Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED! LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE Open Inventor Demonstrationa SceneViewer.exe WelcomeA ProgramFiles% TGS\OivDemo\ Choose Destination Locationb System Select Components! Select the components that you wish to install. If the check box is unchecked, that component will not be $ installed. Click Next to continue with the installation. Application Program Files2 Sample and Template Files2 On-Line Help Files2 Are you sure you would like to exit setup?A TGS Open Inventor Demonstration9 Folder Selectionb TgsOivDemoA TGS Open Inventor Demonstration( PROGRAM$ PROGRAM\SceneViewer.exe SlotCar.exeF Open Inventor Demonstrationa PROGRAM$ PROGRAM\$ maze.exeF Open Inventor Demonstrationa PROGRAM$ PROGRAM\$ webspace.exeF Open Inventor Demonstrationa PROGRAM$ PROGRAM\$ Open Inventor Demonstrationa INVWZD11.EXE% PROGRAM$ PROGRAM\INVWZD11.EXE Open Inventor Demonstrationa REGSVR32.EXE% PROGRAM$ PROGRAM\REGSVR32.EXE Open Inventor Demonstrationa TSTCON32.EXE% PROGRAM$ PROGRAM\TSTCON32.EXE Open Inventor Demonstrationa SceneViewer.exe General Copying program files... PROGRAM program\*.*A lib\*.*A include include\*.*A System\*.*B data\*.*A Unable to create a directory under b Please check write access to this directory.* General file transfer error.a0 Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number:$ Creating Folder and Icons....< README.TXT READMEb PROGRAM\SceneViewer.exe tgs.iv PROGRAM\SceneViewer.exe tgs.iv data\models: SceneViewerb PROGRAM\SlotCar.exe PROGRAM\SlotCar.exe data\SlotCar% PROGRAM\INVRES.DLL: SlotCarb PROGRAM\maze.exe PROGRAM\maze.exe PROGRAM% PROGRAM\INVRES.DLL: Mazeb PROGRAM\WebSpace.exe PROGRAM\WebSpace.exe data\vrml: WebSpaceb PROGRAM\INVWZD11.EXE PROGRAM: Inventor Wizardb PROGRAM\REGSVR32.EXE ocxsv.ocx PROGRAM\REGSVR32.EXE ocxsv.ocx PROGRAM: Register SceneViewer OCXb PROGRAM\REGSVR32.EXE /u ocxsv.ocx PROGRAM\REGSVR32.EXE /u ocxsv.ocx PROGRAM: Unregister SceneViewer OCXb PROGRAM\TSTCON32.EXE data\models: OCX Test Containerb PROGRAM\INVDEMO.HLP PROGRAM: Helpb UNINST.EXE Uninstallerb \Environment, Setup can modify AUTOEXEC.BAT for you, or write a modified AUTOEXEC.BAT to AUTOEXEC.TGS. Do you want setup to modify AUTOEXEC.BAT for you? AUTOEXEC.BAT! Failed to open AUTOEXEC.BAT. Contact TGS at hotline@tgs.comA AUTOEXEC.TGSe AUTOEXEC.TGS! AUTOEXEC.TGS could not be opened. Contact TGS at hotline@tgs.comA OIV_PSFONT_PATH! data\fonts\Type1$ set OIV_PSFONT_PATH=b AUTOEXEC.PreTGSx AUTOEXEC.BATa AUTOEXEC.PreTGSx AUTOEXEC.TGSa AUTOEXEC.BAT$ Setup has made the necessary changes to AUTOEXEC.BAT. a2 The previous version of AUTOEXEC.BAT was moved to $ AUTOEXEC.PreTGS. Setup has made the necessary changes to AUTOEXEC.BAT a! and placed them in AUTOEXEC.TGS. Installation complete.( Some files could not be installed because they are a3 currently in use by other programs in the system. $ To allow for proper operation of the new program you should restart$ your system at this time. Restart Windowsb Setup is complete. You may need to logoff and logon before running the installed programs., Setup is complete. You must restart the system before running the installed programs., Setup is complete. You must copy AUTOEXEC.TGS to aJ AUTOEXEC.BAT and restart the system before running the installed programs. TGS Open Inventor Demonstrationa Setup SetupA This program requires VGA or better resolution.A AddTo: CreateKey failed for b AddTo Created key/value for: b AddTo: GetKeyValue failed for b AddTo fetched: There is not enough space available on the disk Please free up some space or change the target location to a different disk \.ivQ InventorFileA \InventorFile\shell\open\command% bin\SceneViewer %1 SOFTWARE\a Open Inventor Demonstration$ Install DirA Install DateA USERNAMER Install UserA Thanks toA Jim Gambale, Kathy Tinoco, Pat LowenHaupt and Mike HeckA SOFTWARE\a Open Inventor Demonstration$ HELPMENU MaxNumA README.TXTQ path0A exe0A NOTEPAD.EXEA active0A Read MeA Customization! Select whether Inventor environment variables will be available to all users (system env) or only the current user. Setup system environment variables (all users)2 Setup user environment variables (current user)2 \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment Registry key for system env vars not foundA OIVHOMEA OIVHOME2 GetKey on OIVHOME failedA OIVHOME is: b \Environment data\fonts\ps2xlfd_map OIV_PS2XLFD_MAPA data\fonts\Type1 OIV_PSFONT_PATHA PROGRAM Pathb System Pathb include Includeb Environment variable setup completed. You may need to logout and login for the new settings to take effect. \Software\Microsoft\Visual C++ 2.0\Tools MSVC++ 2.0 has not been installed for the current user... Setup cannot add Open Inventor customization at this time. See README.TXT for more info. Setup will customize your MSVC++ 2.0 installation for use with the Open Inventor Demonstration. This involves adding directories under Tools/Options/Directories and adding a tool under Tools/Customize/Tools. If MSVC++ 2.0 is currently running, please exit, then click "OK". Otherwise additions to the directory list may be lost when MSVC++ exits. NumTools2 GetKey on MSVC++ NumTools failedA MSVC++ NumTools=b Inventor Wizard% Program\InvWzd11.exe MenuName#b Wizard already installed in MSVC++A AskArgument#b CloseWindow#b DefaultArguments#b DialogName#b GUITool#b InitialDirectory#b MenuName#b OutputRedirect#b PathName#b UseSearchPath#b NumToolsA NumTools2 SystemRootR SYSTEM32\ Inventor Help% winhlp32.exe MenuName#b Inventor Help already installed in MSVC++A AskArgument#b CloseWindow#b DefaultArguments#b INVDEMO.HLPA DialogName#b GUITool#b InitialDirectory#b MenuName#b OutputRedirect#b PathName#b UseSearchPath#b NumToolsA \Software\Microsoft\Visual C++ 2.0a \Platforms\Win32 (x86) Program Path Dirsb System Path Dirsb Library Dirsb include Include Dirsb _MRQJ 2.10.819