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This interface offers extended type-specific browsing capabilities such that a control can invoke a container-provided property-browsing user-interface if desired. Any property page that wishes to invoke a browsing user interface can query for IDataPathBrowser on the property page site object that it receives through IPropertyPage::SetPageSite. The presence of IDataPathBrowser indicates the possibility that the container supplies some type-specific browsing user interface. To invoke the container-provided user interface, the control calls the IDataPathBrowser::BrowseType method, passing the GUID identifying the type along with a default path and a buffer in which to store the selected path. If the browser supports the type identified with the GUID, it will display a user interface for that type and return any selection to the control.

Methods in Vtable Order

IUnknown Methods                       Description                                    
Returns pointers to supported interfaces.      
AddRef                                 Increments reference count.                    
Release                                Decrements reference count.                    

IDataPathBrowser Methods               Description                                    
Invokes a browsing user interface for the      
                                       specified type.