Windows Conferencing API

Conferencing Function Groups

Managing conference information

An application can start a call, terminate a call, or find out if a call is active. An application can also be notified when a call begins or ends.

The APIs for managing conference information are:

ConferenceConnect and ConferenceDisconnect are used to create and terminate a conferencing call. Information about the call can be obtained using ConferenceGetInfo and modified through ConferenceSetInfo. A callback function can be established to receive notifications about changes in the conference.

Sharing applications

The ConferenceShareWindow API is provided to allow an application window to be shared or unshared without invoking the system applet for this purpose.

It can also be used to check if a window is capable of being shared or is currently shared.

Applications are notified through the notification callback function for the conference when their sharing status changes.

Although application sharing is currently done at the task level rather than the window level, all of these APIs use window handles (HWNDs) to identify the application. This is done for programming convenience and to allow for future versions of Microsoft NetMeeting that may support sharing individual windows.

Transferring data

Applications can transfer data and files between users in the call.

The APIs for data transfer are:

ConferenceSendData can be used to send data to a specific application of a conference participant. The information can be marked for use by a specific application. The notification callback function for the conference is informed of incoming data and file transfer progress.

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