyperlink target
[in] Value from the HLINKGETREF enumeration specifying whether to get the absolute or relative reference to the hyperlink target.
[out] On return, points to the IMoniker pointer of the targetÆs moniker object, if any. May be NULL, in which case the caller is not interested in the moniker to the hyperlink reference.
[in,out,unique] On return, points to the string location portion of the target, if any. If NULL, the caller is not interested in the location portion of the hyperlink reference.
Return Values
Indicates the moniker and location portions of the target of the hyperlink target have been successfully supplied.
See Also
HLINKGETREF, IHlinkSite::GetMoniker, IHlinkTarget::GetMoniker