To install WideOpen for Word 6, simply open WIDEOPEN.DOC and follow the instructions there. For ordering details on other versions, please read ORDER.DOC. The shareware version of WideOpen updates Microsoft Word 6 to take advantage of many of the new features of Windows 95, such as long filenames, shortcuts, etc. It does this by by replacing the Word Open and Save dialogs with their Windows 95 common-dialog equivalents. Registered versions are available to support other applications; see the documentation for details. WideOpen uses actual Windows 95 long file names and common dialogs (as opposed to 4DOS style "descript.ion" files, for example) to ensure complete integration with the rest of the system. Special requirements: Windows 95 and Word 6. Changes: (Last release before Windows 95 ships!) Version 1.4 ensures that the default SaveAs filename and format are identical to the actual long name and format of the document file, as well as fixing several other bugs/inconsistencies in SaveAs. It also contains German versions of the file format names for those using the German version of Word. You may freely distribute the Word version of WideOpen in its complete, unmodified form. Please ask for permission before distributing modified versions.