Submit a Bug Report

Before you send us a bug report or feature request, please check our known bugs list and our frequently requested features list to see if what you're reporting has already been reported.

Once you think you have something new, please fill in the fields of this form and press the "Submit" button when you are done. The bug report will be mailed to us. We'll get back to you as soon as we can.

  1. This is a: bug feature request
  2. This applies to: HotJava Java both or not sure
  3. Version:
  4. Severity:
  5. Configuration information: Please include the hardware platform, OS and OS version (e.g. SPARCstation 5, Solaris 2.4). Include additional configuration information that you think is relevant to the problem (e.g. type of sound card for an audio problem).

  6. A short (one line) description of the problem.

  7. The URL you were looking at when the error occured.

  8. The dialog box or window where the error occured.

  9. Describe what happened and how to reproduce the problem.
  10. The text of any error messages.
  11. Any trace information. Click here for instructions on how to collect trace information.

Send your comments or questions to