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Code Examples

This page lists applets that you might want to look at, both for inspiration and for implementation details. For each applet, there's a link to the applet's source code and a link to a page where you can see the applet run.

Hint: If you prefer to view source code (and other text files) in an editor, instead of in the HotJava window, you can specify this using a

A minimal applet. You can read how to include this applet, as well as see its output, in the "Writing an Applet" page.
An applet that interprets attributes. This code is discussed (and the applet embedded in) the "Getting Attribute Values" page.
An applet that handles events. Use this applet to get a feel for when the system invokes each method that you might implement in your Applet subclass.
An applet that performs animation.
An applet that performs sounds.
A simple Tic-Tac-Toe game. To see this applet in action, go to the page.
A Hangman game that includes sounds and animation. To see this applet in action, go to the page.
An applet that combines animation, sounds, and event handling. To see this applet in action, go to the page.
A multithreaded applet that animates sorting algorithms. To see this applet in action, go to the page. This applet can use several helper classes:
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