J000Approach is a relational database. You can bring together data from separate database files, and use it as if it were all in one file. J010You can join any databases that share a common field. J020Joining databases in one Approach file means that you store your data only once, even if you use it in more than one place. J030This saves you from reentering data and makes it easy to keep all your databases current and accurate. J040The relationship between records in two joined databases can be one-to-many, one-to-one or many-to-one. J050In a one-to-many relationship, a record in one database can be related to multiple records in the other database. J060In a many-to-one relationship many records can refer to the same record in the other database. The second database is often referred to as a lookup table. J070Let's create a form showing your sales force and the dealers they represent. You'll learn how to...