ExcelSample Excel 5.0 Data DEMO wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wpwww{ QQQQP{ QQQQP{ Form15I ReadData &Read Data ExcelFields CMDialog1 CommonDialog Browse &Browse... &Quit MakeChart Make &Chart Frame1 Source Excel 5.0 Data File DataFilename DataFilename Frame2 Fields HintText GTo multi-select, click on items in the list while holding the CTRL key. About About Command1_Click cmdBrowse_Click ErrHandler CMDialog1 Filter! CMDialog FilterIndex Action OpenFile Filename WordAppa Objectr Visible FileOpen winword6 @ Form_LoadU List2_Clickn DataFile GetDataFile FileData frmTextOutput frmDataTrader Label1_Click Panel3D1_DragDrop Source Controlm cmdCancel_Click cmdOK_Click; ExcelAppA Application/ ExcelChart ExcelSheet Dialogs[ [Show]J Rangec DelimText Clipboard CF_TEXT OnError ResumeNext* Tabsa ErrHandler2 FieldNames^ FieldPos SaveAsw Save7 WorkbookV ActiveWorkbookJ AllChars< CharLengtht Field_Name TabPos sTabPos: eTabPos| sTabPos1l Str_Len TestText ChrPos~ FieldNameIndex( CharPos FoeldNameIndex lstExcelFields ListCount Selected lstABCFields Command2_Click' lblExcelFieldsh ForeColorT lblABCFields ABCApp ChartV Field1 Field2 Field3 Field4 Field51 ActiveChart Obj1_ DrawShape FieldPlacement FieldTemplatesX Format AccumulationMethod FieldValues Value Fields Count_1 Count Index_1 Record_CountO Shapesx Shape ShapeCount FieldName FillColor% NoRepaintB Repaint DrawSpacingX DrawSpacingY> Line1 DrawLine DrawPositionX DrawPositionY, Command3_ClickQ TraderData GetMyDatar DummyK FieldNamesHidden Cellx) Celly cmdOK EnabledR Screen MousePointerI Cells DestArrowStyle Line_ HalfCount cmdShowAbout_Click frmAboutdb/ cmdInfo_Click frmInfo cmdAdd_Clickp cmdRemove_Click DisplayAlerts Workbooks [Close] xlWorkbooks. DataRange ActiveSheet xlWorkbook ErrorFlag IntegerDataRange cmdHelp_Click$ lblABCFields_Click Characters ReferenceStylei xlR1C1 frmSpecRangeS TaderData lstABCFields_Click4 cmdContents_Click active9 HourGlassOn HourGlassOffL GetExcelData1 Rowz| RunExcel ExcelLoaded[ CantRunExcel dimTraderData lstExcelFields_Click lblExcelFields_ClickR RecordCountj ExcelFields ExcelABCFieldsg ExcelFields_Clickm SelCount @ SelectAll ListBox Excel Frame1_DragDrop Text1_Change DataFilename_Change DataFilename\ ValidateFilenameF OrgChartTextFileEditT OKBtnw cmdBrowse ReadData ReadData_Click DataFilenameCMDialog1 TotalLoops CurrentLoop PercentGuage PercentGuageValue ChapeCount PercentGauge' HidePercentGuage PercentGaugeValue HidePercentGauge PercentGaugeCancelled CelExcelSheet Select Fail3 ExcelFail check' firsrt LoadExcel ExitSub ObjectCall ObjCall CallHourGlassOn3 GetExcel CreateExcel HourGlassOffExit EmptyCell_ FirstRow& Rowsh Windowsn Activate TryCreate ExcelSample MakeChart_Click HintText_Click Browse_Click Quit_Click QuUit_Click DrawChartY MakeChart FieldViewVisible FieldViewerVisible About_Click About AboutF AboutForm CurrentLineRouting CreateFailed FlowCharter Viewer~ About_Click Browse_Click CancelError is True Set filterso Excel Files (*.xls)|*.XLS|Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.* Set default filter Display the Open dialog boxe User pressed Cancel button CreateExcel Excel.Application You must have MS Excel 5.0 installed to run this DEMO! Critical Error DataFilename_Change Form_Load \ABCSAMPL.XLS GetDataFile Load up Excel 5.0 - sets ExcelApp Object Find the first row with data (check only the first 256 rows) triggers an error if emptya Find the last row with data (check only the first 256 rows) triggers an error if empty Now count the number of columns (Again only up to 256) triggers an error if emptya GetExcel Excel.Application HourGlassOff HourGlassOn MakeChart_Click Reset counters for the PercentGauge Start ABC ABCFlow.Application Make a new chart Set up some parameters for chart Use right angle lines Get the shape count Draw shapes Operation Create another row of shapes Draw Lines Position fields below shapes Add Field Ttemplates to Chart Format field as text Put Field data into shapes Quit_Click ReadData_Click Open the selected file SelectAll ValidateFilename