.Lotus.ScreenCam.Caption.Script. This is another test but for Suite98 to see if you can use captions with it and I think it works great!!!! Terminal d:\SCRNCAM\SC97\SLIP4\CAPTIONS\3STICKY.BMP This is the second part of the movie, I hope you like what I am about to show you, it might be a little boring, but please pay close attention to this. Terminal d:\SCRNCAM\SC97\SLIP4\CAPTIONS\6BUBBLE2.BMP The end!! Terminal d:\SCRNCAM\SC97\SLIP4\CAPTIONS\7ARROW8.BMP d:\SCRNCAM\SC97\SLIP4\CAPTIONS\3STICKY.BMP 333330 3333330 3333330 333333330 3333333330 33333333330 33333333330 333333331 333333 33331 d:\SCRNCAM\SC97\SLIP4\CAPTIONS\6BUBBLE2.BMP d:\SCRNCAM\SC97\SLIP4\CAPTIONS\7ARROW8.BMP