- Run SchemaEditor.
- Insert some fields: FirstName, LastName, City, State, Zip,
- Select File | Save Schema With Sample Data and specify TestSchema.dat
as the saving location
- Select File | Generate Sample App and specify the output java file to be
- Shutdown SchemaEditor.
- Open TestSchema.java and you should see two public classes, one is TestSchema,
the other one is TestPanel.
- Cut the TestPanel class out and paste it into a new file with the same name,
- Copy the package name and the import list in the beginning of TestSchema.java
and paste it into the beginning of TestPanel.java
- Add TestSchema.java and TestPanel.java into the project
- Select the TestSchema.java node and run TestSchema.java, which will run
the automatically generated application
If you want to take a look at the generated files directly without going
through the whole process, you can skip step 1 to 8, copy the files under the
directory 'SampleOutput', and do the rest of the steps.