The IBinding interface provides methods that the client of an asynchronous moniker can call to control the progress of the bind operation. Asynchronous monikers call the clientÆs IBindStatusCallback::OnStartBinding method to provide the client with a pointer to the IBinding interface.
When to Implement
Implementations of custom asynchronous monikers must provide this interface to allow control of the bind operation. Usually, this interface is implemented on a separate object created by the asynchronous moniker for a particular bind operation.
When to Use
Clients of asynchronous monikers obtain a pointer to this interface when the moniker calls the clientÆs IBindStatusCallback::OnStartBinding method. They typically keep a reference to this interface to be able to control the progress of the bind operation or to receive protocol-specific information about the outcome of the bind operation.
Methods in Vtable Order
IUnknown Methods Description
Returns pointers to supported interfaces.
AddRef Increments the reference count.
Release Decrements the reference count.
IBinding Methods Description
Permanently aborts the bind operation
Suspend Suspends the bind operation.
Resume Resumes a suspended bind operation.
SetPriority Establishes the priority for the bind operation.
GetPriority Retrieves the current priority of this bind operation.
GetBindResult Queries the protocol-specific outcome of a bind operation.