Project Notes

Project: SchemaEditor
Author: Borland Development Team
Company: Borland International, Inc.
Java application to generate flat file database and the corresponding Java application based on user specified list of fields. This sample illustrates code generation and semi automation of generating a database application.

How to Use SchemaEditor
  1. Run SchemaEditor.
  2. Insert some fields: FirstName, LastName, City, State, Zip, Salary.
  3. Select File | Save Schema With Sample Data and specify TestSchema.dat as the saving location
  4. Select File | Generate Sample App and specify the output java file to be
  5. Shutdown SchemaEditor.
  6. Open and you should see two public classes, one is TestSchema, the other one is TestPanel.
  7. Cut the TestPanel class out and paste it into a new file with the same name,
  8. Copy the package name and the import list in the beginning of and paste it into the beginning of
  9. Add and into the project
  10. Select the node and run, which will run the automatically generated application

If you want to take a look at the generated files directly without going through the whole process, you can skip step 1 to 8, copy the files under the directory 'SampleOutput', and do the rest of the steps.