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The ICodeInstall interface provides additional information in order to complete the negotiation for a component download operation. Such services are requested using IBindStatusCallback::QueryInterface.

When to Implement

Implement ICodeInstall to receive further communications beyond those provided with the IBindStatusCallback methods.

When to Use

Typically, the ICodeInstall interface is a callback interface used by system components to communicate with clients. Specifically, the Internet Component Download service (CoGetClassObjectFromURL) calls the methods of ICodeInstall to display a user interface (UI) message for verification of downloaded code. Methods of this interface are also used to provide an opportunity to resolve a problem, either by displaying a UI message or ending the code installation process.

Methods in Vtable Order

IUnknown Methods                       Description                                    
Returns pointers to supported interfaces.      
AddRef                                 Increments reference count.                    
Release                                Decrements reference count.                    

ICodeInstall Methods                   Description                                    
Displays a UI message to verify downloaded     
OnCodeInstallProblem                   Provides an opportunity to resolve a problem   
                                       with the code installation.                     

See Also

IBindStatusCallback, ICodeInstall::GetWindow, ICodeInstall::OnCodeInstallProblem