Class net.www.html.MessageHeader
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Class net.www.html.MessageHeader


public class MessageHeader
extends Object
An RFC 844 or MIME message header. Includes methods for parsing headers from incoming streams, fetching values, setting values, and printing headers. Key values of null are legal: they indicate lines in the header that don't have a valid key, but do have a value (this isn't legal according to the standard, but lines like this are everywhere).


add(String, String)
Adds a key value pair to the end of the header.
Convert a message-id string to canonical form (strips off leading and trailing <>s)
findNextValue(String, String)
Find the next value that corresponds to this key.
Find the value that corresponds to this key.
Parse a MIME header from an input stream.
Prints the key-value pairs represented by this header.
set(String, String)
Sets the value of a key.

  public MessageHeader()
  public MessageHeader(InputStream is)

  public String findValue(String k)
Find the value that corresponds to this key. It finds only the first occurrance of the key. Returns null if not found.


  public String findNextValue(String k,
                              String v)
Find the next value that corresponds to this key. It finds the first value that follows v. To iterate over all the values of a key use:
		for(String v=h.findValue(k); v!=null; v=h.findNextValue(k, v)) {


  public void print(PrintStream p)
Prints the key-value pairs represented by this header. Also prints the RFC required blank line at the end. Omits pairs with a null key.


  public void add(String k,
                  String v)
Adds a key value pair to the end of the header. Duplicates are allowed


  public void set(String k,
                  String v)
Sets the value of a key. If the key already exists in the header, it's value will be changed. Otherwise a new key/value pair will be added to the end of the header.


  public String canonicalID(String id)
Convert a message-id string to canonical form (strips off leading and trailing <>s)


  public void parseHeader(InputStream is)
Parse a MIME header from an input stream.

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