:Base tutorial.hlp>main :Title Corel VENTURA 8 Tutorial 1 Corel VENTURA 8 Tutorial 2 Introduction to the Corel VENTURA tutorial=Introduction to the Corel VENTURA tutorial 2 Lesson 1: Getting to know Corel VENTURA=Lesson 1 Getting to know Corel VENTURA 2 Lesson 2: Creating a short publication=Lesson 2 Creating a short publication 2 Lesson 3: Working with frames, pictures, and text=Lesson 3 Working with frames pictures and text 2 Lesson 4: Working with Artistic text=Lesson 4 Working with Artistic text 2 Lesson 5: Creating tables=Lesson 5 Creating tables 2 Lesson 6: Creating elements of a book=Lesson 6 Creating elements of a book 2 Lesson 7: Advanced indexing and cross-referencing=Lesson 7 Advanced indexing and crossreferencing 2 Lesson 8: Publishing to HTML and Corel Barista=Lesson 8 Publishing to HTML and Corel Barista