This package contains frm & par & map -files for Fractint (18.x) Some won't run under older versions (<16) KATALOG Pars: CRAZYNWT.PAR ILVI.PAR MINZEUCH.PAR SLOPE.PAR SMUUS.PAR ADULTS.PAR frms: CRAZYNWT.FRM FKT.FRM FN-RATZ.FRM FRACTMIX.FRM ILVI.FRM QUERATZ.FRM RATZ.FRM SMUUS.FRM TEST.FRM TRITZ.FRM Maps: AARON.MAP AAS.MAP ALO.MAP BONZO.MAP ERD.MAP FLORI.MAP GLETSCH.MAP GOLD.MAP IIIEEH.MAP KOLDLAF.MAP MELO.MAP in the case you've lost them: BLUES.MAP VOLCANO.MAP History After months of trying to find new and interesting structures by writing 1000's of formulas I got bored , because I didn't find many new , so I had the idea to look what happens to a fractal if it grows on a varied plane . When I saw the InvMandel in the file fractint.frm I knew how to make it. So ilvi.frm started to grow. All my fracts are named this stupid because after 100 formulas my brain ran out of better names and because I simply copied one from the other , changed a little bit the formula and the number behind the name, and, if it was good, NEXT ONE . Then I did the same to Newton , see crazynwt.frm. The rest of more then one year of really severe research you'll find in all those other frm-files . The par-files show the best I could do with my (and also some other folk's ) formulas . Ilvi.par & Crazynwt.par are the interesting "sci" files , but if u wanna see some beautyful deep pictures you will find them in Slope- & Smuus.par (if u didn't forget your fantasy in that book u've read last year). There you'll find also " fire " , which is the best fract iv'e ever seen since " mouth " ( this ain't mine ). But it's faster ... Some of the structures in this file you will also find in Adults.par with a map you may have had in mind looking at them. Positive comments are allways welcome to Florian Sanwald Haeberlstr. 5 80337 Muenchen (Germany) (I am only real-mailable) Legal stuff: Got no (c) Moral stuff: I really don't wanna meet one of my fracts whith a strange ring on the finger. I'd really get angry ! Xept selling them as yours do with them what you want. That means , if u make a package with some of my fracts inside I wanna see my name. (That means exactly I'd like to meet some & my name in the next fractint version. Biáchen eitel , was ? Aber wofr sitz ich denn dauernd vor dem Puter ?!) Florian Sanwald , Munich , June 1994