Form1 Text on Lines DEMO Form15G Picture1 Text1 Text1 Command1 Color it BLUE Label4 Enter a number in the edit box below && press the "Color it BLUE" button. You can look at the code by double-clicking in the button when the sample is loaded in Visual Basic. Label2 |This sample first loads a file in ABC FlowCharter called "T_ONLINE.AF3" which contains a line with 3 attached text objects. Label3 /(c) Micrografx Inc., 1995. All Rights Reserved. Label1 Which Text Object? Command1_Click Object? Chart Patho TheLine Objects ItemFromLines Text1 Count CounterS TheTextObject ItemFromAttachments Color BLACK BLUEf @ Form_Load Valid ChosenTextObject Visible Found Label1_Click Label3_Click Form1 Caption Picture1_Click( Command1_Click Since there is only one line in the . test chart uses ItemFromLines Get an Objects collection to work with Look at all objects attached to the line If the attached object is a TextBlock (Type = 2). Reset all text objects on the linel to black If this is the requested Object from the Text1 EditControl, store the object in a variable called e ChosenTextObjecte Set ChosenTextObject to Bluel The line only has attached text objects. Cannot color text object blue. Form_Load ABCFlow.application \T_ONLINE.ABC