Here is a quick list of files I have included: ICE.MAP, GREENS.MAP, REDS.MAP, BLUEORNG.MAP, JEWELS1.MAP, JEWELS2.MAP, JEWELS3.MAP, JEWELS4.MAP, PHONG1.MAP, PHONG2.MAP, MYEGA.MAP, PATRIOT.MAP, FLAMEY.MAP, PINKBLUE.MAP, FIRECODE.MAP, FIRECOD2.MAP, LYAPBLUE.MAP, REVBLUE.MAP, REVLYP.MAP JULPHONG.PAR, JULIMAND.PAR, MINIMAND.PAR, SPIRALS.PAR RGB.ZIP, JULMORPH.ZIP PHONG.TXT PHONG.IFS PHONG.FRM PHONG2.FRM ICE.MAP - My first real attempt at a fractint map file. Do you like it? GREENS.MAP - Like BLUES.MAP, except, it's green. REDS.MAP - Like BLUES.MAP, except, it's red BLUEORNG.MAP - Something silly I did, and it looked neat, so I kept it JEWELS1-4.MAP - Different maps trying to use rich colors PHONG1-2.MAP - Odd color combinations... MYEGA.MAP - A 16 color map for fun PATRIOT.MAP - Take a guess. Looks better than it sounds FLAMEY.MAP - Nice oranges and reds PINKBLUE - Pink and blue... Not too bad FIRECODE.MAP - The palette used by a FLAME (C) 1993 M.D.Mackey, FIRECOD2.MAP - A slight variation on the original map, that looks a little bit better with fractals. LYAPBLUE.MAP - A variation on the original LYAPUNOV.MAP. It is bluish, instead of orange. REVBLUE.MAP and REVLYP.MAP - The same as LYAPBLUE.MAP and LYAPUNOV.MAP, except the order of the colors is reversed. (has a profound effect upon the appearance of Lyapunov fractals.) JULPHONG.PAR - Just a collection of Julias that I have built over a very short period of time. The other 3 par files are described in more detail later in the text. JULIMAND.PAR - A collection of interesting Mandelbrot zooms that very closely resemble Julias. Picture where you could find an interesting Julia set (without a lake). If you zoom in on a small mandelbrot (preferably a fairly shallow and simple one) and then zoom in some on the area where that julia set could be found (on the small Mandel of course), you should notice filaments, or hairs (if you choose a good mandel). As you zoom in on these hairs, you should see lumps, which when closer viewed very closely resemble the julia first mentioned (if you did this right). This file is a nice little collection of those for you to zoom out of, and see what I mean. MINIMAND.PAR - My cheesy (I beat myself up too much) little collection of miniature mandelbrots which can be found within the mandelbrot set. SPIRALS.PAR - A collection of spirals and spiral like shapes that can be found within the mandelbrot set (there might be a julia in there too...). Some of the entries are a bit redundant. If you zoom out on some of them, and are witty enough, you will be able to decipher the simple way to find a spiral with any number of arms. RGB.ZIP - A collection of map files for 24-bit fractals. They have a little more variety than straight black to red/green/blue maps. JULMORPH.ZIP - A program I wrote real quick for morphing julias. It has it's own doc file PHONG.TXT - This file PHONG.IFS - My collection of iteration function systems that I created using fdesign. PHONG.FRM - A whole bunch of alternate mandelbrots. All have non-standard escape boundaries. Some of the trig functions are CRAZY. PHONG2.FRM - Same as the previous, except with julias. Enter the parameters for your favorite julia set from within fractint.