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Book ModelLotus Notes ODBC Driver David MartinCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes####################################################### ########################################################## ########################################################## CopyrightLotus NotesSQLCopyright Page Helen Betz0 How to Use This BookLOTUS NOTESSQL\0 How to Use This Book Helen BetzElizabeth BowlingTad StaleyDavid MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ######################################### $Marian Stern ChapterChapter Head DocAuthorBodyCategoriesIndex_EntriesIndentDoc_NumberTopicChapNoSubSectionSection David MartinCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes########################################################## >Marian Stern SectionHow To DocAuthorBodyCategoriesIndex_EntriesIndentDoc_NumberTopicSubSectionSection David MartinCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes################ Marian Stern About This BookPreface DocAuthorBodyCategoriesIndex_EntriesIndentDoc_NumberTopicSubSectionSection Debbie BrancoCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes###### Marian Sternhidden DocAuthorBodyCategoriesIndex_EntriesIndentDoc_NumberTopicSubSectionSection David MartinCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes############################### CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes#################################### ########################################################## ########################################################## ########################################################## ########################################################## ########################################################## ########################################################## ########################################################## ########################################################## ########################################################## ########################################################## Marian SternTitle DocAuthorBodyCategoriesIndex_EntriesIndentDoc_NumberTopicSubSectionSection CN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes## ########################################################## ########################################################## ########################################################## ########################################################## ########################################################## ########################################################## ########################################################## ########################################################## ########################################################## ########################################################## ########################################################## ########################################################## 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########################################################## ########################################################## ########################################################## ########################################################## ########################################################## ########################################################## ########################################################## 'How ToLotus NotesSQLConfiguring a Lotus Notes Data Source InstallationData source nameSQL statement lengthDatabase connection parametersDavid Martin2 Installation and ConfigurationLOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ############################# How ToLotus NotesSQLHAVING ?SQL GrammarDavid Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ###################### How ToLotus NotesSQLThe Universal Relation Universal RelationDavid Martin3 Using NotesSQLLOTUS NOTESSQL\3 Using NotesSQL David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus How ToLotus NotesSQLDriver Capabilities: SQLGetInfo Return Values Capability reportingFunctionsODBCSQLGetInfoDavid Martin4 ProgrammingLOTUS NOTESSQL\4 Programming David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Podanoffsky/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Dmitry Khazanovich/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ####################################################### How ToLotus NotesSQLDROP INDEXu SQL GrammarDavid Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ################## How ToLotus NotesSQLUPDATE Positioned SQL GrammarDavid Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ########################### How ToLotus NotesSQLAdding a Lotus Notes Data Source333333 Data SourceDavid Martin2 Installation and ConfigurationLOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ################################ How ToLotus NotesSQLSELECT SQL GrammarDavid Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ########################## +How ToLotus NotesSQLSummary of Supported ODBC SQL Grammar SQLDavid Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ########################################################## How ToLotus NotesSQLFROMJ ?SQL GrammarDavid Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ################################ *How ToLotus NotesSQLALTER TABLE SQL GrammarDavid Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Podanoffsky/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ################################### How ToLotus NotesSQLCREATE VIEW% SQL GrammarDavid Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ################# How ToLotus NotesSQLUsing SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Viewsh FormsViewsPerformanceTablesIndexesDavid Martin3 Using NotesSQLLOTUS NOTESSQL\3 Using NotesSQL David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ############ How ToLotus NotesSQLExceptions to ODBC SQL Grammar SQLODBCDavid Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Podanoffsky/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ####################################################### How ToLotus NotesSQLUsing Notes Views as Indexes= IndexesViewsNotes ViewsDavid Martin3 Using NotesSQLLOTUS NOTESSQL\3 Using NotesSQL David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ###################################### How ToLotus NotesSQLUsing the Universal Relation333333 ?Universal RelationDavid Martin3 Using NotesSQLLOTUS NOTESSQL\3 Using NotesSQL David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ##################################### How ToLotus NotesSQLGROUP BYd; ?SQL GrammarDavid Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus #################################### How ToLotus NotesSQLSQL Typographical Conventions David Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ########################### How ToLotus NotesSQLView Column Definitions333333 View Column DefinitionsDavid Martin3 Using NotesSQLLOTUS NOTESSQL\3 Using NotesSQL David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Podanoffsky/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ############## 9Q[fP How ToLotus NotesSQLConnecting to a Lotus Notes Data Source Data SourceConnection StringKeywordsDavid Martin3 Using NotesSQLLOTUS NOTESSQL\3 Using NotesSQL David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ###################### How ToLotus NotesSQLError Messagesffffff Error MessagesDavid Martin3 Using NotesSQLLOTUS NOTESSQL\3 Using NotesSQL David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ########################################### How ToLotus NotesSQLWhat is NotesSQL?333333 OverviewArchitecture, application/driverSecurityDavid Martin1 About Lotus NotesSQLLOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ############################ How ToLotus NotesSQLColumn Functions SQL GrammarColumn FunctionsDavid Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ############################ How ToLotus NotesSQLWHERET SQL GrammarDavid Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ############### How ToLotus NotesSQLCREATE INDEX SQL GrammarDavid Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ################################################ How ToLotus NotesSQLNumeric Operators SQL GrammarNumeric OperatorsDavid Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ######################### Mu9I_ How ToLotus NotesSQLDROP TABLE SQL GrammarDavid Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ################################################### How ToLotus NotesSQLMapping Notes Names to SQL Names^ ?Notes Names, SQL NamesCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=Lotus3 Using NotesSQLLOTUS NOTESSQL\3 Using NotesSQL CN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ############################# How ToLotus NotesSQLHardware and Software Requirementsffffff PrerequisitesDavid Martin2 Installation and ConfigurationLOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Podanoffsky/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ##################################### How ToLotus NotesSQLMulti-Valued Fields (List Fields)j Data TypesDavid Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ################################ How ToLotus NotesSQLDELETE Positioned?5^ SQL GrammarDavid Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ################### How ToLotus NotesSQLHow to Use This Book David Martin0 How to Use This BookLOTUS NOTESSQL\0 How to Use This Book David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ########################### Chapter HeadLotus NotesSQL4Programming ProgrammingDavid Martin4 ProgrammingLOTUS NOTESSQL\4 Programming David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus #################### How ToLotus NotesSQLModifying a Lotus Notes Data Source333333 ?Data SourceElizabeth Bowling2 Installation and ConfigurationLOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Elizabeth BowlingTad StaleyDavid MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ######### How ToLotus NotesSQLUNION'1 ?SQL GrammarCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=Lotus5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements CN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ################################### &How ToLotus NotesSQLNew Features in This Release CN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=Lotus1 About Lotus NotesSQLLOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL CN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Podanoffsky/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ######################################################### ########################################################## Glossary ?ODBCDavid Martin David Martin############ Chapter HeadLotus NotesSQL1About Lotus NotesSQL OverviewDavid Martin1 About Lotus NotesSQLLOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ############ How ToLotus NotesSQLData Types Data TypesRich Text fieldsList fieldsDavid Martin3 Using NotesSQLLOTUS NOTESSQL\3 Using NotesSQL David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Podanoffsky/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ########################### Chapter HeadLotus NotesSQL2Installation and Configuration InstallationDavid Martin2 Installation and ConfigurationLOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration David MartinCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ######################################################### How ToLotus NotesSQLDELETE SearchedZd; SQL GrammarDavid Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ##################### How ToLotus NotesSQLDROP VIEW SQL GrammarDavid Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ########################### TitleLotus NotesSQLTitle Page David Martin0 How to Use This BookLOTUS NOTESSQL\0 How to Use This Book David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ########## How ToLotus NotesSQLInstalling NotesSQL InstallationDriver, addingDriver, deletingDavid Martin2 Installation and ConfigurationLOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Podanoffsky/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ########################################################## How ToLotus NotesSQLColumn, Index, Table, and View NamesP SQLSQL GrammarDavid Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ##################################### Glossary ODBCDavid Martin David Martin#################################################### GlossaryODBCODBC (Open Database Connectivity) is an interface that allows applications to get to data in database management systems that use SQL. The interface allows a single application to connect to many different types of databases through a standard protocol. ODBC is implemented as a Driver Manager and multiple drivers. Each driver links the application to a specific database.################ How ToLotus NotesSQLFrequently Asked Questions (FAQ) CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus3 Using NotesSQLLOTUS NOTESSQL\3 Using NotesSQL CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ####################### ########################################################## ########################################################## ########################################################## ########################################################## How ToLotus NotesSQLINSERT SQL GrammarDavid Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ###################### %I}Fmm How ToLotus NotesSQLODBC API Functions ODBC APIProgrammingDavid Martin4 ProgrammingLOTUS NOTESSQL\4 Programming David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ########################################### How ToLotus NotesSQLMapping SQL Tables, Views, and Indexes to and from Notes)\ FormsViewsIndexesTablesColumn NamesDavid Martin3 Using NotesSQLLOTUS NOTESSQL\3 Using NotesSQL David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Podanoffsky/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ########################################### How ToLotus NotesSQLRich Text Fields Data TypesDavid Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Podanoffsky/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ################################## How ToLotus NotesSQLDeleting a Lotus Notes Data Source ?Data SourceDavid Martin2 Installation and ConfigurationLOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ############## How ToLotus NotesSQLPredicate Operatorso SQL GrammarPredicate OperatorsDavid Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ############################# How ToLotus NotesSQLUPDATE Searched9 SQL GrammarDavid Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ##################### Chapter HeadLotus NotesSQL3Using NotesSQL David Martin3 Using NotesSQLLOTUS NOTESSQL\3 Using NotesSQL David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Larry Adams/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ####################################################### #AppendixLotus NotesSQLASQL Statements SQL statementsStatements, SQLDavid Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Podanoffsky/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ###################################### How ToLotus NotesSQLWhat is ODBC? ODBCOverviewDavid Martin1 About Lotus NotesSQLLOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ############################## How ToLotus NotesSQLCREATE TABLE SQL GrammarDavid Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Podanoffsky/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ########################################## How ToLotus NotesSQLExample: Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views FormsViewsPerformanceDavid Martin3 Using NotesSQLLOTUS NOTESSQL\3 Using NotesSQL David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus How ToLotus NotesSQLORDER BY ?SQL GrammarDavid Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ############################################ How ToLotus NotesSQLFOR UPDATE/ ?SQL GrammarDavid Martin5 Appendix A: SQL StatementsLOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements David MartinCN=Paul Geffen/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ########################################## $Modified 1S2S3S $TITLE$FormPrivs$FormUsers$Body$Flags$Class$Modified$Comment$AssistTrigger$AssistType$AssistFlags$UpdatedBy$$FormScript_O$Private $Flags 0SL1S4S5S$PrivateDesignn4096 $TITLE CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ##### Marian SternPrint Indent Topic Topic CategoriesDoc_Number$10$Conflict$REF How To Section Chapter Chapter Head Appendix Title Copyright Contents Preface About This Book Index hidden CategoriesDoc_Number$10 CategoriesDoc_Number$10Select all documents in a chapter - print with Extra Lineb Indent Topic Topic CN=Michael Podanoffsky/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes How ToLotus NotesSQLTips for Third-Party Applications and Caveats Caveats, Tips, 3rd PartyCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=Lotus3 Using NotesSQLLOTUS NOTESSQL\3 Using NotesSQL CN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ####################################################### -SubSectionSubSection SubSection SubSection^ SubSectionAssign this topic to a topic group. 0 How to Use This Book1 About Lotus NotesSQL2 Installation & Configuration3 Using NotesSQL4 Programming Information5 What's New in Release 2.025 Appendix A: SQL Statements7 Appendix B CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes################################## $SUBVIEWMarian SternIndex|e. Index|IDXR Topic Topic FuncNameh FuncName TextOfMessage Index_Entries$14$Conflict$REF How To Section Chapter Chapter Head Appendix About This Book Preface hidden Index_Entries$14 Index_Entries $14Select, then press ENTER or double-click to open a category or documentT Topic Topic FuncNameh FuncName TextOfMessage CN=Michael Podanoffsky/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes########################## Marian SternTable of Contents|TOCR Indent Topic Topic CategoriesDoc_Number$10$Conflict$REF How To Section Chapter Chapter Head Appendix Preface About This Book CategoriesDoc_Number$10 CategoriesDoc_Number$10Select, then press ENTER or double-click to open a category or documentb Indent Topic Topic CN=Michael Podanoffsky/OU=CAM/O=LotusCN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes ####################### ########################################################## ########################################################## 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PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO {0@( $ACLDigest Section SectionAssign this topic to a category. Book ModelLotus Notes ODBC Driver SubSection SubSection^ SubSectionAssign this topic to a topic group. 0 How to Use This Book1 About Lotus NotesSQL2 Installation & Configuration3 Using NotesSQL4 Programming Information5 What's New in Release 2.025 Appendix A: SQL Statements7 Appendix B CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Podanoffsky/OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Podanoffsky/OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Podanoffsky/OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ChapterChapter Head SectionHow To About This BookPreface. ChapterChapter Head SectionHow To About This BookPreface ChapterChapter Head SectionHow To About This BookPreface 0 How to Use This Book1 About Lotus NotesSQL2 Installation & Configuration3 Using NotesSQL4 Programming Information5 What's New in Release 2.025 Appendix A: SQL Statements7 Appendix B CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Podanoffsky/OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Podanoffsky/OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Podanoffsky/OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=William DelaVega/OU=CAM/O=Lotus ChapterChapter Head SectionHow To About This BookPreface. $Modified 1S2S3S $TITLE$FormPrivs$FormUsers$Body$Flags$Class$Modified$Comment$AssistTrigger$AssistType$AssistFlags$UpdatedBy$$FormScript_O$C1$ $Flags 0SL1S4S5S $TITLE Section David Martin SubSection Marian Stern Index|e. 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PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO $TITLE $AssistType $AssistLastRun $AssistDocCount $AssistFlags $AssistInfo $AssistQuery $AssistAction $AssistAction_Ex O=Lotus Notes O=Lotus Notes PURSAFO |.:#U O=Lotus Notes CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes PURSAFO Fde!f^^ $TITLE $INFO $BODY O=Lotus Notes O=Lotus Notes PURSAFO |.:#U O=Lotus Notes CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes PURSAFO Fde!f^^ $TYPE $Author $Index $Formula $FormulaClass $ViewFormat $Comment O=Lotus Notes O=Lotus Notes PURSAFO |.:#U O=Lotus Notes CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes PURSAFO Fde!f^^ $Author $Index $Formula $FormulaClass $ViewFormat $Comment Times New Roman Appendix Appendix Letter" Topic DocLinkHead IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead BHead Ahead ChapterHead DocLink Index Print... 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Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS ERROR Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS EXP Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS EXPLODE Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS FAILURE Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS FALSE Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS HOUR Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS IF Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS IMPLODE Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS INTEGER Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS ISAVAILABLE Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS ISCATEGORY Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS ISDOCBEINGLOADED Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS ISDOCBEINGMAILED Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS ISDOCBEINGRECALCULATED Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS ISDOCBEINGSAVED Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'C @FUNCTIONS ISERROR Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'K @FUNCTIONS ISEXPANDABLE Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS ISMEMBER Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'Y @FUNCTIONS ISNEWDOC Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS ISNOTMEMBER Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS ISNUMBER Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS ISRESPONSEDOC Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS ISTEXT Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS ISTIME Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS ISUNAVAILABLE P Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS KEYWORDS Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS LAUNCH Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS LEFT Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS LEFTBACK Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS LENGTH Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'E @FUNCTIONS LN Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS LOG Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'S @FUNCTIONS LOWERCASE Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS MAILDBNAME Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS MAILSEND Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS MATCHES Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS MAX Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'A @FUNCTIONS MEMBER Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS MIDDLE Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS MIDDLEBACK Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS MIN Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'T @FUNCTIONS MINUTE Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'D @FUNCTIONS MODIFIED Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS MODULO Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS MONTH Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'H @FUNCTIONS NEWLINE Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS NO Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS NOW T Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'E @FUNCTIONS PASSWORD Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS POWER Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS PROMPT Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS PROPERCASE Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS REPEAT Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS REPLACE Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS RESPONSES Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS RIGHT Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS RIGHTBACK Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS ROUND Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS SECOND Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'2 @FUNCTIONS SELECT Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS SOUNDEX Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS SUBSET Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS SUCCESS Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS TEXT Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS O TEXTTONUMBER Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'A @FUNCTIONS TEXTTOTIME E Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS TIME Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS TODAY Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS TOMORROW Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS TRIM Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS TRUE D Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS UNAVAILABLE 1 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS UPPERCASE Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS USERNAME Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS USERPRIVILEGES Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS V2IF Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'8 @FUNCTIONS VIEWTITLE Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'1 @FUNCTIONS WEEKDAY Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'2 @FUNCTIONS WORD Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'6 @FUNCTIONS YEAR Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS YES Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' @FUNCTIONS YESTERDAY 0 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'D * Message keys begin MESSAGE 3142 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * A category is selected; please select a document to respond to MESSAGE 3143 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'N * A category is selected; please select a document WITHIN the category MESSAGE 3089 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * A field by this name already exists.... MESSAGE 3369 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * A replica for the specified database cannot be found. Do you want... MESSAGE 1068 3 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Access control list must contain at lease one Manager2 MESSAGE 1291 9 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * An operator or semicolon expected MESSAGE 3119 3 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Another copy of this document was saved while you were editing it. MESSAGE 3423 ] Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'( * At least one document must be selected in order to run ... MESSAGE 1029 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Cannot convert text to number] *MESSAGE * Cannot locate form:
MESSAGE 258 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Cannot write or create file MESSAGE 5929 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Cannot write or create ID file MESSAGE 13429 2 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Changes to this document will not be saved due to Read-Only privileges. MESSAGE 13428 6 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Changes to this document will not be saved in Read-Only mode. Do you want to edit the document?] MESSAGE 6402 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'] * Could not open the ID file MESSAGE 3373 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Created OK - Initialization will occur next replication MESSAGE 3343 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Database already added to your workspace. To find it,...( MESSAGE 3364 ] Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'] * Database is not initialized yet( MESSAGE 3535 ] Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'] * Database not found. Do you want to search for it... MESSAGE 3446 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'Y * Delete the n marked documents permanently from the database? MESSAGE 3134 ] Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'W * Destination file already exists; overwrite it? MESSAGE 13324 6 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'] * Do you want to save this form? MESSAGE 3211 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Do you want to save this new document? MESSAGE 13321 6 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Do you want to save this new form? MESSAGE 3100 ] Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'] * Do you want to save your changes? MESSAGE 3533 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Do you want to upgrade (redesign) your mail file?W MESSAGE 3163 ] Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'( * Document contains an unrecognize d feature (possibly from another version of the product) *MESSAGE * Domain name not found in any Name & Address Book MESSAGE 3468 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Each ID requires a software license. Have you... MESSAGE 1045 ] Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'W * Encoded Data Checksum Mismatch - Attachment may be corrupted MESSAGE 1303 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'] * End of formula reached before end of quoted string or date/time] MESSAGE 3303 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Error accessing Dictionary File] MESSAGE 3306 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Error accessing user dictionary file MESSAGE 3233 ] Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'] * Error creating tempory file] MESSAGE 1072 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Error opening Character Set Translation File MESSAGE 3303 1 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Error opening Dictionary file( MESSAGE 2834 2 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Error reading configuration data MESSAGE 264 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * File cannot be created MESSAGE 259 X Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'] * File does not exist] MESSAGE 591 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * File object is truncated - file may have been damaged MESSAGE 1290 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Formula incomplete MESSAGE 1347 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Formula or value requires too much memory MESSAGE 3595 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Groups cannot be nested more than n levels deep when mailing MESSAGE 3199 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Help database cannot be located MESSAGE 3198 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Help document cannot be located MESSAGE 3197 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Help view cannot be located MESSAGE 5930 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * ID file cannot be created| MESSAGE 6424 W Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'] * If you change the user's name, you will lose all the certificates... MESSAGE 6418 ( Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * If you change your name, you will lose all of your certificates... MESSAGE 1340 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Incorrect data type variationW MESSAGE 1054 ] Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'( * Index (link) has been corrupted - will be rebuilt automatically when database is closedX MESSAGE 1049 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Index (pool) has been corrupted - will be rebuilt automatically when database is closed] MESSAGE 3115 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'] * Input validation problem - context dependent MESSAGE 263 ] Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'W * Insufficient memory] MESSAGE 1047 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'] * Insufficient memory (P)] MESSAGE 2561 : Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Insufficient network or adapter resources. Consult Network documentation to increase the maximum number of sessions. MESSAGE 2566 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Internal network software problem (or hardware malfunction) MESSAGE 283 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Invalid character in file name MESSAGE 1044 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'S * Invalid encoded data - Attachment may be corrupted MESSAGE 529 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Invalid formula format MESSAGE 5931 # Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Invalid ID file] MESSAGE 1282 ( Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Invalid operator MESSAGE 1283 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'] * Invalid type of argument * MESSAGE * Main formula must be last] MESSAGE 3341 ( Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Mark n selected documents for deletion?X MESSAGE 777 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'e * Name & Address Book (NAMES.NSF) does not contain a required view MESSAGE 2575 o Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * NETBIOS not loaded or not running MESSAGE 2565 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Network adapter not installed or not functioning MESSAGE 2571 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Network name already in use on this system MESSAGE 2642 ] Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'] * Network not started] MESSAGE 2567 V Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Network operation did not complete in a reasonable amount of time... MESSAGE 3141 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'I * No document is selected; Please select a document to respond to8 MESSAGE 3194 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * No formula specified for a computed field MESSAGE 3424 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'8 * No formula was specified in the macro MESSAGE 1301 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * No main expression in formula MESSAGE 3592 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * No Name & Address Book database found MESSAGE 3591 S Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * No names found to send mail to MESSAGE 2819 E Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'R * No printer currently selected MESSAGE 3590 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * No SendTo field in documentA MESSAGE 648 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Notes Version 1 database (.NSF) has grown larger than 40MB. Use File Database Copy to recreate your file as a Notes Version 2 database (.NSF) capable of 100MB. MESSAGE 649 1 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Notes Version 1 workspace file (DESKTOP.DSK) has grown larger than 1MB; MESSAGE Only_ANSI_CGM_metafiles_may_be_I Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Only ANSI CGM metafiles may be imported MESSAGE 1298 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Only ENVIRONMENT, DEFAULT, or FIELD can be used as a modifier to := MESSAGE 133161 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Only text can be pasted into this field MESSAGE 1302 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Passing args to a non-function MESSAGE 3136 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Permanently delete 1 file attachment from the database? MESSAGE 3344 T Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'B * Permanently delete ? MESSAGE 3214 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Permanently delete the specified area from the document MESSAGE 3166 L Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'E * Please install Roman or Modern fonts on your systemI *MESSAGE * Preparing to receive Newmail notifications MESSAGE Preserve_existing_line_breaks_in T Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Preserve existing line breaks in text? MESSAGE 2562 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Remote system no longer responding MESSAGE 2570 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Remote system not responding MESSAGE 3414 T Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Removing the database will delete your private view(s)... MESSAGE 5639 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Replication history is corrupted * MESSAGE Server is not responding, or... MESSAGE 3383 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Some preferences will not take effect until next time... MESSAGE 1058 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * The access control list is full. If you need to add users,... MESSAGE 3335 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * The active view cannot be deleted MESSAGE 6419 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * The certificate(s) have not been issued to you and cannot be merged into your ID file. They have been issued to: MESSAGE 3388 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * The database was substantially changed... MESSAGE 3175 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * The doclink database cannot be located MESSAGE 327 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * The executable program library cannot be found MESSAGE 321 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * The file NOTES.INI cannot be found on the search path MESSAGE 3528 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * The first categorized column in this view... MESSAGE 5927 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * The ID file is a safe copy and cannot be used for that purpose MESSAGE 3184 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * The linked document cannot be found MESSAGE 5646 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * The server does not have a replica of the selected database(s) MESSAGE 6421 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'S * The specified ID file has been corrupted, or is not an ID file MESSAGE 3102 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * This field cannot be split into multiple paragraphs MESSAGE 2023 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'0 * To complete the setup of Notes on this computer ...3 MESSAGE 1348 E Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Too many concurrent formula evaluations; please retry. MESSAGE 13422 2 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'3 * Too many documents open using complex forms. Please close one fo your documents and retry.0 MESSAGE 1845 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Too many windows - You must close one to continue MESSAGE 1036 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'4 * Unable to interpret Time or Date MESSAGE 1307 H Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Unknown @function MESSAGE 3203 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Unrecognized characters found after number MESSAGE 5909 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * User ID has been corrupted MESSAGE 5908 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * User ID version is not supported MESSAGE 1309 4 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Variable already defined. MESSAGE 604 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * You and the signer of this document have no ID Certificates in common... MESSAGE 587 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * You are not authorized to access the database5 MESSAGE 588 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * You are not authorized to delete the database6 MESSAGE 582 U Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'4 * You are not authorized to perform that operation MESSAGE 2831 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'1 * You can only change selected text. There is no text selected. MESSAGE 3597 N Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * You do not have a mail file specified. Use ... MESSAGE 3596 3 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * You do not have a mail server specified. Use... MESSAGE 3598 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * You must first add your mail file on... MESSAGE 3113 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * You must first specify a valid name for this form using Design Form Attributes MESSAGE 3387 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'2 * Your database privileges were changed ... MESSAGE 6423 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Your ID file has been corrupted, or is not an ID file2 MESSAGE 6405 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Your ID file has not been certified to access the server *MESSAGE * Your ID has not been certified to use this server MESSAGE 1071 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * Your name is listed to access this database, but with a different ID MESSAGE 1296 1 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * := can only appear at the beginning of an expression MESSAGE 1297 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * := must be immediately preceded by a field or variable name MESSAGE 3588 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * not found in any Name & Address Book MESSAGE 1285 Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All' * @Function or operator expected or @function does not require an... MESSAGE 1335 ] Database 'Notes R3 BETA Help', View 'All'W * @Repeat() yielded string too large 03/06/98 02:28:33 PM Michael Stewart/CAM/Lotus added OtherDomainServers 03/06/98 02:28:25 PM Michael Stewart/CAM/Lotus updated LocalDomainServers 03/06/98 02:28:17 PM Michael Stewart/CAM/Lotus added LocalDomainServers 03/06/98 02:27:45 PM Michael Stewart/CAM/Lotus deleted William DelaVega/CAM/Lotus 03/06/98 02:27:45 PM Michael Stewart/CAM/Lotus deleted Shu Chen/CAM/Lotus 03/06/98 02:27:44 PM Michael Stewart/CAM/Lotus deleted Mike Boyle/CAM/Lotus 03/06/98 02:27:44 PM Michael Stewart/CAM/Lotus deleted Michael Stewart/CAM/Lotus 03/06/98 02:27:43 PM Michael Stewart/CAM/Lotus deleted Jack Allen/CAM/Lotus 03/06/98 02:27:43 PM Michael Stewart/CAM/Lotus deleted Dmitry Khazanovich/CAM/Lotus 03/06/98 02:27:42 PM Michael Stewart/CAM/Lotus deleted Bernadette Kelly/CAM/Lotus 03/06/98 02:27:42 PM Michael Stewart/CAM/Lotus deleted Avshalom Neer/CAM/Lotus 02/05/98 03:19:20 PM zathras/CAM/Notes updated Mike Boyle/CAM/Lotus 02/05/98 03:19:15 PM zathras/CAM/Notes added Mike Boyle/CAM/Lotus 01/20/98 10:12:27 AM zathras/CAM/Notes updated Shu Chen/CAM/Lotus 01/20/98 10:10:10 AM zathras/CAM/Notes updated Shu Chen/CAM/Lotus 01/20/98 10:10:01 AM zathras/CAM/Notes added Shu Chen/CAM/Lotus 01/20/98 10:09:35 AM zathras/CAM/Notes deleted William Chan/CAM/Lotus 10/23/97 03:21:05 PM William DelaVega/CAM/Lotus updated Michael Stewart/CAM/Lotus 10/23/97 03:21:01 PM William DelaVega/CAM/Lotus updated Jack Allen/CAM/Lotus 10/23/97 03:20:36 PM William DelaVega/CAM/Lotus updated Jack Allen/CAM/Lotus -Default- /LOUli LocalDomainServers OtherDomainServers CN=Dmitry Khazanovich/OU=CAM/O=Lotus Times New Roman Title Page Topic Title DocLink ChapterHead Ahead BHead CHead ParaLead Display Bullet IndPara IndDisplay IndBullet IndList Index Print... Backtrack Prev<= =>Nxt Section Section SectionAssign this topic to a category. UNIX Release Notes Categories SubSection SubSection^ SubSectionAssign this topic to a topic group. Product DescriptionInstallation ProcedurePlatform Value Added FeaturesKnown Problems Title Page TopicTypically you do not change this field. Doc Doc_Number Indent? Indent Index entries Index_EntriesList of index entries (separate entries with a carriage return) Categories Section SubSection" Categories BodyWrite the body of the document here. (hidden) DocAuthor O=Lotus Notes O=Lotus Notes PURSAFO |.:#U O=Lotus Notes CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes PURSAFO Fde!f^^ }|L$%l $Author $TITLE $INFO $WINDOWTITLE $$ScriptName Doc_Number Indent $BODY &Arial DocLink ChapterHead Ahead BHead CHead ParaLead Display Bullet IndPara IndDisplay IndBullet IndList Copyright Revision history Original Original file produced for Lotus NotesSQL 2.0. First revision Incorporates information on Lotus NotesSQL 2.01. Second revision Incorporates information on Lotus NotesSQL 2.02. Third revision Incorporates information on Lotus NotesSQL 2.03. Fourth revision Incorporates information on Lotus NotesSQL 2.04. Under the copyright laws, neither the documentation nor the software may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Lotus Development Corporation, except in the manner described in the software agreement. Copyright 1996 - 1998 Lotus Development Corporation 55 Cambridge Parkway Cambridge, MA 02142 All rights reserved. Published in the United States. Domino, NotesSQL, and Notes are trademarks and Lotus and Lotus Notes are registered trademarks of Lotus Development Corporation. IBM and OS/2 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and Visual Basic are registered trademarks and ODBC is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Crystal Reports is a trademark of Crystal, a Seagate Software Company. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Copyright 1994, 1995 Casahl Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Casahl is a registered trademark of Casahl Technology, Inc. LOTUS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LICENSOR(S) MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, REGARDING THE SOFTWARE. LOTUS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION'S LICENSOR(S) DOES NOT WARRANT, GUARANTEE OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE IN TERMS OF ITS CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, CURRENTNESS OR OTHERWISE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE RESULTS AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS ASSUMED BY YOU. THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES IS NOT PERMITTED BY SOME JURISDICTIONS. THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. IN NO EVENT WILL LOTUS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION'S LICENSOR(S), AND THEIR DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS (COLLECTIVELY LOTUS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION'S LICENSOR(S)) BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES (INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, AND THE LIKE) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE EVEN IF LOTUS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION'S LICENSOR(S) HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. BECAUSE SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. O=Lotus Notes O=Lotus Notes PURSAFO |.:#U O=Lotus Notes CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes PURSAFO Fde!f^^ $INFO $BODY subhead subpara BHead BHead IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink This is a list of the parameters of a Lotus Notes Data Source with a description of each. There are many parameters, but most have reasonable defaults. We suggest you try using the defaults first. The three dialog box fields that must be filled in are marked with an asterisk. Fields that ask for numeric values check your input. If you specify a value above the allowed maximum, the maximum value is substituted. If you specify a value below the allowed minimum, the minimum value is substituted. If you specify an invalid value, such as a letter, the default value is substituted. Data Source Name * Enter a name that identifies the data source in the Data Source Name text box. For example, add the name "Employee" to identify the ODBC connection to an employee database. Description Enter a description of the data source in the Description text box. For example, add the description "Hire date, salary history, and current review of all employees" to describe the contents of the employee database. Server * Enter the name of the Notes server that contains the Notes database you want to open in the Server text box. Leave the text box blank if the Notes database is on a local disk. Database * Enter the path and name of the .NSF file you want to open in the Database text box. For example, IndList C:\PERSONNEL\EMPLOYEE.NSF for a file on a local disk, or PERSONNEL\EMPLOYEE.NSF for a database on a Lotus Notes server. Whether the data is local or on a server, the path is relative to the Notes data directory on that machine. If the Notes data directory is D:\NOTES\DATA\, PERSONNEL\EMPLOYEE.NSF points to D:\NOTES\DATA\PERSONNEL\EMPLOYEE.NSF. Max Length of Text Fields This parameter specifies the maximum number of bytes NotesSQL allows in a string. This limits the number of characters returned from a Notes text field and the length of a string to be inserted into a Notes text field. The maximum value allowed is 15,360. The minimum value allowed is 2. The default value is 254. If the database will be used exclusively or primarily with Lotus 1-2-3 , we recommend a value of 511. This is the maximum length of a string in a cell in Lotus 1-2-3. Max Number of Tables This parameter specifies the maximum number of tables in a single query. The maximum value allowed is 100. The minimum value allowed is 1. The default value is 20. Max Number of Subqueries This parameter specifies the maximum number of nested subqueries in a SQL statement. The maximum value allowed is 100. The minimum value allowed is 1. The default value is 20. Keep Temporary Indexes until SQLDisconnect This option controls the saving of temporary indexes. Select the option to save temporary indexes until SQLDisconnect. Leave the option unselected to delete indexes at the end of each SELECT result. The option is unselected by default. Return Notes Implicit Fields This option controls whether certain Notes fields are provided through SQLStatistics and SQLSpecialColumns. Turn it off for maximum interoperability. Turn it on for backward compatibility with NotesSQL 2.0 or earlier. The option is unselected by default. Map Special Characters This option controls whether certain characters are mapped to the underscore character ( _ ). For details, see Database 'Lotus NotesSQL 2.01 ODBC Drv Doc', View 'Table of Contents' Database 'Lotus NotesSQL 2.01 ODBC Drv Doc', View 'Table of Contents' CN=zathras/OU=CAM/O=Notes Mapping Notes Names to SQL Names The option is selected by default. Max Length of Rich Text Fields This parameter is the same as Max Length of Text Fields, but for rich text fields. The maximum value allowed is 15,360. The minimum value allowed is 2. The default value is 512. If the database will be used exclusively or primarily with Lotus 1-2-3, we recommend a value of 511. This is the maximum length of a string in a cell in Lotus 1-2-3. Note: Notes databases have long text fields called rich text fields. The Body field of a Notes document is often a rich text field. If you want to retrieve all the data in such a field, be sure that the maximum string length you specify is large enough. SQL Statement Length This parameter specifies the maximum length of an SQL statement passed to SQLPrepare or SQLExecDirect. The maximum value allowed is 32,767 (32K). The minimum value allowed is 2. The default value is 4,096 (4K). Thread Timeout (available on 32-bit Windows platforms only) All calls are serialized so that they proceed one after the other. This parameter specifies the number of seconds one thread should wait for another thread to finish. The maximum value allowed is 99,999. The minimum value allowed is 0. A value of 0 means wait forever. The default value is 60. 99. Th AHead IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink The HAVING clause specifies a search condition for a group. BHead Syntax Display HAVING AHead Example SELECT LOCATION, AVG(UNITCOST) FROM INVENTORY GROUP BY LOCATION HAVING AVG(UNITCOST) > 600 The search condition must include a column function. See related topics NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference SQL Typographical Conventions NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Column, Index, Table, and View Names IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink NotesSQL recognizes Notes forms and views as tables. In addition to forms and views, every Notes database contains a table that has the same name as the database. This table is called the Universal Relation. The Universal Relation contains all fields defined in all forms in the Notes database. The Universal Relation is the only true table in a Notes database. As a result, SQL tables created by NotesSQL behave more like SQL views than like traditional relational database tables. For example, with NotesSQL, you can create a Notes form with the CREATE TABLE statement. However, the DROP TABLE statement deletes the Notes form but does not delete any data from the database. Using DROP TABLE with NotesSQL is like deleting a SQL view, in that the data remains in the database. You can view the data through other views that use the same field names, or by referencing the Universal Relation table. Continuing this example, if you create a new table with the same name as a previously deleted table, and use some of the field names from the deleted table, you could find data in the table before you insert any data. This is because the table is actually a view of existing data in the Universal Relation table. Documents (records) in the Notes database contain the name of the form used to create them. NotesSQL uses the form name stored in the document to identify the document when selecting from a form. IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink The following table lists the C language #defines for the fInfoType argument and the corresponding values returned by SQLGetInfo. SQLGetInfo values returned by the ODBC Driver Manager are not listed here. In this table, "No" means that the driver returns "N", "Yes" means that the driver returns "Y", and "None" means that the driver returns the null string. fInfoType Value (#define) Lotus NotesSQL Return Values SQL_ACCESSIBLE_PROCEDURES SQL_ACCESSIBLE_TABLES SQL_ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS 0 = No Limit SQL_ACTIVE_STATEMENTS 0 = No Limit SQL_ALTER_TABLE SQL_AT_ADD_COLUMN SQL_BOOKMARK_PERSISTENCE SQL_BP_DELETE SQL_BP_SCROLL SQL_BP_UPDATE SQL_COLUMN_ALIAS SQL_CONCAT_NULL_BEHAVIOR SQL_CB_NON_NULL SQL_CONVERT_BIGINT SQL_CONVERT_BINARY SQL_CONVERT_BIT SQL_CONVERT_CHAR 0x000381FF = SQL_CVT_CHAR | SQL_CVT_NUMERIC | SQL_CVT_DECIMAL | SQL_CVT_INTEGER | SQL_CVT_SMALLINT | SQL_CVT_FLOAT | SQL_CVT_REAL | SQL_CVT_DOUBLE | SQL_CVT_VARCHAR | SQL_CVT_DATE | SQL_CVT_TIME | SQL_CVT_TIMESTAMP SQL_CONVERT_DATE 0x00028101 = SQL_CVT_CHAR | SQL_CVT_VARCHAR | SQL_CVT_DATE | SQL_CVT_TIMESTAMP SQL_CONVERT_DECIMAL SQL_CONVERT_DOUBLE SQL_CONVERT_FLOAT SQL_CONVERT_INTEGER SQL_CONVERT_NUMERIC SQL_CONVERT_REAL SQL_CONVERT_SMALLINT 0x000001FF = SQL_CVT_CHAR | SQL_CVT_NUMERIC | SQL_CVT_DECIMAL | SQL_CVT_INTEGER | SQL_CVT_SMALLINT| SQL_CVT_FLOAT | SQL_CVT_REAL | SQL_CVT_DOUBLE | SQL_CVT_VARCHAR SQL_CONVERT_FUNCTIONS SQL_FN_CVT_CONVERT SQL_CONVERT_LONGVARBINARY SQL_CONVERT_LONGVARCHAR SQL_CONVERT_TIME 0x00030101 = SQL_CVT_CHAR | SQL_CVT_VARCHAR | SQL_CVT_TIME | SQL_CVT_TIMESTAMP SQL_CONVERT_TIMESTAMP 0x00038101 = SQL_CVT_CHAR | SQL_CVT_VARCHAR | SQL_CVT_DATE | SQL_CVT_TIME | SQL_CVT_TIMESTAMP SQL_CONVERT_TINYINT SQL_CONVERT_VARBINARY SQL_CONVERT_VARCHAR 0x000381FF = SQL_CVT_CHAR | SQL_CVT_NUMERIC | SQL_CVT_DECIMAL | SQL_CVT_INTEGER | SQL_CVT_SMALLINT | SQL_CVT_FLOAT | SQL_CVT_REAL | SQL_CVT_DOUBLE | SQL_CVT_VARCHAR | SQL_CVT_DATE | SQL_CVT_TIME | SQL_CVT_TIMESTAMP SQL_CORRELATION_NAME SQL_CN_ANY SQL_CURSOR_COMMIT_BEHAVIOR SQL_CB_PRESERVE SQL_CURSOR_ROLLBACK_BEHAVIOR SQL_CB_DELETE SQL_DATA_SOURCE_NAME (Data source name from connection.) SQL_DATA_SOURCE_READ_ONLY (If the database is local, this is the read-only setting of the database file. If the database is on a server, this indicates whether the user has write access.) SQL_DATABASE_NAME (Database name from connection.) SQL_DBMS_NAME "Lotus Notes" SQL_DBMS_VER "Lotus Notes Version 4" SQL_DEFAULT_TXN_ISOLATION SQL_DRIVER_NAME (Name of driver dll, depends on platform.) SQL_DRIVER_ODBC_VER "02.00" SQL_DRIVER_VER "2.04.0201" (Returns the version of the installed driver.) SQL_EXPRESSIONS_IN_ORDERBY SQL_FETCH_DIRECTION 0x000000BF = SQL_FD_FETCH_NEXT | SQL_FD_FETCH_FIRST | SQL_FD_FETCH_LAST | SQL_FD_FETCH_PRIOR | SQL_FD_FETCH_ABSOLUTE | SQL_FD_FETCH_RELATIVE | SQL_FD_FETCH_BOOKMARK SQL_FILE_USAGE SQL_FILE_CATALOG SQL_GETDATA_EXTENSIONS 0x00000007 = SQL_GD_ANY_COLUMN | SQL_GD_ANY_ORDER | SQL_GD_BLOCK SQL_GROUP_BY SQL_GB_GROUP_BY_EQUALS_SELECT SQL_IDENTIFIER_CASE SQL_IC_SENSITIVE = Names are case sensitive and are stored in mixed case. SQL_IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR """ (Double quote) SQL_KEYWORDS "SERVER,RICHTEXT,TEXT, SQL_BIGINT,SQL_BINARY,SQL_BIT, SQL_CHAR, SQL_DATE,SQL_DECIMAL, SQL_DOUBLE,SQL_FLOAT, SQL_INTEGER,SQL_LONGVARBINARY, SQL_LONGVARCHAR,SQL_NUMERIC, SQL_REAL,SQL_SMALLINT,SQL_TIME, SQL_TIMESTAMP,SQL_TINYINT, SQL_VARBINARY,SQL_VARCHAR" SQL_LIKE_ESCAPE_CLAUSE SQL_LOCK_TYPES SQL_LCK_NO_CHANGE SQL_MAX_BINARY_LITERAL_LEN SQL_MAX_CHAR_LITERAL_LEN SQL_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN SQL_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_GROUP_BY SQL_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_INDEX SQL_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_ORDER_BY SQL_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_SELECT SQL_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_TABLE SQL_MAX_CURSOR_NAME_LEN SQL_MAX_INDEX_SIZE SQL_MAX_OWNER_NAME_LEN SQL_MAX_PROCEDURE_NAME_LEN SQL_MAX_QUALIFIER_NAME_LEN SQL_MAX_ROW_SIZE 65535 SQL_MAX_ROW_SIZE_INCLUDES_LONG SQL_MAX_STATEMENT_LEN (Default is 4096, actual value is from data source.) SQL_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN SQL_MAX_TABLES_IN_SELECT (Default is 20, actual value is from data source) SQL_MAX_USER_NAME_LEN SQL_MULT_RESULT_SETS SQL_MULTIPLE_ACTIVE_TXN SQL_NEED_LONG_DATA_LEN SQL_NON_NULLABLE_COLUMNS SQL_NNC_NULL = All columns must be nullable. SQL_NULL_COLLATION SQL_NC_LOW SQL_NUMERIC_FUNCTIONS All: 0x007FFFFF = SQL_FN_NUM_ABS | SQL_FN_NUM_ACOS | SQL_FN_NUM_ASIN | SQL_FN_NUM_ATAN | SQL_FN_NUM_ATAN2 | SQL_FN_NUM_CEILING | SQL_FN_NUM_COS | SQL_FN_NUM_COT | SQL_FN_NUM_DEGREES | SQL_FN_NUM_EXP | SQL_FN_NUM_FLOOR | SQL_FN_NUM_LOG | SQL_FN_NUM_LOG10 | SQL_FN_NUM_MOD | SQL_FN_NUM_PI | SQL_FN_NUM_POWER | SQL_FN_NUM_RADIANS | SQL_FN_NUM_RAND | SQL_FN_NUM_ROUND | SQL_FN_NUM_SIGN | SQL_FN_NUM_SIN | SQL_FN_NUM_SQRT | SQL_FN_NUM_TAN SQL_ODBC_API_CONFORMANCE SQL_OAC_LEVEL1 SQL_ODBC_SAG_CLI_CONFORMANCE SQL_OSCC_COMPLIANT SQL_ODBC_SQL_CONFORMANCE SQL_OSC_MINIMUM SQL_ODBC_SQL_OPT_IEF SQL_ORDER_BY_COLUMNS_IN_SELECT SQL_OUTER_JOINS "P" = Partial SQL_OWNER_TERM SQL_OWNER_USAGE SQL_POS_OPERATIONS SQL_POS_POSITION SQL_POSITIONED_STATEMENTS 0x00000007 = SQL_PS_POSITIONED_DELETE | SQL_PS_POSITIONED_UPDATE | SQL_PS_SELECT_FOR_UPDATE SQL_PROCEDURE_TERM SQL_PROCEDURES SQL_QUALIFIER_LOCATION SQL_QUALIFIER_NAME_SEPARATOR SQL_QUALIFIER_TERM SQL_QUALIFIER_USAGE SQL_QUOTED_IDENTIFIER_CASE SQL_IC_SENSITIVE SQL_ROW_UPDATES SQL_SCROLL_CONCURRENCY 0x00000009 = SQL_SCCO_READ_ONLY | SQL_SCCO_OPT_VALUES SQL_SCROLL_OPTIONS 0x00000011 = SQL_SO_FORWARD_ONLY | SQL_SO_STATIC SQL_SEARCH_PATTERN_ESCAPE "\" (Backslash) SQL_SERVER_NAME (Server name from connection.) SQL_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS "~`!@#$%^&*()-+={[}]:;"'<,>.?/ " (with mapping off) (empty string, with mapping on) SQL_STATIC_SENSITIVITY SQL_SS_UPDATES SQL_STRING_FUNCTIONS 0x0006DEDD = SQL_FN_STR_CHAR | SQL_FN_STR_CONCAT | SQL_FN_STR_DIFFERENCE | SQL_FN_STR_LCASE | SQL_FN_STR_LEFT | SQL_FN_STR_LENGTH | SQL_FN_STR_LTRIM | SQL_FN_STR_REPEAT | SQL_FN_STR_RIGHT | SQL_FN_STR_RTRIM | SQL_FN_STR_SOUNDEX | SQL_FN_STR_SPACE | SQL_FN_STR_SUBSTRING | SQL_FN_STR_UCASE SQL_SUBQUERIES 0x0000000F = SQL_SQ_COMPARISON | SQL_SQ_EXISTS | SQL_SQ_IN | SQL_SQ_QUANTIFIED SQL_SYSTEM_FUNCTIONS 0x00000003 = SQL_FN_SYS_USERNAME | SQL_FN_SYS_DBNAME SQL_TABLE_TERM "FORM" SQL_TIMEDATE_ADD_INTERVALS 0x0000017E = SQL_FN_TSI_SECOND | SQL_FN_TSI_MINUTE | SQL_FN_TSI_HOUR | SQL_FN_TSI_DAY | SQL_FN_TSI_WEEK | SQL_FN_TSI_MONTH | SQL_FN_TSI_YEAR SQL_TIMEDATE_DIFF_INTERVALS 0x0000017E = SQL_FN_TSI_SECOND | SQL_FN_TSI_MINUTE | SQL_FN_TSI_HOUR | SQL_FN_TSI_DAY | SQL_FN_TSI_WEEK | SQL_FN_TSI_MONTH | SQL_FN_TSI_YEAR SQL_TIMEDATE_FUNCTIONS 0x0001FFF7 = SQL_FN_TD_CURDATE | SQL_FN_TD_CURTIME | SQL_FN_TD_DAYNAME | SQL_FN_TD_DAYOFMONTH | SQL_FN_TD_DAYOFWEEK | SQL_FN_TD_DAYOFYEAR | SQL_FN_TD_HOUR | SQL_FN_TD_MINUTE | SQL_FN_TD_MONTH | SQL_FN_TD_MONTHNAME | SQL_FN_TD_NOW | SQL_FN_TD_QUARTER | SQL_FN_TD_SECOND | SQL_FN_TD_TIMESTAMPADD | SQL_FN_TD_TIMESTAMPDIFF | SQL_FN_TD_WEEK | SQL_FN_TD_YEAR SQL_TXN_CAPABLE SQL_TC_NONE = Transactions not supported SQL_TXN_ISOLATION_OPTION SQL_UNION 0x00000003 = SQL_U_UNION | SQL_U_UNION_ALL SQL_USER_NAME (User name from current Notes ID.) Wingdings AHead IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink AHead The DROP INDEX statement removes an index from the current database. Syntax Display DROP INDEX AHead Example DROP INDEX CUSTNDX BHead Arguments is the name of the index to remove. This operation removes a Notes view. See related topics NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference SQL Typographical Conventions NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Column, Index, Table, and View Names Wingdings AHead BHead IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink The positioned Update statement updates the last row fetched. BHead Syntax Display UPDATE { } [ , ... ] WHERE CURRENT OF AHead Example UPDATE INVENTORY SET QTY = 100.00 WHERE CURRENT OF SQL_CUR_0 BHead Arguments
is the name of the table to update. column name is the name of a column in the table. is the new value for the column. This must be either a value expression or a dynamic parameter. is the name of the cursor pointing to the row to update. See related topics NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference SQL Typographical Conventions NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Column, Index, Table, and View Names NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference CN=zathras/OU=CAM/O=Notes Data Types indbullet1 IndList IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink Before you can connect to a Notes database with NotesSQL, you must add a A Lotus Notes Data Source specifies the Domino/Notes server and Notes database you want to open. Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO data source for it. You can change or delete a data source at any time. You can use as many data sources as you like with a particular driver, provided no two data sources have the same name. BHead To add a Lotus Notes data source: 1. Start the ODBC Administrator. 2. Choose Add. 3. In the Add Data Source dialog box, select Lotus Notes from the Installed ODBC Drivers list box. 4. Choose OK. This brings up the NotesSQL Configuration dialog box. For help with this dialog box, see " Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO Configuring a Lotus Notes Data Source Wingdings BHead IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink The SELECT statement selects rows and columns from tables either for display or as input to other SQL statements. BHead Syntax Display SELECT DISTINCT ] [ < ORDER BY clause > | < FOR UPDATE clause> ] BHead Arguments is: IndList is { | } is a list of column names and other expressions whose values will appear in the result table (result set). See related topics NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference SQL Typographical Conventions NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Column Functions NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference CN=zathras/OU=CAM/O=Notes Data Types Mu9I_ IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink The following ODBC SQL grammar is supported: BHead Supported Statements Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO ALTER TABLE Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO CREATE INDEX Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO g5J^F CREATE TABLE Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO CREATE VIEW Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO 49]GL /Q[8Q DELETE Searched Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO DELETE Positioned Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO DROP INDEX Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO DROP TABLE Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO DROP VIEW Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO INSERT Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO D*s)3 SELECT Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO F{Wop c|i$A FOR UPDATE Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO 0DZPl Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO \r^T* GROUP BY Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO HAVING Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO d ?7ht ORDER BY NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO NotesSQL 2.03 Reference UNION Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO UPDATE Searched Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO UPDATE Positioned Link WHERE Supported Expressions, Functions, and Operators Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO vs~q Numeric Operators Link Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO Predicate Operators Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO Column Functions Wingdings BHead AHead IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink The FROM clause specifies the table names or views that are the source tables for a query. BHead Syntax Display {
[ ] } [ , ... ] AHead Example SELECT FROM CUSTOMER BHead Arguments
is the name of a table or view is an alias for the table name or view name. The alias is defined only for this query. See related topics NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference SQL Typographical Conventions NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Column, Index, Table, and View Names Wingdings IndPara AHead IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink The ALTER TABLE statement adds one or more columns to a table. Syntax Display ALTER TABLE ADD ( [ , ... ] ) AHead Example ALTER TABLE CUSTOMER ADD COUNTRY VARCHAR(20) BHead Arguments is the name of the table to be altered. column name> is the name of the column to be added. is one of the following: CHAR(n) or CHARACTER(n) where 1 <= n <= 254 DECIMAL(p, s) where p (precision) is 1 <= p <= 15 and s (scale) is 0 <= s <= p NUMERIC(p, s) (same as DECIMAL) SMALLINT INTEGER FLOAT DOUBLE PRECISION VARCHAR(n) or CHARACTER VARYING(n) (same as CHAR) TIME TIMESTAMP The field sizes specified for CHAR, DECIMAL, NUMERIC, and VARCHAR fields are optional. If you specify a size for one of these fields, Notes ignores it when creating the field. Restrictions NULL and NOT NULL are not supported. ALTER TABLE DROP is not supported. VARCHAR will produce a fixed length CHAR field, instead of a large text field. See related topics NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference SQL Typographical Conventions NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Column, Index, Table, and View Names NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Data Types Wingdings AHead IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink AHead The CREATE VIEW statement defines a new view in the current database. Syntax Display CREATE VIEW AHead Example CREATE VIEW NYCUST COMPANY,ADDRESS SELECT COMPANY,ADDRESS FROM CUSTOMER WHERE STATE = 'NY' BHead Arguments is the name of a new view. is a comma-delimited list of column names See related topics NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference SQL Typographical Conventions NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Column, Index, Table, and View Names Wingdings IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink NotesSQL recognizes Notes forms and views as tables. In addition, the driver recognizes the Universal Relation as a table. However, Notes forms and views have very different properties that affect the performance of data access and display with NotesSQL. Views in Notes databases list documents in a specific order. Avoid selecting from a table based on a Notes view and then specifying a different sort order. When you specify a different sort order on an existing view, Notes creates a temporary table on your workstation and re-sorts the documents. Creating a large temporary table and sorting the documents in that table will take a long time. Temporary table creation requires you to have read/write access to the database. If you have read-only access, you cannot perform an operation like SELECT with ORDER BY or GROUP BY unless there is an existing view you can use to support the operation. To display information from a view in a different sort order, use a table based on a Notes form and create an index on the form using the order you want, or create a new view either in Notes or through ODBC. Tables derived from Notes forms are not necessarily indexed for fast access. When selecting data from a table based on a Notes form, NotesSQL looks for a view that acts as an index on that table. If such a view is present, access to the table will be fast. If no such view is present, access to the table may be very slow. In particular, if the table is small with respect to the database, it will take a long time for the driver to locate all the records in the table. This is because Notes must search the entire database and check every record to see if it belongs to the table. See examples Example: Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views 5Courier New IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink NotesSQL supports most SQL statements and clauses in the ODBC Minimum and Core grammar. The following table describes exceptions: Grammar Exception NULLs There is no explicit NULL in Notes. NotesSQL uses NULLs to provide access to the Notes function @IsAvailable. See "NULLs" below for details. ORDER BY clause NotesSQL supports ordering by expressions that aren't in the project list. This is not standard SQL but many applications use it. WHERE clause and TIMESTAMP fields Timestamp fields need to be fully padded when used in WHERE clauses if the time component is not used. That is, if time is not used, the following format is required: '1995-12-31 00:00:00' ALTER TABLE The following keywords are not supported: NOT NULL CREATE INDEX The UNIQUE keyword is not supported CREATE TABLE The following keywords are not supported: NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES No table constraint definition PARAMETER RESTRICTIONS Parameters are supported in INSERT, DELETE, and SELECT SQL statements. They cannot be used with CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW, and other statements that manipulate the structure of tables and views (DDL). Arrays of parameters are not supported. RESTRICT and CASCADE Dependencies are only recognized if they were originally created using the driver. DROP TABLE CASCADE will only remove dependent views created using the driver. DROP TABLE RESTRICT will only prevent the removal of a table if a dependent view was created using the driver. GRANT and REVOKE Not supported. All access control is handled implicitly by Notes. BHead NULLS NotesSQL uses NULLs to provide access to the Notes function @IsAvailable. For example, suppose you are comparing a field to NULL, as in: SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE Name IS NULL NotesSQL checks @IsAvailable("Name"). If @IsAvailable("Name") is TRUE, the WHERE clause is FALSE. Otherwise, the WHERE clause is TRUE. Continuing the parallel, updating or inserting NULLs through NotesSQL removes fields from documents. So for example, the following will create a document with no Name field: INSERT INTO Employee (EmpNo, Name) VALUES (10, NULL) Likewise, the following will remove the Name field from a document: UPDATE Employee SET Name=NULL WHERE EmpNo=10 Wingdings IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink NotesSQL will use an existing Notes view as an index if it meets the following criteria: The view selection formula in the Notes view design is either SELECT Form = "name" or SELECT @All. SELECT Form = "name" is faster than SELECT @All, unless all documents in the database were created using the same form. Note that views created with SELECT @All are not described as indexes through SQLStatistics. They are used by NotesSQL to improve performance. Each sorted column in the view is defined as a simple reference to a field in that form (no formulas). At least one column in the view is sorted. An easy way to see this information at a glance in Notes is to select File - Database - Design Synopsis. In the dialog box, choose Views, then click OK. Notes generates a detailed synopsis document that includes all the above information and more. Unique Indexes In Notes there is a view property labeled "Unique keys in index (for ODBC access)." When this setting is checked, NotesSQL describes the sorted columns of the view as the keys of a unique index. This happens through the ODBC call SQLStatistics. Having these indexes allows several third-party applications to issue updates against NotesSQL. Use some care with this feature. Checking the box doesn't make the view a unique index in the relational database sense. Specifically, it doesn't prevent duplicate records. It only puts the first document with a particular sorted value into the view. Therefore, if you are using this feature, updates may affect more than one record and ORDER BYs may generate small result sets. Here are some guidelines to follow to avoid these problems: Only use the checkbox for one view that selects from each form that will be updated. Choose a view with sorted columns that are each one field (not a formula or expression). Choose a view with sorted columns that together uniquely identify a record. Wingdings IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink You must have read/write access to a database to use its Universal Relation. Without read/write access, you cannot perform any operation (including SELECTs) on the Universal Relation. The same field name can be used in more than one form with different data types in a Notes database. Therefore, you must use explicit field names in a SELECT clause that references the Universal Relation. In particular, you cannot use SELECT *. You can only perform text operations on fields in the Universal Relation because the data type for all fields is character. The Universal Relation can participate in a self-join but cannot participate in any other kind of join. NotesSQL supports the SELECT statement on the Universal Relation. NotesSQL does not support this on a read-only .NSF file. NotesSQL supports the CREATE VIEW statement on the Universal Relation. NotesSQL does not support INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, DROP TABLE, or DROP VIEW statements on the Universal Relation. NotesSQL uses the type "UNIVERSAL" to differentiate the Universal Relation in the result set of SQLTables. AHead IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink The GROUP BY clause groups the data from source tables by one or more columns and produces a single summary row for each column name specified. BHead Syntax Display GROUP BY column list> AHead Example SELECT LOCATION, AVG(UNITCOST) FROM INVENTORY GROUP BY LOCATION This list cannot include derived columns. All columns in the GROUP BY clause must also appear in the SELECT clause. See related topics NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference SQL Typographical Conventions NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Column, Index, Table, and View Names IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink AHead Conventions The following table lists the conventions used to describe the syntax for SQL statements. Convention Description Information that the user or application must provide. CREATE Syntax that must be entered exactly as shown, including function names. Optional items or, if in bold text, brackets that must be included in the syntax. Square brackets also delimit syntax elements. Separates mutually exclusive choices in a list of syntax elements. Delimits a list of mutually exclusive choices in a syntax line. Indicates that the preceding grammar element may be repeated several times. [ , ... ] Indicates that the preceding grammar element may be repeated in a comma-delimited list. user input In examples, indicates information that the user must provide. SALES Names of fields in Notes databases. IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink If a column in a view does not refer directly to a field, NotesSQL creates a name for that column in the result set. The name is the "$" character followed by a number (for example, "$2"). If a view column definition or a Computed for Display field in a form contains one of the @functions listed below, NotesSQL returns no results for that column. These columns are not reported by SQLColumns. These columns display data when viewed from Notes, but this data is not available through a SQL query. @DeleteDocument @DeleteFields @DocChildren @DocLevel @DocNumber @DocParentNumber @DocSiblings @Error @IsCategory @IsExpandable @Unavailable Expressions passed in SQL statements must be either valid SQL expressions or valid Notes expressions. Otherwise, the results are unpredictable. BHead IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink You can use NotesSQL with any application that supports ODBC drivers for external data access. To connect to the Notes database, you select the data source you defined using the Setup dialog box If your Notes user ID is password-protected, Notes prompts for a password when you first connect to a remote database using NotesSQL. This information is not database-specific and is retained for the length of the session, so you will not need to enter it more than once if you connect to more than one database. Lotus Notes never prompts for a user ID. Your user ID is part of your workstation installation. BHead Connection Strings The following keywords are supported for the SQLDriverConnect call: Keyword Description The name of the data source. Database The name of the Notes database, with a path if necessary. Server The name of the Notes server where the database is located. If the database is on the local workstation, leave the field blank. For example, to connect to the Personnel data source in the directory PERSONNEL on server HR_1, use the following connection string: IndPara DSN=Personnel; Database=Personnel\employee.nsf; Server=HR_1 See related topics NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Adding a Lotus Notes Data Source NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Configuring a Lotus Notes Data Source Wingdings IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink Error messages come from three areas: the ODBC Driver Manager, NotesSQL, or Notes. The Driver Manager detects incorrect sequences of ODBC API calls and invalid parameter values. NotesSQL detects errors when parsing and validating SQL commands. Notes detects errors when executing database operations. Error messages have the following format: IndPara [vendor][ODBC-component][data source] message-text The prefixes in square brackets ([ ]) identify the location of the error. The following table shows the format of error messages returned by the ODBC Driver Manager, NotesSQL, and Notes: Error message Error location 32-bit Windows: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] message-text 16-bit Windows: [Microsoft][ODBC.DLL] message-text OS/2: [Visigenic][ODBC Driver Manager] message-text ODBC Driver Manager [Lotus][ODBC Lotus Notes] message-text NotesSQL [Lotus][ODBC Lotus Notes][Lotus Notes Server]Notes API error: message-text Lotus Notes or Domino BHead Errors reported by NotesSQL The driver returns an error message and the appropriate SQLSTATE when an error is detected in NotesSQL. The name of a data source is not included in the error message. Errors reported by Notes When an error is reported by Notes, NotesSQL returns SQLSTATE S1000 and the error message returned by Notes. IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink NotesSQL is the Lotus Notes ODBC driver. It allows you to open and query a Notes database (a .NSF file) through the NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Open Database Connectivity ( ) interface Here is the application/driver hierarchy (using 32-bit Windows file names): Application ODBC Driver Manager (ODBC32.DLL) NotesSQL (NSQL32.DLL) (NSQLV32.DLL)* Lotus Notes Workstation Software** Lotus Notes Server or Local .NSF file *On 32-bit Windows, NotesSQL consists of 3 DLLs. NSQL32.DLL is called by ODBC32.DLL, the ODBC Driver Manager. NSQL32.DLL is the DLL whose name appears in ODBC.INI. NSQLV32.DLL is called by NSQL32.DLL. ** NotesSQL communicates exclusively with the Lotus Notes workstation software. Lotus Notes handles all network traffic and security. IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink Column functions can be part of a SELECT clause. A column function takes an entire column of data as its argument and produces a single data item that summarizes the column. For example, the AVG column function takes a column of data and computes its average. The argument to a column function can be a field name or an expression. NotesSQL supports the following Column functions: Function Description Returns the average of the values in a numeric field or expression. For example, AVG(SALES) returns the average of all values in the "SALES" column. COUNT Returns the number of values in any field expression. Returns the highest value in any field expression. For example, MAX(SALES) returns the highest SALES field value. Returns the lowest value in any field expression. For example, MIN(SALES) returns the lowest SALES field value. Returns the total of all values in a numeric field expression. For example, SUM(SALES) returns the sum of all SALES field values. Wingdings BHead AHead IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink AHead The WHERE clause specifies the conditions that records must meet for retrieval. BHead Syntax Display WHERE AHead Examples Bullet SELECT FROM CUSTOMER WHERE CITY='New York' SELECT PART_NO, DESCRIPT, ON_HAND, LOCATION, UNITCOST FROM INVENTORY WHERE ON_HAND > 50 SELECT PART_NO, DESCRIPT, LOCATION, ON_HAND, UNITCOST FROM INVENTORY WHERE LOCATION = 'Los Angeles' LOCATION = 'New York' AND ON_HAND < 20 AND UNITCOST < 1000 BHead Arguments is [ ] is [ ] is [ ] is | is one of the following: IndList is: [ BETWEEN is: expression comparison operator > is: EXISTS ( ) is: [ { | } is: column name search pattern is: { subquery is: [ ( ) is: [ ( ) is: These column expressions are generally qualified by a table name or alias. Column expressions cannot include asterisks ( * ). See related topics NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference SQL Typographical Conventions NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Column, Index, Table, and View Names Wingdings AHead IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink AHead The CREATE INDEX statement defines an index for a table. Syntax Display CREATE INDEX [ ] [ , ... ] AHead Example CREATE INDEX CUSTNDX CUSTOMER LASTNAME ASC BHead Arguments is the name of the index to create. [ CASCADE RESTRICT Example DROP TABLE NEWCUST BHead Arguments is the name of the table to remove. CASCADE removes any dependent objects. RESTRICT fails if there are dependent objects. This operation removes a Notes form. It does not remove the documents created with that form. When Notes tries to display one of these documents, Notes displays an error message because it cannot find the form needed to display the document. See related topics NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference SQL Typographical Conventions NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Column, Index, Table, and View Names Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Document', View 'Table of Contents' Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Document', View 'Table of Contents' The Universal Relation IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink Notes is more flexible about names than SQL. When naming a form or view Notes, allows many special characters and sequences of characters that are not part of the standard SQL syntax. Bullet It is not uncommon to number views so they will appear in a certain order in the Create menu: 1. Products 2. Suppliers If developers want hierarchical view names, they use the backslash: Products\By Name Products\By Age These common Notes naming conventions are not allowed by standard SQL syntax, which does not allow the use of periods, spaces, and forward slashes in unquoted identifier names. Mapping Because of this difference in syntax support, NotesSQL optionally maps certain characters to the underscore character ( _ ). This mapping is configurable for each Data Source. The default is to map the names. We recommend using the default unless it causes a form or view to be inaccessible. This can happen when two similar names (for example, "Employees$" and "Employees_") are mapped to the same name. If you choose to map names, NotesSQL maps forms, views and their aliases, form fields, and view columns. The characters mapped are: ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { } [ ] \ : ; " ' < > , . / ? and the space character. Wingdings IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink To use Notes data through ODBC, you must have: Bullet NotesSQL, the Lotus Notes ODBC driver. Lotus Notes Designer release 4.6 or Lotus Notes Workstation release 4.x. An ODBC Driver Manager version 2.0 or later. One of the following: Bullet - Microsoft Windows 3.1 or later, or - Microsoft Windows 95, or - Microsoft Windows NT 3.5 or later, or - IBM's OS/2 Warp or later Lotus Notes Designer or Lotus Notes Workstation must be installed. A full user license is required; desktop and mail IDs are not supported. Notes database files can reside on a server. You do not need to have local copies of these files, but must have at least reader access to them through Notes. For more information about Notes databases, refer to your Lotus Notes documentation. IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink NotesSQL supports multiple values in fields. NotesSQL contains information about which fields can have multiple values and the underlying data type for these values. NotesSQL does not support multi-valued (list) fields in DDL statements (CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, CREATE INDEX, CREATE VIEW). Use the following notation in DML statements (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE searched, UPDATE positioned, DELETE searched, DELETE positioned) to specify a list of values: 'string;string;string' (See below for more information about the correct separator character to use.) Text Fields NotesSQL returns all the data in multi-valued fields composed of text as a single string. Data items are separated by the display separator character (the character defined in Notes as the one to use to separate multiple values when displaying them). For example: 'a;b;c' Note: An extra semicolon can appear in the result if the data was entered in Notes, any character other than a semicolon was used as the display separator character, and the list contains an item that includes a semicolon. NotesSQL accepts a list of strings for insertion in a multi-valued field of type Text. You must separate the strings with the display separator character defined for that field. For example, if a comma is the display separator character for a field, you must specify a string like: 'a,b,c' This value creates a list in the Notes document if the field allows multiple values. If the field does not allow multiple values, the value appears in Notes as a single string. Data retrieved through NotesSQL produces the same result in either case. Numeric and Date Fields NotesSQL returns only the first value in the list when the multi-valued fields are numeric or date fields. Currently, NotesSQL accepts only a single numeric or date value for insertion in a multi-valued field of type Numeric or Date. Wingdings AHead IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink AHead The positioned DELETE statement removes the last row fetched (the current row). Syntax Display DELETE FROM
is the name of the table where you want to remove data. is the name of the cursor pointing to the row to be removed. See related topics NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference SQL Typographical Conventions NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Column, Index, Table, and View Names bullet1 IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink Lotus NotesSQL(TM Reference describes how to install, configure, and use Notes SQL, the Lotus Notes ODBC driver, to open, query, and modify Lotus Notes databases. BHead Organization bullet1 Chapter 1 About NotesSQL introduces NotesSQL. Chapter 2 Installation and Configuration. Chapter 3 Using NotesSQL describes how to use NotesSQL. Chapter 4 Programming provides programming information for application programmers using the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) application programming interface (API). Appendix A SQL Statements Conventions Used in This Book Lotus NotesSQL Reference uses the following conventions: SQL code is in Courier 10 point. SQL keywords are in upper case. For example: SELECT * FROM MainqViewqAll MainqViewqAll Introduces additional technical information about a command or procedure. %I}Fmm DocLink IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead BHead Ahead ChapterHead DocLinkHead The following topics provide additional programming information on NotesSQL. These topics are intended for application programmers who are using the ODBC application programming interface (API). Contents of this chapter: Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Doc', View 'Table of Contents' Driver Capabilities: SQLGetinfo Return Values Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Doc', View 'Table of Contents' ODBC API Functions IndList IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink You might need to modify a data source configuration, perhaps because you have moved a database. BHead To modify a Lotus Notes data source: 1. Start the ODBC Administrator. 2. Select the data source in the Data Sources (Drivers) list box. 3. Choose Setup. 4. In the Lotus Notes ODBC Setup dialog box , modify the information about the data source, as described in " NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Configuring a Lotus Notes Data Source See related topics NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Adding a Lotus Notes Data Source NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Configuring a Lotus Notes Data Source NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Deleting a Lotus Notes Data Source IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink The UNION clause combines SELECT statements. BHead Syntax Display select-statement UNION select-statement AHead Example SELECT F.LOCATION, I.PART, AVG(I.UNITCOST) FROM INVENTORY I, FACTORIES F WHERE F.LOCATION = I. LOCATION UNION SELECT I.LOCATION, I.PART, 0 FROM INVENTORY I WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT LOCATION FROM FACTORIES WHERE LOCATION = I.LOCATION GROUP BY LOCATION ORDER BY LOCATION DESC See related topics NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference SQL Typographical Conventions IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink These are tips for using NotesSQL with other applications: Access supports table names of 64 characters. The ODBC specification supports 128. We've found that Access doesn't display the list of tables when a table has a name longer than 63 characters. This prevents connecting to a whole database even if the table you want has a smaller name. Access doesn't support indexes on text fields longer than 254. For a DSN with 254 (the default) as the text field length, Access can use views with sorted text fields as indexes. If you change the setting in the configuration dialog to 255, Access will not be able to use the text field as a key in an index. It will display the following error message: "Invalid field "..." in index or relation" Also, updates of text fields will not work with the text field length set higher than 254 characters. This issue does not apply to rich text fields. In Crystal Reports(TM), after choosing a table, you are prompted to "Please select an alias name to refer to this file." The alias name entered should start with an alphabetic character. The default alias name is the same as the table name. If this starts with a non-alphabetic character, Crystal Reports gives an "Invalid Character" error. In Visual Basic and other applications, for a table to be updatable there must be a unique index on it. For details, see " Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO Database 'Lotus NotesSQL 2.01 ODBC Drv Doc', View 'Table of Contents' CN=zathras/OU=CAM/O=Notes Using Notes Views as Indexes Due to the character mapping, SQL aliases that are the same as the view or form name are not allowed. For example, " SELECT * FROM MainqViewqAll MainqViewqAll" will not be accepted. It will return the error message "Alias name needed". You probably wouldn't type this SQL, since there is no point in having an alias that is the same as the original name. However certain applications, notably Crystal Reports, generate SQL like this. The workaround for this is to modify the alias name. Bullet These are known limitations or problems with NotesSQL: A text field length of more than 254 is not recommended. It is available so that you can read long Notes text fields. Notes text fields are mapped to the ODBC data type VARCHAR. The ODBC specification for the maximum string length of a VARCHAR field is 254. Some applications won't work with longer fields. You may experience problems even if the data is shorter than 254 characters. Scalar functions are supported if there is underlying Notes support. Consequently, these scalar functions are not supported: String: ASCII, INSERT, LOCATE, REPLACE Numeric: TRUNCATE System: IFNULL NotesSQL was developed to the ODBC 2.0 specification. ODBC 3.0 Driver Manager vendors have tried to be backward-compatible with ODBC 2.0 drivers, but several features are not available. Here are the two we know about: SQLDriverConnect does not accept the FILEDSN and SAVEFILE attribute-keywords, so File DSNs are not functional. Several APIs were added in 3.0. None of these is supported. The results in " Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO Database 'Lotus NotesSQL 2.01 ODBC Drv Doc', View 'Table of Contents' CN=zathras/OU=CAM/O=Notes Driver Capabilities: SQLGetInfo Return Values were generated with ODBC 2.0. There may be problems using categorized views. They don't map to the relational data model. You can't use a form or view with a double quote ( ) in the name. View selection formulas marked as "easy" (as opposed to "formula") in the radio button on the view design may be hiding some detail. Look in the design synopsis to see the full view selection formula. NotesSQL can update Authors and Readers fields in existing documents. However, if you insert a new document with a Readers or Authors field, NotesSQL actually creates a Text field (with field flags type Summary) for that Readers or Authors field. NotesSQL does not support multithreading on OS/2, 16-bit Windows, or the Macintosh due to limitations in the underlying thread support. On Win32 platfor DocLink IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead BHead Ahead ChapterHead DocLinkHead This chapter introduces Lotus NotesSQL. Contents of this chapter: Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Doc', View 'Table of Contents' Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Doc', View 'Table of Contents' What is ODBC? Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Doc', View 'Table of Contents' Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Doc', View 'Table of Contents' What is NotesSQL? Database 'NotesSQL 2.03 Reference', View 'Table of Contents' CN=zathras/OU=CAM/O=Notes Database 'NotesSQL 2.03 Reference', View 'Table of Contents' CN=zathras/OU=CAM/O=Notes New Features in This Release Wingdings IndBullet IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink NotesSQL 2.04 provides the following enhancements and bug fixes: On Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT (Intel and Alpha) platforms only, new thread handling design allows interaction with thread sharing Internet application and reporting tools. Fixes known problems using NotesSQL with Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS), Cognos Impromptu, and Intersolv SequeLink products. Additional testing procedures on 32-bit Windows platforms to ensure functionality with leading Internet application software. Specifically tested were: Lotus BeanMachine Release 1.1, IBM Visual Age for Java (Enterprise) Version 1.0, NetObjects Fusion Version 2.0.2, Microsoft Active Server Pages and Internet Database Connector (IDC) on IIS 4.0, Microsoft Visual InterDev 1.0, and Microsoft FrontPage 98. Make sure you have the latest versions or patches of Lotus BeanMachine and Visual Age for Java. (For BeanMachine, you need patch 1.1.4.) You can download these from and We relaxed a restriction that forced an outer join clause to be the first item in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement. The outer join clause can now be anywhere in the FROM clause. NotesSQL now properly evaluates a CR/LF in a text field in a WHERE clause of a SELECT statement. DocLink IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead BHead Ahead ChapterHead DocLinkHead This chapter describes how to install NotesSQL, create ODBC data sources, and connect to the data source. Contents of this chapter: Database 'NotesSQL 2.03 Reference', View 'Print' CN=zathras/OU=CAM/O=Notes Database 'NotesSQL 2.03 Reference', View 'Print' CN=zathras/OU=CAM/O=Notes Hardware and Software Requirements Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Doc', View 'Table of Contents' Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Doc', View 'Table of Contents' Installing NotesSQL Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Doc', View 'Table of Contents' Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Doc', View 'Table of Contents' Configuring a Lotus Notes Data Source Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Doc', View 'Table of Contents' Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Doc', View 'Table of Contents' Adding a Lotus Notes Data Source Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Doc', View 'Table of Contents' Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Doc', View 'Table of Contents' Modifying a Lotus Notes Data Source Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Doc', View 'Table of Contents' Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Doc', View 'Table of Contents' Deleting a Lotus Notes Data Source Database 'NotesSQL 2.03 Reference', View 'Print' CN=zathras/OU=CAM/O=Notes Wingdings AHead IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink AHead The searched DELETE statement removes specified rows from a table. Syntax Display DELETE FROM
[ WHERE ] AHead Example DELETE FROM NYCUST WHERE COMPANY = 'Interior Designs' BHead Arguments
is the name of the table where you want to remove data. specifies the rows to remove. If no WHERE clause is specified, all rows in the table are removed. See related topics NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference SQL Typographical Conventions NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Column, Index, Table, and View Names NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference WHERE Wingdings AHead BHead IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink AHead The DROP VIEW statement removes a view from the current database. BHead Syntax Display DROP VIEW AHead Example DROP VIEW NYCUST BHead Arguments is the name of the view to remove. Restrictions: Dependent objects and documents are not removed. See related topics NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference SQL Typographical Conventions NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Column, Index, Table, and View Names IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead BHead Ahead ChapterHead DocLink Lotus NotesSQL Reference Release 2.04 BHead AHead BHead IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink AHead All 32-bit Windows platforms (Windows 95 or NT for Intel or Alpha) 1. Run SETUP.EXE and follow the prompts that appear. Note: During installation, a dialog box asks you if you want to install ODBC 3.0 components or cancel the installation. Click OK to continue. 2. At the end of the installation process, the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box appears so you can add Lotus Notes Data Sources. If you are upgrading from a previous 2.x version of NotesSQL, note that you do not have to make any changes to your Data Sources. All your previously added Data Sources will work with this release. 3. For ease of access, move this documentation database to your Notes data directory. 16-bit Windows 1. Run SETUP.EXE, which loads Microsoft ODBC Setup, and follow the prompts. 2. When the Install Drivers dialog box appears, select the NotesSQL driver and click OK. (You do not need to modify any information in the Advanced dialog box.) 3. At the end of the installation process, the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box appears so you can add Lotus Notes Data Sources. If you are upgrading from a previous 2.x version of NotesSQL, note that you do not have to make any changes to your Data Sources. All your previously added Data Sources will work with this release. 4. For ease of access, move this documentation database to your Notes data directory. 1. At the command prompt, set the ODBC_PATH environment variable to the directory where you want to install the driver. For example: set ODBC_PATH=C:\ODBC (You do not need to do this if you have already installed the Visigenic ODBC Driver Manager.) 2. At the command prompt, run SETUP.EXE. 3. When prompted for the installation directory, use the default directory (the directory specified by the ODBC_PATH environment variable). 4. When the Install Drivers dialog box appears, select the NotesSQL driver and click OK. (You do not need to modify any information in the Advanced dialog box.) 5. At the end of the installation process, the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box appears so you can add Lotus Notes Data Sources. If you are upgrading from a previous 2.x version of NotesSQL, note that you do not have to make any changes to your Data Sources. All your previously added Data Sources will work with this release. 6. For ease of access, move this documentation database to your Notes data directory. 7. Reboot the system. IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink BHead Naming Rules A column, index, or view name can be up to 32 characters long. A table name can be up to 64 characters long. Index, view, and table names can consist of letters, digits, underscores ( _ ), dollar signs ( $ ), and spaces. If an index, view, or table name contains a space or is the same as a SQL reserved word, it must be enclosed in double quotes. Column names can consist of letters, digits, underscores ( _ ), and dollar signs ( $ ). Column names connot contain spaces or conflict with a SQL reserved word. Creating Columns, Indexes, Tables, and Views When creating an index or view, remember that index names and view names must be unique within a database. Don't use the name of an existing index or view. When creating a table, remember that table names must be unique within a database. Don't use the name of an existing table or view. When creating or altering a table, remember that column names must be unique within a table. Don't use the name of another column in the table. Name Visibility If a Notes database contains both a view and a form with the same name, NotesSQL will see the form but not the view. nV$DesignVersion$Version$Formula$FormulaClass$Collation$UpdatedBy$Collection$ViewContainer$AssistVersion$TITLE$AssistType$AssistLastRun$AssistDocCount$AssistFlags$AssistTrigger$AssistInfo$AssistQuery$AssistAction$AssistAction_Ex$Flags$AssistRunInfo$Signature$INFOSection$FIELDS$BODYSubSection$Fonts$FormLinks$Section$ACLDigestIconBitmap$FlagsNoRefresh$TYPE$Author$Index$ViewFormat$Comment$WINDOWTITLELetterTopicDoc_NumberIndentIndex_EntriesCategoriesBodyDocAuthor$$ScriptNameChapNoForm$Revisions$LinksGlos_EntriesTermDefinition$Name$ReplFlags$REF$Conflict Wingdings BHead AHead AHead IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink The INSERT statement adds a row to a table. Values can be specified explicitly or derived from a query. The value assigned to a column must be compatible with the column's data type. If no value is specified, a default is assigned if available. BHead Syntax Display INSERT INTO
] { VALUES ( | } AHead Examples Bullet INSERT INTO STAFF VALUES '000001', 'Zambini', 'Rick', '1980-02-15', 'Los Angeles', '000000', 6000, 5.0 INSERT INTO NEWSALTAB SELECT SALARY, LASTNAME FROM STAFF,SALES WHERE STAFF.STAFF_NO = SALES.STAFF_NO SALARY BETWEEN 5500 6000 BHead Arguments
is the name of the table into which to insert data. is an optional list of the columns to update. If you do not specify a column list, values are assigned to columns in the order in which they appear in the definition of the table. You must separate column names with commas and enclose the entire list in parentheses. You must separate values with commas and enclose the entire list in parentheses. Each value must be one of the following: IndList A quoted string constant (use single quotes) A numeric constant A dynamic parameter NULL IndBullet The INSERT statement must contain either a VALUES clause or a SELECT clause. is: SELECT DISTINCT ]
{ } [ , ... ] [ ] AHead Examples Bullet UPDATE INVENTORY UNITCOST=UNITCOST * 1.2 UPDATE STAFF SET COMMISSION = (COMMISSION * 1.25) WHERE HIREDATE < '1982-07-05' BHead Arguments
is the name of the table to update. column name is the name of a column in the table. is an expression that evaluates to a new value for the column. identifies the rows to update. If no WHERE clause is supplied, all rows are updated. See related topics NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference SQL Typographical Conventions NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Column, Index, Table, and View Names NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference WHERE NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference CN=zathras/OU=CAM/O=Notes Data Types 9Q[fP DocLink IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead BHead Ahead ChapterHead DocLinkHead This chapter describes how to use NotesSQL. Contents of this chapter: Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Doc', View 'Table of Contents' Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Doc', View 'Table of Contents' Connecting to a Lotus Notes Data Source Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Document', View 'Table of Contents' Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Document', View 'Table of Contents' Mapping SQL Tables, Views, and Indexes to and from Notes Database 'NotesSQL 2.03 Reference', View 'Print' CN=zathras/OU=CAM/O=Notes Database 'NotesSQL 2.03 Reference', View 'Print' CN=zathras/OU=CAM/O=Notes Mapping Notes Names to SQL Names Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Document', View 'Table of Contents' Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Document', View 'Table of Contents' The Universal Relation IndPara Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Document', View 'Table of Contents' Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Document', View 'Table of Contents' Using the Universal Relation Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Document', View 'Table of Contents' Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Document', View 'Table of Contents' Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views Database 'NotesSQL 2.03 Reference', View 'Print' CN=zathras/OU=CAM/O=Notes Database 'NotesSQL 2.03 Reference', View 'Print' CN=zathras/OU=CAM/O=Notes Example: Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Document', View 'Table of Contents' Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Document', View 'Table of Contents' Using Notes Views as Indexes Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Doc', View 'Table of Contents' Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Doc', View 'Table of Contents' Error Messages Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Document', View 'Table of Contents' Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Document', View 'Table of Contents' View Column Definitions Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Doc', View 'Table of Contents' Database 'Lotus Notes ODBC Driver Doc', View 'Table of Contents' Data Types NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Tips for Third-Party Applications and Caveats Wingdings Mu9I_ Bullet Bullet AHead IndList BHead DocLink ChapterHead Ahead BHead CHead ParaLead Display Bullet IndPara IndDisplay IndBullet IndList DocLinkHead This appendix describes SQL statements, clauses, and conventions supported by NotesSQL. Contents of this chapter: Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Summary of Supported ODBC SQL Grammar Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Exceptions to ODBC SQL Grammar Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO NotesSQL 2.03 Reference SQL Typographical Conventions Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Column, Index, Table, and View Names Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Multi-Valued Fields (List Fields) Numeric Operators NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Rich Text Fields ALTER TABLE CREATE INDEX CREATE TABLE CREATE VIEW DELETE Searched DELETE Positioned DROP INDEX DROP TABLE DROP VIEW INSERT SELECT Column Functions FOR UPDATE GROUP BY HAVING ORDER BY NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference UNION UPDATE Searched UPDATE Positioned Link WHERE Link Predicate Operators IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) is an interface that allows applications to retrieve and manipulate data in database management systems using SQL. The interface allows a single application to connect to many different types of databases through a standard protocol. ODBC is implemented as a driver manager and multiple drivers. Each driver links the application to a specific type of database. The major components of ODBC are the ODBC driver manager and the underlying drivers. Each ODBC driver is a dynamic link library for accessing a specific type of database. ODBC uses the driver manager to handle finding and connecting to a driver and an administration tool to configure ODBC data sources. An ODBC data source may be a local directory or file or a combination of a DBMS, a remote host operating system, and a network. Wingdings AHead IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink AHead The CREATE TABLE statement defines a new table in the current database. Syntax Display CREATE TABLE DEFAULT ] } [ , ... ] AHead Example CREATE TABLE STAFF (STAFF_NO LASTNAME (15), FIRSTNAME (10), HIREDATE LOCATION (15), SUPERVISOR SALARY FLOAT COMMISSION FLOAT BHead Arguments is the name of the table to create. column name is the name of a column. is one of the following: IndList CHAR(n) or CHARACTER(n) where 1 <= n <= 254 DECIMAL(p, s) where p (precision) is 1 <= p <= 15 and s (scale) is 0 <= s <= p NUMERIC(p, s) (same as DECIMAL) SMALLINT INTEGER REAL FLOAT DOUBLE PRECISION VARCHAR(n) or CHARACTER VARYING(n) (same as CHAR) DATE TIME TIMESTAMP IndPara The field sizes specified for CHAR, DECIMAL, NUMERIC, and VARCHAR fields are optional. If you specify a size for one of these fields, Notes ignores it when creating the field. Restrictions NULL default value is not supported. Column and table constraint definitions are not supported. VARCHAR will produce a fixed length CHAR field, instead of a large text field. See related topics NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference SQL Typographical Conventions NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Data Types NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Column, Index, Table, and View Names Wingdings IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink The Notes Personal Address Book (NAMES.NSF) is a good database to use as an example to compare the use of forms or views in a database. The Personal Address Book database includes A form called Person A view called People with a sort key on LastName The following statement is the most efficient way to find people in the Personal Address Book sorted by LastName: IndPara SELECT LastName FROM People ORDER BY LastName People is a Notes view. This query is efficient because NotesSQL can use the index already associated with the People view that lists LastName in the right order. Now assume you want to list people sorted by their mailing addresses. You could use the following statement: SELECT LastName, Mail_Address FROM People ORDER BY Mail_Address Since the People view is not sorted on Mail_Address, NotesSQL uses the People index, generates a temporary table, and creates a temporary index on Mail_Address. This results in slower performance. A more efficient way to achieve the same result is to issue the following statement: SELECT LastName, Mail_Address FROM Person ORDER BY Mail_Address Person is a Notes form. If there is no index on Mail_Address, NotesSQL generates a temporary index on Mail_Address but does not need to generate a temporary table. This statement is faster than the previous statement, which used ORDER BY on a view-based table. This statement can be executed even faster if the user creates an index in Notes or by using the CREATE INDEX statement in NotesSQL. AHead IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink The ORDER BY clause specifies how to sort the records retrieved based on a query. BHead Syntax Display ORDER BY { { < column name | } [ [ , ... ] AHead Example SELECT LOCATION, AVG(UNITCOST) FROM INVENTORY GROUP BY LOCATION ORDER BY LOCATION DESC See related topics NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference SQL Typographical Conventions NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Column, Index, Table, and View Names AHead IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink AHead The FOR UPDATE clause allows the specification of a list of column names BHead Syntax Display FOR UPDATE OF AHead Example SELECT FROM INVENTORY WHERE LOCATION='New York' FOR UPDATE OF ON_HAND See related topics NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference SQL Typographical Conventions NotesSQL 2.03 Reference NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Column, Index, Table, and View Names CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus $Modified 1S2S3S $TITLE$FormPrivs$FormUsers$Body$Flags$Class$Modified$Comment$AssistTrigger$AssistType$AssistFlags$UpdatedBy$$FormScript_O$Private$C1$ $Flags 0SL1S4S5S $TITLE fix subsection EPkVJ nV$DesignVersion$Version$Formula$FormulaClass$Collation$Up LOTUS NOTESSQL 2 Installation and Configuration 5 Appendix A: SQL Statements 3 Using NotesSQL 4 Programming 1 About Lotus NotesSQL 0 How to Use This Book LOTUS NOTESSQL\0 How to Use This Book How to Use This Book The Universal Relation Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views Using Notes Views as Indexes 333333 Using the Universal Relation Connecting to a Lotus Notes Data Source 9Q[fP ffffff Mapping Notes Names to SQL Names Mapping SQL Tables, Views, and Indexes to and from Notes Example: Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views 333333 View Column Definitions Tips for Third-Party Applications and Caveats tions and Caveats UPDATE Positioned LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration 333333 rators LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Mapp The Universal Relation Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views Using Notes Views as Indexes 333333 Using the Universal Relation Connecting to a Lotus Notes Data Source 9Q[fP ffffff Mapping Notes Names to SQL Names Mapping SQL Tables, Views, and Indexes to and from Notes Example: Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views 333333 View Column Definitions Tips for Third-Party Applications and Caveats UPDATE Positioned LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration 333333 rators LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Mapping Notes Names to SQL Names LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration ffffff Hardware and Software Requirements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Multi-Valued Fields (List Fields) LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements DELETE Positioned LOTUS NOTESSQL\0 How to Use This Book How to Use This Book LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration 333333 Modifying a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Tips for Third-Party Applications and Caveats LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL About Lotus NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Installation and Configuration LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements DELETE Searched LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Installing NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Column, Index, Table, and View Names LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL New Features in This Release LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements ODBC API Functions Mapping SQL Tables, Views, and Indexes to and from Notes LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Rich Text Fields LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Deleting a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Predicate Operators LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements UPDATE Searched LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Example: Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Mapping SQL Tables, Views, and Indexes to and from Notes ffffff View Column Definitions LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL 333333 What is NotesSQL? LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL About Lotus NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL New Features in This Release LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL The Universal Relation Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views Using Notes Views as Indexes 333333 Using the Universal Relation Connecting to a Lotus Notes Data Source 9Q[fP ffffff Mapping Notes Names to SQL Names Mapping SQL Tables, Views, and Indexes to and from Notes Example: Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views 333333 View Column Definitions Tips for Third-Party Applications and Caveats Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Mapp LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Summary of Supported ODBC SQL Grammar LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Exceptions to ODBC SQL Grammar Using Notes Views as Indexes 333333 Using the Universal Relation LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements SQL Typographical Conventions Connecting to a Lotus Notes Data Source ffffff LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL 333333 What is NotesSQL? LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Column Functions LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Numeric Operators LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Mapping Notes Names to SQL Names LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration ffffff Hardware and Software Requirements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Multi-Valued Fields (List Fields) LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements DELETE Positioned LOTUS NOTESSQL\0 How to Use This Book How to Use This Book LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration 333333 Modifying a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL About Lotus NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Installation and Configuration LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements DELETE Searched LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Installing NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Column, Index, Table, and View Names LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL New Features in This Release LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements ODBC API Functions Mapping SQL Tables, Views, and Indexes to and from Notes LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Rich Text Fields LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Deleting a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Predicate Operators LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements UPDATE Searched LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Example: Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements FOR UPDATE 333333 View Column Definitions Tips for Third-Party Applications and Caveats cations and Caveats ons and Caveats LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL New LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Configuring a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements The Universal Relation Driver Capabilities: SQLGetInfo Return Values LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements UPDATE Positioned LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration 333333 Adding a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Summary of Supported ODBC SQL Grammar LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Exceptions to ODBC SQL Grammar Using Notes Views as Indexes 333333 Using the Universal Relation LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements SQL Typographical Conventions Connecting to a Lotus Notes Data Source ffffff LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL 333333 What is NotesSQL? LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Column Functions LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Numeric Operators LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Mapping Notes Names to SQL Names LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration ffffff Hardware and Software Requirements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Multi-Valued Fields (List Fields) LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements DELETE Positioned LOTUS NOTESSQL\0 How to Use This Book How to Use This Book LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration 333333 Modifying a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL About Lotus NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Installation and Configuration LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements DELETE Searched LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Installing NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Column, Index, Table, and View Names LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL New Features in This Release LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements ODBC API Functions Mapping SQL Tables, Views, and Indexes to and from Notes LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Rich Text Fields LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Deleting a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Predicate Operators LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements UPDATE Searched LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Example: Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements FOR UPDATE 333333 View Column Definitions Tips for Third-Party Applications and Caveats Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Mapping SQL Tables, Views, and Indexes to and from Notes LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Rich Text Fields Installing NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Column, Index, Table, and View Names LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL 333333 What is NotesSQL? LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL About Lotus NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL New Features in This Release Indent Topic Topic CategoriesDoc_Number$10$Conflict$REF$C1$ How To Section Chapter Chapter Head Appendix Preface About This Book CategoriesDoc_Number$10 HAVING! LOTUS NOTESSQL\3 Using NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\4 Programming DROP INDEX SELECT FROM ALTER TABLE CREATE VIEW" GROUP BY" Error Messages WHERE CREATE INDEX DROP TABLE Programming UNION Data Types DROP VIEW INSERT" Using NotesSQL" SQL Statements! What is ODBC? CREATE TABLE" ORDER BY How To Section Chapter Chapter Head Appendix Preface About This Book CategoriesDoc_Number$10 CategoriesDoc_Number$10Select, then press ENTER or double-click to open a category or documentb Indent Topic Topic InternationalPrefix LongDistancePrefix MailFileName RenameGroup InLocalTime InGMT ReloadIfModified OpenCalendar SetMasterAddressBook EditFindInPreview SetPasswordFields IsNetworkAdmin DeleteResource DeleteNTUser DeleteResourceApproved Specific AddResource CalendarGoTo DeleteFileApproved FindFreeTimeDialog RemoveFromCluster EditProfile CalendarFormat AddToCluster UrlList RefreshHideFormulas Reload DeleteStats ViewShowOnlyUnread NavigateToBacklink NoOKCancel AutoHorzFit AutoVertFit ViewMoveName ViewRenamePerson YESNOCANCEL ChooseFolders DeleteGroup DeleteUser AllInRange Rule3 Rule2 Rule1 NoUpdate Update ShowHidePreviewPane NavigatorProperties TextCycleSpacing TextOutdent TextBullet TextNumbers StyleCycleKey TextPermanentPen GoUpLevel ShowHideParentPreview ShowHideLinkPreview InsertSubform CreateRectangularHotspot CreateRectangle CreatePolygon CreatePolyline CreateEllipse CreateTextbox ShowProperties TextSpacingSingle SectionProperties SectionExpand SectionCollapse SectionRemY Driver Capabilities: SQLGetInfo Return Values ODBC API Functions %I}Fmm LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Configuring a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration 333333 Adding a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration ffffff Hardware and Software Requirements LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration 333333 Modifying a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Installation and Configuration LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Installing NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Deleting a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements UPDATE Positioned LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Summary of Supported ODBC SQL Grammar LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Exceptions to ODBC SQL Grammar LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements SQL Typographical Conventions LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Column Functions LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Numeric Operators LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Mu9I_ LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Multi-Valued Fields (List Fields) LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements DELETE Positioned LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements DELETE Searched LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Column, Index, Table, and View Names LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Rich Text Fields LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Predicate Operators LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements UPDATE Searched LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements FOR UPDATE LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements DELETE Positioned LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements DELETE Searched LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Column, Index, Table, and View Names LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Rich Text Fields LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Predicate Operators LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements UPDATE Searched LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements FOR UPDATE LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Indent Topic Topic CategoriesDoc_Number$10$Conflict$REF$C1$ How To Section Chapter Chapter Head Appendix Title Copyright Contents Preface About This Book Index hidden CategoriesDoc_Number$10 Copyright Page HAVING! LOTUS NOTESSQL\3 Using NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\4 Programming DROP INDEX SELECT FROM ALTER TABLE CREATE VIEW" GROUP BY" Error Messages WHERE CREATE INDEX DROP TABLE Programming UNION Data Types DROP VIEW Title Page INSERT" Using NotesSQL" SQL Statements! What is ODBC? CREATE TABLE" ORDER BY Write monthly status reports and communicate regularly with project team and UA manager; identify any issues in a timely fashion. Monitor and contribute to Notes databases relevant to Notes, your projects, and UA. In particular, continue to be an active participant in the UA Web team and UA group's general discussion databases. Value and consider the different points of view of Notes team members and respect each person's contribution to the overall team effort. Actively work together with other UA team members in Notes and Lotus to share information, leverage work, expertise, and ideas; contribute your expertise to other departments within Notes, and within Lotus, time permitting. Create, maintain, and improve good working relationships with other groups that are dependent on you or you depend on; specifically Iris, QE, Development, Support, Product Management, and Marketing. Encourage and foster team work and openly communicate issues that effect the group and work toward their resolution. Follow through with issues from customer feedback in a timely manner, and communicate relevant issues to other team members. Innovate whenever possible with a focus on reducing page count, minimizing redundancy, lessening lead-times, and improving information access and usability. Demonstrate awareness that market share and profitability are essential business goals by working to increase Domino/Notes and related product market | LOTUS NOTESSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\0 How to Use This Book LOTUS NOTESSQL\0 How to Use This Book How to Use This Book LOTUS NOTESSQL\0 How to Use This Book LOTUS NOTESSQL\0 How to Use This Book LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Configuring a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements The Universal Relation Driver Capabilities: SQLGetInfo Return Values LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements UPDATE Positioned LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration 333333 Adding a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Summary of Supported ODBC SQL Grammar LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Exceptions to ODBC SQL Grammar Using Notes Views as Indexes 333333 Using the Universal Relation LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements SQL Typographical Conventions Connecting to a Lotus Notes Data Source ffffff LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL 333333 What is NotesSQL? LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Column Functions LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Numeric Operators LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Mapping Notes Names to SQL Names LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration ffffff Hardware and Software Requirements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Multi-Valued Fields (List Fields) LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements DELETE Positioned LOTUS NOTESSQL\0 How to Use This Book How to Use This Book LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration 333333 Modifying a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Tips for Third-Party Applications and Caveats LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL About Lotus NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Installation and Configuration LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements DELETE Searched LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\0 How to Use This Book LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Installing NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Column, Index, Table, and View Names LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL New Features in This Release LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements ODBC API Functions Mapping SQL Tables, Views, and Indexes to and from Notes LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Rich Text Fields LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Deleting a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Predicate Operators LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements UPDATE Searched LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Example: Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements FOR UPDATE 333333 View Column Definitions Column Definitions umn Definitions 0 How to Use This Book 2 Installation and Configuration 5 Appendix A: SQL Statements 3 Using NotesSQL 4 Programming 1 About Lotus NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\0 How to Use This Book LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Configuring a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements The Universal Relation Driver Capabilities: SQLGetInfo Return Values LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements UPDATE Positioned LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration 333333 Adding a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Summary of Supported ODBC SQL Grammar LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Exceptions to ODBC SQL Grammar Using Notes Views as Indexes 333333 Using the Universal Relation LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements SQL Typographical Conventions Connecting to a Lotus Notes Data Source ffffff LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL 333333 What is NotesSQL? LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Column Functions LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Numeric Operators LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Mapping Notes Names to SQL Names LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration ffffff Hardware and Software Requirements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Multi-Valued Fields (List Fields) LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements DELETE Positioned LOTUS NOTESSQL\0 How to Use This Book How to Use This Book LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration 333333 Modifying a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL About Lotus NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Installation and Configuration LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements DELETE Searched LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\0 How to Use This Book LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Installing NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Column, Index, Table, and View Names LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL New Features in This Release LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements ODBC API Functions Mapping SQL Tables, Views, and Indexes to and from Notes LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Rich Text Fields LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Deleting a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Predicate Operators LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements UPDATE Searched LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Example: Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements FOR UPDATE 333333 View Column Definitions 333333 View Column Definitions lease LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements ODBC API Functions Mapping SQL Tables, Views, and Indexes to and from Notes NotesSQL Driver Capabilities: SQLGetInfo Return Values ODBC API Functions %I}Fmm LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL 333333 What is NotesSQL? LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL About Lotus NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL New Features in This Release LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL The Universal Relation Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views Using Notes Views as Indexes 333333 Using the Universal Relation Connecting to a Lotus Notes Data Source 9Q[fP ffffff Mapping Notes Names to SQL Names Mapping SQL Tables, Views, and Indexes to and from Notes Example: Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views 333333 View Column Definitions Tips for Third-Party Applications and Caveats Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements dix A: SQL Statements Mapping Notes Names to SQL Names QL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Multi-Valued Fields (List Fields) LOTUS NOTESSQL\5k How to Use This Book LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Install Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)$ Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views Using Notes Views as Indexes 333333 Using the Universal Relation Connecting to a Lotus Notes Data Source 9Q[fP ffffff Mapping Notes Names to SQL Names Mapping SQL Tables, Views, and Indexes to and from Notes Example: Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views 333333 View Column Definitions Tips for Third-Party Applications and Caveats Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements dix A: SQL Statements Mapping Notes Names to SQL Names QL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Multi-Valued Fields (List Fields) LOTUS NOTESSQL\5k How to Use This Book LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration 333333 Modifying a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Tips for Third-Party Applications and Caveats LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL About Lotus NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Installation and Configuration LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements DELETE Searched LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\0 How to Use This Book LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Installing NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Column, Index, Table, and View Names LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL New Features in This Release LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements ODBC API Functions Mapping SQL Tables, Views, and Indexes to and from Notes LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Rich Text Fields LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Deleting a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Predicate Operators LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements UPDATE Searched LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Example: Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements perators LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements UPDATE Searched LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Configuring a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration 333333 Adding a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration ffffff Hardware and Software Requirements LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration 333333 Modifying a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Installation and Configuration LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Installing NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Deleting a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements UPDATE Positioned LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Summary of Supported ODBC SQL Grammar LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Exceptions to ODBC SQL Grammar LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements SQL Typographical Conventions LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Column Functions LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Numeric Operators LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Mu9I_ LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Multi-Valued Fields (List Fields) LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements DELETE Positioned LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements DELETE Searched LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Column, Index, Table, and View Names LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Rich Text Fields LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Predicate Operators LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements UPDATE Searched LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements FOR UPDATE Modifying a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Tips for Third-Party Applications and Caveats LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL About Lotus NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Installation and Configuration LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements DELETE Searched LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\0 How to Use This Book LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Installing NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Column, Index, Table, and View Names LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL New Features in This Release LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements ODBC API Functions Mapping SQL Tables, Views, and Indexes to and from Notes LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Rich Text Fields LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Deleting a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Predicate Operators LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements UPDATE Searched LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink Frequently Asked Questions Can I share ODBC handles between threads? Yes, on Win32 platforms. The restriction that an application can't share ODBC handles between threads has been removed in NotesSQL 2.04. This enhancement removed problems we've seen in using NotesSQL with Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) and the Internet Database Connector (IDC) component, Impromptu from Cognos, and SequeLink from Intersolv. Can I use NotesSQL with the JDBC-ODBC bridge? Yes. However, if you want to create a Java applet that uses the JDBC-ODBC bridge and NotesSQL to access Notes data, remember that the bridge is not 100% Pure Java, and is therefore by definition not secure. NotesSQL itself relies on Notes to ensure the security of the Notes data you access. It is the responsibility of the applet creator to make the program a trusted applet in the context of the browser in which it runs. What Java tools can I use to connect to NotesSQL using the JDBC-ODBC bridge? The Lotus BeanMachine, which includes a part on the palette that lets you access ODBC data sources, and Visual Age for Java e-business using the Data Access Builder tool. You'll need NotesSQL 2.04 and the most recent software or patches for each product. (For BeanMachine, it's patch 1.1.4.) You can download the software you need from and Can I use NotesSQL with NetObjects Fusion? Yes. NetObjects Fusion ,s data publishing capabilities allow you to import data from any ODBC driver. Can I access NotesSQL using Active Server Pages? Yes. You need NotesSQL 2.04 and IIS 4.0 using ActiveX Data Objects (ADO). Can I use FrontPage 98 to generate Active Server Pages (ASP) accessing NotesSQL 2.04? Where can I get NotesSQL 2.04? You can get the latest version of NotesSQL from the Lotus Web site ( On the home page, click Products in the left-hand frame. Then scroll down in the frame and click NotesSQL. From the NotesSQL page, download the NotesSQL self-extracting executable to a temporary installation directory. Run the executable, and then run the setup.exe it contains. Which versions of Notes can NotesSQL 2.04 access? Notes 4.0 and above. Can I produce a report that joins Notes data and data from my relational database? This depends on your reporting tool. If it supports heterogeneous joins, sure. Can I update Notes databases via NotesSQL 2.04? Yes. Some applications could be unable to issue updates in certain circumstances, but we are currently unaware of any such problems. What security is in place when I use NotesSQL 2.04 to access Notes? The same security that is in place with any Notes C API application. This is why we don't support sending a user name and password through the API; doing so would breach Notes security. To run an application unattended without ever receiving a password prompt, you must use a non-password-protected ID. Note: You can remove password protection from your ID by clearing it (File - Tools - User ID - Clear Password), unless your Domino administrator required a password to be used when your ID was created. In this case, you won't be able to clear it. Can I use NotesSQL with a File DSN? File DSNs (or File Data Sources) are not part of ODBC 2.0 and NotesSQL does not support them. NotesSQL does support System DSNs and User DSNs on 32-bit Windows platforms. The difference between the data sources lies in where the connect information is stored. For a File DSN, the information goes in a text file with a "DSN" extension. Information for the other two data sources is stored in your registry. We will support File DSNs in a future release. Some applications (notably Access and Visual InterDev) default to creating a File DSN when you are creating a new ODBC Data Source. They display the ODBC Administrator with the File DSN tab in front. Generally, you can just switch to the User DSN or System DSN tab without a problem. &Arial Lotus Notes copyright ----------------------------------------------------------- NotesSQL Reference Release 2.04 This book is for use with NotesSQL, the Lotus Notes ODBC driver, release 2.04. NotesSQL runs on Microsoft Windows, Windows 95, Windows NT, Apple Macintosh PowerPC, and OS/2. You must be running Notes on a workstation. This book can be viewed online as a Notes database, and it can be printed. Choose Help - Using This Database for instructions on viewing, printing, and modifying this book. A Notes book has three views: Table of Contents - Where each subcategory is a chapter and each document is a section. This view contains all the documents designed for online viewing. Index - Where each category is an index entry and each document is a section to which the index entry refers. Print - The same as the Table of Contents view, but includes additional documents: Title Page, Copyright Page, Contents, and Index. To suit the needs of your site, you can edit the documents in this database. However, if you do edit the contents of this database, it must be strictly for the sole use of users within your organization. You cannot resell or otherwise distribute this documentation, modified or unmodified, to anyone outside your organization. Lotus assumes no responsibility for the technical accuracy of any modifications made to this documentation or the operation of Lotus products in reliance on such modifications Copyright Revision history Original Original file produced for Lotus NotesSQL 2.0. First revision Incorporates information on Lotus NotesSQL 2.01. Second revision Incorporates information on Lotus NotesSQL 2.02. Third revision Incorporates information on Lotus NotesSQL 2.03. Fourth revision Incorporates information on Lotus NotesSQL 2.04. Under the copyright laws, neither the documentation nor the software may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Lotus Development Corporation, except in the manner described in the software agreement. Copyright 1996 - 1998 Lotus Development Corporation 55 Cambridge Parkway Cambridge, MA 02142 All rights reserved. Published in the United States. Domino, NotesSQL, and Notes are trademarks and Lotus and Lotus Notes are registered trademarks of Lotus Development Corporation. IBM and OS/2 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and Visual Basic are registered trademarks and ODBC is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Crystal Reports is a trademark of Crystal, a Seagate Software Company. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Copyright 1994, 1995 Casahl Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Casahl is a registered trademark of Casahl Technology, Inc. LOTUS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LICENSOR(S) MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, REGARDING THE SOFTWARE. LOTUS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION'S LICENSOR(S) DOES NOT WARRANT, GUARANTEE OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE IN TERMS OF ITS CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, CURRENTNESS OR OTHERWISE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE RESULTS AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS ASSUMED BY YOU. THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES IS NOT PERMITTED BY SOME JURISDICTIONS. THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. IN NO EVENT WILL LOTUS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION'S LICENSOR(S), AND THEIR DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS (COLLECTIVELY LOTUS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION'S LICENSOR(S)) BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES (INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, AND THE LIKE) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE EVEN IF LOTUS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION'S LICENSOR(S) HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. BECAUSE SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. O=Lotus Notes O=Lotus Notes PURSAFO |.:#U O=Lotus Notes CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes PURSAFO Fde!f^^ h}R6js $INFO $BODY PURSAFO Wingdings IndList IndBullet IndDisplay IndPara Bullet Display ParaLead CHead AHead BHead ChapterHead DocLinkHead DocLink ODBC SQL to Notes data type mapping: IndBullet ODBC SQL Data Type Lotus Notes Data Type SQL_CHAR SQL_VARCHAR SQL_LONGVARCHAR SQL_DECIMAL Number, Fixed format SQL_NUMERIC Number, Fixed format SQL_SMALLINT Number, Fixed format SQL_INTEGER Number, General format SQL_REAL Number, General format SQL_FLOAT Number, General format SQL_DOUBLE Number, General format SQL_DATE SQL_TIME SQL_TIMESTAMP In addition to the SQL data types, Notes supports two additional data types: Notes Product Development )I^-. PURSAF O=Lotus O=Lotus PURSAFO O=Lotus OU=CAM/O=Lotus PURSAFO OU=CAM/O=Lotus CN=Michael Stewart/OU=CAM/O=Lotus A]yvinNj PURSAFO NotesSQL 2.03 Reference Multi-Valued Fields (List Fields) Rich Text Fields Note SQLGetTypeInfo returns ODBC SQL data types. All conversions in Appendix D of the Microsoft ODBC SDK Programmer's Reference are supported for the ODBC SQL data types listed above. SQL_TIMESTAMP fields do not support fractions of a second. SQL_VARCHAR or SQL_LONGVARCHAR data types cannot be used to create rich text fields. They create text fields. BHead Notes to SQL data type mapping: Lotus Notes data type ODBC SQL data type Number, Fixed format Number, Percent format SQL_DECIMAL Number, General format Number, Scientific format SQL_FLOAT Depending on format, this can be SQL_TIME, SQL_DATE, or SQL_TIMESTAMP SQL_VARCHAR Keyword SQL_VARCHAR Multi-value list SQL_VARCHAR Rich text field Text portion only, as SQL_LONGVARCHAR Section Not supported Note Numeric values greater than 10 to the 99th power are not supported. Some products that use ODBC drivers have limitations on the exponent and precision size of real numbers. Please check the limits of the product you are using for additional limit information. Note NotesSQL does not check the keyword list for Keyword fields. It is possible to insert values not on the keyword list when the "allow values not in list" box is not checked. Note NotesSQL does not support Notes Section security. Users of NotesSQL can read and modify fields anywhere on a form. Note You cannot insert a string longer than 15,360 bytes into a rich text field. LOTUS NOTESSQL\0 How to Use This Book LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Configuring a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements The Universal Relation Driver Capabilities: SQLGetInfo Return Values LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements UPDATE Positioned LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration 333333 Adding a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Summary of Supported ODBC SQL Grammar LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Exceptions to ODBC SQL Grammar Using Notes Views as Indexes 333333 Using the Universal Relation LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements SQL Typographical Conventions Connecting to a Lotus Notes Data Source ffffff LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL 333333 What is NotesSQL? LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Column Functions LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Numeric Operators LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Mapping Notes Names to SQL Names LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration ffffff Hardware and Software Requirements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Multi-Valued Fields (List Fields) LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements DELETE Positioned LOTUS NOTESSQL\0 How to Use This Book How to Use This Book LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration 333333 Modifying a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL About Lotus NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Installation and Configuration LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements DELETE Searched LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\0 How to Use This Book LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Installing NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Column, Index, Table, and View Names LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL New Features in This Release LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements ODBC API Functions Mapping SQL Tables, Views, and Indexes to and from Notes LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Rich Text Fields LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Deleting a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Predicate Operators LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements UPDATE Searched LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Example: Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements FOR UPDATE 333333 View Column Definitions Tips for Third-Party Applications and Caveats lease LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appen LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Configuring a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements The Universal Relation Driver Capabilities: SQLGetInfo Return Values LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements UPDATE Positioned LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration 333333 Adding a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Summary of Supported ODBC SQL Grammar LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Exceptions to ODBC SQL Grammar Using Notes Views as Indexes 333333 Using the Universal Relation LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements SQL Typographical Conventions Connecting to a Lotus Notes Data Source ffffff LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL 333333 What is NotesSQL? LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Column Functions LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Numeric Operators LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Mapping Notes Names to SQL Names LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration ffffff Hardware and Software Requirements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Multi-Valued Fields (List Fields) LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements DELETE Positioned LOTUS NOTESSQL\0 How to Use This Book How to Use This Book LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration 333333 Modifying a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL About Lotus NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Installation and Configuration LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements DELETE Searched LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Installing NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Column, Index, Table, and View Names LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL New Features in This Release LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements ODBC API Functions Mapping SQL Tables, Views, and Indexes to and from Notes LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Rich Text Fields LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Deleting a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Predicate Operators LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements UPDATE Searched LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Example: Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements FOR UPDATE 333333 View Column Definitions Tips for Third-Party Applications and Caveats LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL New LOTUS NOTESSQL\0 How to Use This Book LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Configuring a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements The Universal Relation Driver Capabilities: SQLGetInfo Return Values LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements UPDATE Positioned LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration 333333 Adding a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Summary of Supported ODBC SQL Grammar LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Exceptions to ODBC SQL Grammar Using Notes Views as Indexes 333333 Using the Universal Relation LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements SQL Typographical Conventions Connecting to a Lotus Notes Data Source ffffff LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL 333333 What is NotesSQL? LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Column Functions LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Numeric Operators LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Mapping Notes Names to SQL Names LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration ffffff Hardware and Software Requirements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Multi-Valued Fields (List Fields) LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements DELETE Positioned LOTUS NOTESSQL\0 How to Use This Book How to Use This Book LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration 333333 Modifying a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL About Lotus NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Installation and Configuration LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements DELETE Searched LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\0 How to Use This Book LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Installing NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Column, Index, Table, and View Names LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL New Features in This Release LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements ODBC API Functions Mapping SQL Tables, Views, and Indexes to and from Notes LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Rich Text Fields LOTUS NOTESSQL\2 Installation and Configuration Deleting a Lotus Notes Data Source LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Predicate Operators LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements UPDATE Searched LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\1 About Lotus NotesSQL LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements Example: Using SQL Tables Derived from Notes Forms and Views LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements LOTUS NOTESSQL\5 Appendix A: SQL Statements FOR UPDATE 333333 View Column Definitions Tips for Third-Party Applications and Caveats Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Wingdings Using This Book This book can be viewed online as a Notes database, printed, and modified for your site. Viewing a Notes Book Online To View Topics in Logical Order Choose the Table of Contents view. This is the main view. You see the book title, chapter titles indented under the book title, and section titles indented under each chapter title. Each section comprises one document. To View Topics Alphabeticallyd Choose the Index view. e You see a list of topics in alphabetical order, and a section title or titles indented under each topic. To find a topic fast, type the first few letters of the topic. NOTE A third c Printing view contains additional documents that are needed for a printed book, but not for online viewing. Instructions on printing books are described later in this document. To Open a Document Select it, then double-click it, or press ENTERM . A document has the following appearance: ge Colors... Reassigning Image Colors (% & White Dithered ue Gray At the top of each document are several buttons. When you click one, the appropriate action takes place. Button Action SERSAF Displays all topics in the database in alphabetical order (opens the Index view). The current document remains open; you return to it when you exit from the Index view. Activates the Full Text Search bar which appears at the top of a document or view. Prints the current document. Takes you to the last window you left open. The current document is closed. Takes you to the previous document. The current document is closed. Takes you to the next database document. The current document is closed. Two additional buttons precede the book and chapter names. Clicking either of these buttons opens the Table of Contents view and highlights the indicated book or chapter name. The current document remains open. The next line is the name of the chapter (first document in a chapter) or a section in the chapter (other than the first document in the chapter). To Use a Doclink This symbol Database 'Book Model', View 'Print' is called a doclink (short for document link). Double-click it, or arrow to it and press SPACEBAR to go to another document relevant to the text next to the doclink. Close the document or select BACKTRACK to return to the document where you selected the doclink. The doclink in this paragraph goes to the "About This Book" document for this database. Using Full Text Search Choose View - Show Search Bar to use the Notes Full Text Search feature NOTE Before you can use Full Text Search, the database you want to search must have a full text index -- a special copy of the text of a database that allows Notes to provide query results almost instantly. If you're running Release 3 on your workstation, you can create full text indexes and use full text searching on local databases only if you're using Windows or PM. Select or open the database and choose File - Full Text Search - Information to see if the database is indexed and whether the index is up to date. To create an index, choose File - Full Text Search - Create! . To update the index, choose File - Full Text Search - Update You can perform a full text search on a shared database (on a server) only if that server is running Release 3 and someone with Designer access to the database created an index. See the Help document, "Indexing Databases for Full Text Search," or look up "Full Text Search" in the Help Index view. With full text search, you can search for whole words, word stems, and phrases, as well as perform more complex queries using logical operators (Boolean searches), proximity, and other advanced features. You can search one database, or many databases. A single set of text search criteria is called a query. Menu Commands Used to Perform Full Text Queries Show Search Bar appears on the View Menu when you have a database open. It displays the search bar, where you enter simple or complex queries. Show Search Bar is a toggle. When it's chosen, a check mark appears next to it in the view menu. If you're in a document when you choose Show Search Bar , your active window becomes the view in which you found the document. Like the ruler, the search bar can stay at the top of the screen while you search for several things or refine a search, or while you do something else. When you're done searching, you can close the search bar (by toggling it back), but there's no need to. Show Only Search Results , also on the View Menu, is available only when the search bar is displayed. Choose Show Only Search Results to show the documents that result from the query, hiding the other documents in the view. Show Only Search Results is a toggle. When it's chosen, a check mark appears next to it in the View Menu.$ When you perform a search without` choosing Show Only Search Results , all documents normally visible in the view are shown, with a check mark next to those selected by the query. You find these selected (checkmarked) documents just as you would any other time: Press to go to the next selected document, SH+F3 to go to the previous selected document. Press to go to the next selected document, SH+F3 to go to the previous selected document. Scroll to find checkmarked (selected) documents. View - Show Relevance is available only when Show Only Search Results is chosen. It sorts the documents that satisfy the query by relative pertinence. Show Relevance is a toggle. When it's chosen, a check mark appears next to it. Full Text Search Options Choose View - Show Search Bar , type the word you want to find, and click the magnifying glass To search within a document you can also click the button at the top of the document. This displays the current view and opens the search bar. Showing query results You decide how you want to see the result of a query. To see only those documents from the current view that satisfy the query (and hide the others), choose View - Show Search Results . To see the all the documents in the view with query results selected (checkmarked), turn off Show Only Search Results Refining Your Search Wildcards allow you to search for words using unspecified as well as specified letters. Relevance ranking sorts the documents that satisfy your query by how well they match. For example, documents with multiple "hits" are ranked higher than those with a single occurrence of the specified text. Also, a short document with a single occurrence of the specified text is ranked higher than a longer document with a single occurrence. Hyphenated words allows you to find words that may or may not have been hyphenated correctly. For example, "full-text," "full text," and "fulltext" all satisfy the query full-text Logical operators; allow you to search for more than one word, and exclude specific words. Printing a Notes Book/ To Print the Document You Are Currently In Click the Print button or choose File - Print To Print a Chapter of the Book Go to the Printing view. This view contains additional documents designed for a printed book: a title page, a copyright page, a Table of Contents with page numbers, and an Index with page numbers. In the Printing view, select the documents that make up the chapter. Choose File - Page Setup ; specify the header, footer, width, height, and other properties as desired. Choose File - Print . For normal chapters, change Page Break Extra Line , then click . For About This Book and Index, leave Page Break as is and click To Reflect the Pagination in the Table of Contents and Index Documents The page numbers in the Table of Contents and Index documents are based on the following page size: width 7.062; height 9 inches. If you use a different page size, and use the Table of Contents and Index documents, you should first print the chapters, then modify the page numbers in the Table of Contents and Index documents before printing them. Suggested Headers and Footers The suggested headers and footers for a book are as follows: About This Book - None. Chapters - Header: ? BookName ChapterName . Footer: Index - Header: E BookName |Index . Footer: |Index-&P| Creating or Modifying a Notes Book Structure of a Book Database A book database has three views: Table of Contents, Index, and Printing; and eight forms: Title, Copyright, Contents, About This Book, Index, Chapter, Appendix, and Section. The About This Book form is for a description of the book contents. The Chapter and Appendix forms are for the first document in a chapter or appendix. The Section form is for the remaining documents in a chapter or appendix. The other forms are for the Printing view. The Table of Contents and Printing views reflect the general structure of the book: Book Name 0 About This Book Title document Printing view only Copyright document Printing view only Contents document Printing view only About This Book document 1 Chapter Name Chapter document Section document as necessary Section document as necessary 2 Chapter Name Chapter document Section document as necessary Section document as necessary additional chapters as necessary appendices as necessary A Appendix Name Appendix document Section document as necessary Section document as necessary Index Index document Printing view only numbering and lettering as shown is recommended to keep the parts of the book in correct order. To Unhide the Forms on the Compose Menu A book database hides its forms so readers do not see them on the Compose menu. You must unhide the forms you want to use to compose documents. When you finish, you should hide the forms again. Choose Design - Forms . Select the name of a form and click . When the form opens, choose M Design - Form Attributes . To unhide the form, select ` Include in Compose Menu and click ;WeekDays $Progr Choose File - Close Window to close the form. Perform the above procedure for each form that you need. To hide a form, use the above procedure, but deselec@ Include in Compose Menu! To Set Up the Book Parts Choose ( Design - Fields . Select SubSection and click . When the Shared Field Definition box opens, click Format . Type in the names of the book parts at the chapter level, as shown below. Display lors (%d%%) Then click , and again. Choose Design - Fields again and this time select Section and click . When the Shared Field Definition box opens, click Format . Type in the name of the book, as shown below: &Cascad &Tile &Arrange You may want more than one name for this category. Your database may include multiple books or may be divided into parts. For a small database that represents one book, a single name is recommended. To Create a Document Choose Compose@ and the appropriate document form. The following form is for a Section document. Define or apply h styles Modify h Attributes olors (%d%%) Press ENTER on the first field and select the name of the book. Press F ENTER on the second field and select the appropriate chapter. On the Section form, type the section name into the third box. On the Chapter or Appendix form, type the chapter or appendix name. For other forms, you do not fill in this field. On the Section form, be sure to enter the order of the document within the chapter. If you want the document name indented in the Table of Contents view, change the value of Indent? from 0 to 1. Type in the index entries that apply to this document, one entry per line. Finally, enter the body of the document. To Use the Notes Book Styles The following styles are defined. (The paragraph styling is defined under Text - Define Style . The font styling must be adjusted manually.) The left margin for headers and text (unless otherwise specified) is 1". ChapterHead (this is the SubSection field in Chapter and Appendix forms) Helv18 bold upper/lower magenta Spacing single, single, double Keep with next AHead (this is the SubSection field in Section forms) Helv14 bold upper/lower magenta Spacing 1 1/2, single, single Keep with next BHead Helv12 bold upper/lower magenta Spacing 1 1/2, 1 1/2, single Keep with next CHead Helv10 bold upper/lower magenta Spacing single, 1 1/2, single Keep with next Para Helv10 ParaLead Helv10 Keep with next Display Helv9 Margins 1.25, 1.25 Keys - bold upper User - plain, upper/lower System - bold, upper/lower Bullet Helv10 Margins 1.25, 1.1 Tab 0.15 First line - Cour6 bold asterisk ( ), then tab List Helv10 Margins 1.25, 1.0 Tab 0.25 First line - integer in sequence Helv10 bold, then period, then tab Note Helv10 Margins 1.75, 1.0 Tab 0.75 First line - the word NOTE CAUTION , or in Helv9 bold, then tab DocLinkHead Helv10 bold upper/lower magenta Margins 1, 1 Keep with next Tab 5.0 The words "Contents of This Chapter" DocLink Helv10 Margins 1.25, 1.25 Keep Lines Together Tab 5.0 No blank line between DocLinkHead and DocLink The section title, tab, and a doclink to the section IndPara Margins 1.25, 1.25 IndDisplay Margins 1.25, 1.25 IndBullet Margins 1.5, 1.375 Use dash instead of asterisk IndList Margins 1.5, 1.25 Figures Helv9 Title, if used, Helv9 bold - two spaces below, aligned on left with figure If numbered, precede title with Figure n-n. Tables Helv9 Heads: bold, centered, double-width line on bottom, single otherwise Text: plain, left, single-width lines Margins 1.25, 1.25 unless full width of page is need Title, if used, Helv9 bold - space and a half above, aligned on left with table If numbered, precede title with Table n-n. If text does not need to wrap, make columns just wide enough. Check your tables carefully after printing. You may have to adjust column width. They do not print with the same wraps as on the screen. To Create a Table of Contents Document Print the book chapter by chapter in the desired size. Copy an existing Table of Contents document and retain a few lines so you can follow the format. The format specifications are as follows. For chapter titles: left margin at 1", tabs at 2" and 5.75"; chapter title in bold. For other titles: left margin at 2"; tab at 5.75"; title in plain text. Go to the Table of Contents view. Choose File - Export . Type in a file name and select Tabular Text in the bottom box. Click . This procedure exports the view to a file. Go to the end of the Table of Contents document. Choose File - Import . Select the file containing the Table of Contents view, select ASCII Text in the bottom box, and click Now format the imported text and delete the template text. Add the page numbers by referring to the printed document. To Create an Index Document Print the Table of Contents document. Copy an existing Index document and retain a few lines so that you can follow the format. The format specifications are as follows: left margin at 2"; first line at 1"; tab at 2"; letter in bold, entries and page numbers in plain text. Go to the Index view. Choose File - Export . Type in a file name and select Tabular Text in the bottom box. Click . This procedure exports the view to a file. Go to the end of the Index document. Choose File - Import . Select the file containing the Table of Contents view, select ASCII Text in the bottom box, and click Now format the imported text and delete the template text. At this point, the document still contains document names indented under the topics instead of page numbers following the topic. You must replace the document names with the appropriate page numbers - use the Table of Contents document as a guide. Choose Edit - Find & Replace for each entry in the Table of Contents. O=Lotus Notes O=Lotus Notes PURSAFO |.:#U O=Lotus Notes CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes PURSAFO Fde!f^^ O.9