To install HTML Wizard, run install.cmd after unzipping the zip archive in your chosen directory. Then copy the file vrobj.dll to a directory in your LIBPATH. If you have no idea what I am talking about, copy it to \OS2\DLL. To see the help file, view htmlwiz.inf by typing "view htmlwiz.inf". To register HTML Wizard after your 25 free trial usages are up, send $20 US (or $28 Canadian) to: Dirk Terrell 5003 Centre A St. NE Calgary, AB T2K 1J9 (Canada) Please include an email address with your registration so that I can put you on the registered users' mailing list. If you receive HTML Wizard after August, 1995, send me email at (or ALGOL on GEnie) to make sure of my location. Thanks for trying HTML Wizard. If you have any questions/comments/problems, I can be reached at Dirk