101 &About WinDelete 97... 103 Start the WinDelete 97 Quick Tour. 104 Open WinDelete 97 into the Application Manager Mode. 105 Open WinDelete 97 into the CleanUp Wizard Mode. 106 Update to the latest version of WinDelete 97. 107 Register WinDelete 97 over the Internet. 108 Application Manager 109 CleanUp Wizard 110 Update 111 Registration 112 Quick Tour 113 WinDelete 97 114 Web 115 Go to the WinDelete home page. 116 http://www.windelete.com 117 &Options... 118 Start WinDelete 97 and load %s. 119 Launching WinDelete 97. Please wait... 120 Launching WinDelete 97. Please wait... 121 Launching Update... 122 Launching Registration... 123 Starting the tutorial...